
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Work It Wednesday: Summer Hairstyles for Long Locks

Even after I let my sister-in-law chop about 5 inches off my tresses on Memorial Day, I still have really long hair. But having three kids usually means that it ends up in a twisted bun, or a sock bun if I'm feeling fancy, just to keep it off my neck during the hot & humid summer days. But I really want to start actually doing my hair. Aside from brushing it of course. 

So where does one go for hair-spiration (get it?)...Pinterest of course! You can check out my entire board here

But for now you can check out some of my favorites that I plan to try soon

See this pin!

See this pin!

See this pin!

See this pin!


  1. I love these... Especially the first one with a braid into the ponytail. I wish I had time to actually do my hair!

  2. Very cool styles. When it gets humid here, I have to put my hair back but my hair is not long enough for these styles.

  3. Nice styles, I would like to try some of these at my daughter's hair. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I do the messy bun sometimes with my hair. I showed these styles to my daughter and she likes the first one the most.

  4. I have done the second one before and it turned out really cute. Right now my hair is too short from the donation, but it will be long enough again and I can do more of these.

  5. How cute - I sure wish I could make my arms do that stuff behind my head! :p Need another pair of hands. Beautiful ideas for longer hair!

  6. These look beautiful. I'm lucky if I remember to comb my hair most days (and hopefully before I leave the house). I keep my hair shorter so it 'looks' like its suppose to be the way it looks.

    I would do some of these for my daugthers hair though, they would help with her long locks.

  7. Love the messy bun one. Wish I had a longer hair.

  8. I love these styles! The messy bun is the only one I can do - lol.

  9. love the second one down, the finished result is real pretty!I am always looking for cute styles for my little grl who's hair is getting far too long for summers in this sticky heat now and I really would prefer a bun to a haircut! :)

  10. I love these! My hair isn't very long but I think that I could still do a few of these!

  11. I love this! I got sick of the long frizzy hair from humidity so I permed it so I can just style and go and leave it wet to dry lol. Wish I had the patience to do some of these!

  12. During the school year my wife does all this for my daughter cause she is always in the gym training..

  13. I have long hair and I really want to chop it off but my daughter and husband don't want me to. I am EXTREMELY low maintenance so it is going to be the messy bun for me. wh00t wh00t

  14. i love those styles, I sport a messy bun just about every day because it is quick and easy

  15. This was a perfectly timed post! My hair is the longest it has ever been in my life right now - my mom was a big fan of pixie cuts - ugh! I've just been debating cutting it. Thanks for some great ideas.

  16. I love love love The hairstyle with the red hair. That looks so cute!!

  17. Beautiful styles and they look like they didn't take much time! I need new styles, the messy bun is getting a little old on me. Thanks!

  18. The three braids is the secret, ha! I love it! All of these look great.

  19. Great ideas, I'm growing my hair out (it's taking a lot longer than I hoped it would) so I'll have to keep these in mind for later :)

  20. Omg the 3 braids one I have to try! I have LONG thick hair and can never do anything with it!
