
Monday, September 1, 2014

The Girl in White Pajamas & a Giveaway!

When Officer Bud the PR face of the Boston Police Department is gunned down, his brother, Bogie McGruder, returns from Palm Beach for the funeral. Since the BPD is investigating the death of one of their own, Bogie believes his trip to Boston will be a short condolence visit and a chance to meet his secret love child.

But interacting with a family fueled by alcohol and mired in scandals, Bogie is reminded why he does investigations for his Boston based company from a computer in Florida. Although Bogie wants to contact his ex-lover, Bailey Hampfield, he’s reluctant to do so since Bailey dumped him four years earlier. Knowing that Bailey had his child after she cut him loose, Bogie ponders how he can establish a relationship with the three year old daughter he’s never met. While he thinks about it, Bailey gets in touch with him and asks for protection. Someone is trying to kill her.

By the time Bogie meets Isabella, it’s apparent that he still loves the mother and adores the child. Bogie tells himself that he’s not interested in the BPD investigation into Bud’s death, but he continues to be drawn into it while trying to discover who is attempting to kill Bailey. The investigations seem to parallel each other, then intersect and become intertwined. As the story develops, Isabella, a precocious child obsessed with martial arts, slowly becomes the focus.

The underlying theme of this mystery is lies. Everyone seems to be running on lies and half truths. The only pure and true character is The Girl in White Pajamas.

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About the Author
Chris Birdy was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After graduating from high school, she did a four year stint in the Middle East. When she returned to the States, Chris settled down in the Boston area and became a true Bostonian by collecting college degrees while raising a family.

For more than twenty years, Chris has been a member of the legal community performing investigative work for Boston law firms conducting business in rough housing projects and crack house neighborhoods.  Several years ago, while sitting in a courtroom with a client, Chris watched as a police officer was lambasted by an attorney. The attorney was defending a young woman who crashed her car into two other vehicles before she passed out drunk behind the wheel. The occupants of the other cars were seriously hurt and the cop, a former EMT, tried to assist the injured while waiting for ambulances to arrive. The attorney questioned the cop's every move, shredded his testimony and made him seem inept. Embarrassed, the cop returned to his seat beside me and muttered, "Everybody lies. The judges lie, the lawyers lie, the witnesses lie.."  Chris wanted to tell him not to worry that in about five years he'd be just as good a liar as they were. The seeds for The Girl in White Pajamas were planted in that courtroom.

Chris lives outside of Boston and in Palm Beach, Florida with her husband.

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My Review

This story begins with a plethora of characters in several different settings, yet eventually, you come to know how they're intertwined by both blood & lies. I started reading this carefully, to make sure I had all of the players straight, but before I knew it, there were so many crazy people that I just couldn't keep track of them all.

I have to say that I called at least part of the ending about halfway through the book. But I had no idea what kind of ride it was going to be in order to get there! This story is filled with Boston grit, lost loves, humorous wit, deceit, eccentric families & murder. 

I don't want to give any details away (that would spoil it), but I read this book in a couple days (unheard of in my house) & can't wait to start the next one in the series!

I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.


1 Lucky Winners will win $25 Amazon GC or Paypal Cash 
(winners choice)
Ending on Sunday 7th September at 11.59pm EST
Open Worldwide 

Enter Below and Good Luck !!


  1. Sounds like a great read, can't wait to read this one myself x

  2. I really enjoyed it too. I am just starting the next one.

  3. This sounds like an interesting read. I LOVE the cover art.

  4. A book that takes place in Boston, my home town -I am all over it. I have to read this!

  5. Sounds like a good read! I've never heard of this book or the author, will have to check it out!

  6. The biggest lie I ever told, hard to say. I forgot to put out tooth fairy money so I had to lie to my child about that.

  7. Looks interesting. I'll have to check it out more!

  8. Sounds like an interesting read for sure, for me, I think it would keep my attention, which generally doesn't happen.

  9. I have never heard of this book but it's going on my list. One of these days I'll have time to read!

  10. First cute page! I will have to check out the book.

  11. Wow! Sounds like a great read to keep you on your toes!

  12. Sounds like a terrific book!! Thanks for sharing!

  13. What a great review. I am always looking for new books to read. I will be sure to pick this one up.

  14. Sounds like a wonderful read - Thanks for the giveaway

  15. Sounds like a great book, and different from the usual mystery

  16. I love mysteries and this one sounds like a great read. I'll have to check this book out. I've been trying to think of the biggest lie I've ever told and I draw a blank. BTW that is the biggest lie I've ever told, lol. My other biggest lie is too embarrassing to reveal :).

