Friday, November 1, 2013

Fun Fridday: DIY Finger Paint

Now that November is here in NE Ohio, I have to get creative to keep the kids from going crazy indoors. If for no other reason that when they go crazy, I go crazy. That's just too much crazy! 
This finger paint has more of a jelly-like consistency, but still serves it's purpose. Plus it's easy to make & completely edible should little ones choose to try it out. I'm just not certain how good it actually tastes, but my youngest didn't say "Eww!" when she tried it. Of course she didn't try it again after that, LOL!
•1/2C cornstarch
•2C. cold water
•1/2tsp. salt
•3Tbsp. sugar
•food coloring
- In med. sized pot, cook together cornstarch & cold water over med-high heat, stirring constantly (5-10 min). When mixture thickens, remove from heat. 
- Add salt & sugar, stir till combined & allow to cool.
- Once cooled, divide into separate containers & add food coloring until you reach desired color. 
- Store covered.
* Go easy on the food coloring, a little goes a long way
 ** Because of the food coloring, do be careful with clothing & other surfaces since there may be some slight staining. 


  1. Been needing something like this, with the little guy learning to draw on the walls with a marker, I needed something else for him to be artistic with. Thank You for sharing the recipe

  2. I watch my 6 year old grandson everyday after school and I'm always looking for ways to entertain him when the weather isn't right for us to go outside. I hope I can get him interested in finger painting - and this is a very easy way to make it. I'm afraid his favorite part is going to be helping make it though! He has shown no interest in drawing, coloring, or anything that involves being still!

  3. I definitely like that I know what ingredients are going into the paint. I think I'll try it out with my nieces.
