
Monday, July 14, 2014

Messy Monday: How to Clean a Ceiling Fan

If there is one chore I despise the most, it would have to be cleaning the ceiling fans. They can be such a pain to clean, especially when you put it off for as long as you possibly can. But I'm glad that I finally have an easy way to clean them! 
Note: This is actually before I cleaned them again tonight (it was way too hot to turn them off, but I wanted to share this with you.)
So how easy could cleaning a ceiling fan be?
•In a spray bottle, make a 50/50 mixture of distilled vinegar & water.
•Spray the mixture on both sides of the fan blades.
•Using an old pillowcase, place fan blade inside, press firmly on both sides starting at the center of the fan & wipe down to the end.
 •Repeat on remaining fan blades. 
That's pretty simple! All of the dust will fall into the pillowcase. Just shake it out in the trash & wash it with your towels or your husbands dirty work clothes. 


  1. I need to show this to my Mom, I think she's in denial about needing to dust those blades. Great tip to use a pillowcase.

  2. Great idea!! I already bought one of those special brushes - wish I would have known this before! ha/ha

  3. This is a great way to clean the blades. That would make less waste of the diaper wipes that I use.

  4. I have never seen this method before, definitely something to try, someday....I hate cleaning my fans lol

  5. Genius!! Thank you..ours need cleaning desperately but it always leaves such a mess & I hate cleaning it Thanks!! :)

  6. This is pretty genius lol. I know I hate doing the one over the bed in fear of having to do the sheets right after due to the debris!

  7. That is so smart!!! I hate cleaning ceiling fans and this will definitely make it so much easier!

  8. That is such a good idea! I absolutely HATE cleaning the fan that in in my bedroom... everytime I do, I get dut and dirt in my face and eyes... using this method would make that so much easier!

  9. I will pay you to clean mine .. that's how much I hate cleaning it lol. Sometimes I think when I lived in the city that I purposely moved every year when the lease was up so I didn't have to reclean things like that, that I hated. I am going to do your pillow case way tho! You need to patent that idea lol, next you'll see a microfiber looking cloth, shaped like a pillow case for just Ceiling Fan cleaning!

    1. Maybe I should make one & go on Shark Tank! ;-)

  10. Thank you for the great tip! I'm planning to buy a ceiling fan myself. I'm pinning this for the future!

  11. That's a pretty genius idea. Gonna have to tell my hubby though because I can't reach them on my own, hehe.

  12. Great idea! I'm not a fan of cleaning the ceiling fans either, because we have to turn them off :)

  13. I like using those long fan cleaners so I don't have to get up on a ladder. This is a good time come to think of it I need to clean my ceiling fans.

  14. Good time and perfect timing. Thanks.

  15. Great post! Ceiling fan blades are usually forgotten & when remembered a mess to clean

  16. I hate cleaning my ceiling fan blades ugh. Thanks for the tips!

  17. Thanks for this. I hate cleaning ceiling fans. They're such a pain.

  18. Great tips!! I will be putting them to use ths weekend! Thanks!

  19. Thank you so much for these tips. The idea of using an old pillow case is brilliant!

  20. I am so sharing this with my husband. It doesn’t matter how often we do it, our fan blades never seem to actually get cleaned. Thank you for the awesome tip!!

  21. Now if I didn't have to get my ladder out, I would try this now.
