Thursday, January 1, 2015

Think It Thursday: Goals for 2015

Happy 2015! I know we all try to make resolutions & we all pretty much fail at them, myself included. But this year, I'm making goals. Now I know that you're probably thinking that there's no difference, and in a way, you're right. But after all of these years, I think that "resolutions" are just goals that you set that you never intend to fully carry out. Why that is, I'm not sure, but it makes sense. 

A way to help guarantee that I obtain my goals for 2015, is that I kept them realistic. Like, really realistic. And I jump started myself on the right track during the last week of 2014. I can't even begin to tell you how much that helped! 

•Finally lose all the baby weight that I've been carrying around the past 3 years, plus what I wanted to lose before. 

•Become a Beachbody coach & help others while I help myself. 

•Remodel/redecorate the house without spending a ton of money. 

•Take a family vacation. 

•Make the most of the time I have with my little brother before he ships off for Naval EOD training. 

•Switch to a clean eating diet for both myself & my family. 

•Finally be able to do a handful of inverted yoga poses. 

•Be happier, take the time for myself & remember to breathe. 

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