Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Think It Thursday: Birthdays & Holidays, Oh My!

This is my mantra this time of year. 

November 23rd starts the chaos of celebrations, the hubs birthday. Of course Thanksgiving is next, unless it's the year that it falls on his birthday (he was a turkey baby) & then followed by a nephew's birthday. 

December starts off with my youngest celebrating her birthday on the 9th, then Christmas in the blink of an eye & my youngest nephew celebrating the same milestone birthday as my youngest on the 27th (apparently he liked my due date better & vice versa).

After New Year's Eve & all the confetti comes all the pork & sauerkraut. Then a few days later, my hubs great grandma turns 25 for the millionth time (I've completely lost track of how old she actually is). My brothers birthday is on the 18th, which was my due date for my oldest, but she preferred to come the 24th instead. 

Don't forget to add in a few friends birthdays along with a few friends kids birthdays here & there too.  

Talk about a busy time of year! (Now I know how Santa feels.) 


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