
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Simple Sunday: Getting Organized

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It's time to get organized! Every day, I make a huge list of things to do. On a big sheet of notebook paper, it doesn't seem like it should be that hard to accomplish. Who was I kidding?! I never get everything crossed off. Ever. So I decided it was time to print some blank calendars for the month, label them & assign tasks accordingly. And let me tell you, once I run out of room in the little box, that's it. There's no trying to cram more things to be done into them. Which means, hopefully, that I'll be able to stay on point much easier & actually get everything accomplished in a day.


  1. Any little thing can help - that's for sure. I use the calendar on my phone and have a bunch of reminders there. Beeping in your pocket makes you get stuff done! ha/ha

  2. I too make a list everyday as it helps me to remember things. I like the calender idea though.

  3. My "to-do" list never get's completely finished each day either! I keep my tasks listed on my phone's calendar :) Great idea about printing out blank calendars!

  4. Great idea!, I do the same write the list in a notebook, sometimes its effective, sometimes not:(

  5. I always feel like my to-do lists are so long, lol. Printing calenders is so smart. I definitely need to do that or just get a really good planner!

  6. I don't thrive well in chaos so I am naturally drawn towards organizing. Love the tips! :)

  7. I might have to steal this idea. I have tried using apps on my phone and computer to track things I need to accomplish, but I am much more a pen and paper girl.

  8. I make a list every morning, stare at it, and barely accomplish anything. Maybe printing a calendar and trying your method would work better. Thank you for the tip, I will give it a try. I need organization so so so so SO bad.

  9. Great idea. I love that sheet. Going to have to find one for me!

  10. Good idea.. i have that issue also.. i tend to start something then go on to something else.. eventually i get back to it..

  11. I love that exercise is one of those i your schedule as well. I do schedule of the things that need to do coz if I don't, nothing will be done.

  12. Great idea!! I really need to do something like this too. My kiddo has a pretty ritualistic schedule that when I try to put something in for myself, toddler wars breaks through. Lol. If I wrote it down maybe I will stick to my guns more about things I need to do.

  13. Excellent idea!! I use a calendar on my laptop but this would make it very easy for everyday things.

  14. Great idea! I prefer to keep our list of things to do fairly small. I'm not a big fan of rushing around from one thing to the next everyday.

  15. That's a great idea. I too make big lists and try to cross everything off everyday and it gets crazy.

  16. Nice tips. Staying organized can be tricky but well worth it.

  17. Nice thoughts - something I really need to do and quick! I'm so unorganized I get tired just trying to keep up.

  18. This was great! I am a organized unorganized mess, so this is great!

  19. I always feel much better when I start off the week or month organized! Thanks

  20. im getting so old anymore that I make notes to remind e of stuff but then I have to make notes to look at those other notes of reminder lol

  21. I just went back to paper planning myself. I had previously used my phone but I find it annoying to have to scroll through if I want to know what's coming up next week or next month. Having it set up on paper is so much easier to use.

  22. I am such a list maker. I recently quit work to do blogging and other ventures full time and haven't got my to do lists & plans in an orderly manner yet. I'm still old school and love a paper calender.

  23. This is SUCH a great idea. I can't use electronic calendars...this would really work well for me.

  24. Being organized is what its about! If I lose organization I get so behind!