  17. sounds like a good read will add to my reading list.

  18. Ooo, this mystery sounds soooo intriguing. I can't wait to find out what the deal is and read it!

  19. Interesting! I sure do love a good mystery!

  20. This sounds like a great story. I'm a big mystery fan, and I love the title!

  21. Wow, what a great giveaway! Mysteries are certainly fun to read. I will cehck it out.

  22. What a great giveaway! I am totally entering! Thank you!

  23. I love the trailer, synopsis and cover of this. I must get my hands on it!

  24. That sounds like a really fun book. I'm more into mythology though. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Wow! By the looks of the entries in the giveaway, this is a very popular book.

  26. Thank you for sharing the book review. A great giveaway!

  27. The mystery will have my turning pages. I have a feeling I am going to wnjoy this read

  28. Sounds like a good read. I love a good mystery.

  29. This sounds like a really great book. I will have to scope it out.

  30. Sounds like a great mystery once it all comes together.

  31. This sounds like a book I would really enjoy. I love mystery novels.

  32. I love the variety of characters and setting in this book. It must make for a great read.

  33. Normally I wouldn't read a book like this, but I just finished Flowers in the Attic, another book I thought I wouldn't like, and it was great. I'll give this one a shot, too. I need to start branching out a little.

  34. I love a good mystery book and I hope I win.

  35. Sounds like a great story! I'm always looking for new books to read although I haven't read as much lately as I'd like to. I'll have to get back on to reading more!

  36. This would be a great book to read with kids. Reminds me, I have books to review lol.

  37. I am always looking for something new to read. This looks like a book I will enjoy so I will check it out.

  38. Sounds intriguing. I'll have to add it to my list.

  39. Sounds interesting. Thanks for the honest review. Man, I'm hearing about all these interesting books--I need to do some pleasure reading soon!

  40. Hmm, biggest lie? May-be something when I was a kid. Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. I have a really hard time getting into books with too many characters. However, this one does sound like it may be worth the read!

  42. Sounds like a great read. Going to see if I can get a copy and check it out.

  43. Sounds like an interesting book! I am in need of something new to read. Thank you for sharing!

  44. I love reading and this book sounds interesting! Thank you for sharing!

  45. What a great giveaway! This book sounds like its worth the read! Thanks!

  46. Glad you enjoyed the book. i find these criminal dramas to be way too similar, just like they are on TV. I hope this one is not the case!

  47. Yikes, I Hope he was wrong about the five year comment. I imagine it's hard not to become jaded when you're surrounded by lies constantly. This sounds like a great read!

  48. I love a good mystery book! I'll have to check this one out!

  49. What a wonderful sounding books - definitely something I would love to read myself. x

  50. Love books like this to keep you on the edge of your seat. I will have to add this one to my list. Thanks for sharing.

  51. This sounds like a good one, I will have to check it out.

  52. Sounds interesting, so I entered to win :)

  53. Love that this book takes place in Boston. I am only about an hour away from the city- so this, of course, is a must-read on my book list.

  54. I love giveaways!! After reading the review I really want to know how the book will end!

  55. I think I've heard about this book... it sounds familiar. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  56. I can't read books with too many characters, I tend to get lost! A very nice giveaway, however!

  57. Mystery novels are the best! This is an awesome giveaway!

  58. such a very interesting story! my kind of thing! awsome giveaway! goodluck everyone

  59. I've heard about this book before. It looks interesting. When I knock down the long list of books on my kindle, I'll be looking into this one!

  60. Sounds interesting! I love a good mystery. Lies and deception are always fun to work through to get to the reality in the end.

  61. Wow, what a story behind the story. I feel so bad sometimes for police officers. Yeah, I know there are some "bad" cops out there but many of them are not and put their lives on the line every day trying to help people, only to be treated that way by "the system." I know everyone deserves a fair trial but I can't stand when that is used in ways it should not be. Anyway ... sounds like a great story.

  62. Looks interesting, thanks for the recommendation!

  63. I love reading mystery books. This looks like it will be interesting. Adding it to my read list. Thanks for sharing.

  64. I get pretty lost when there are too many characters for me but I still let the story flow. Glad you liked it.

  65. Love book reviews and this looks really good.

  66. I missed doing some book reviews..

    pretty interesting book here..

  67. Fascinating storyline and great title for a book. The cover caught my attention too.
