
Sunday, August 31, 2014


**Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC. or the manufacturer of the product.

When I was a teenager I worked in a small Chinese restaurant that also had a small Thai menu. There, I developed a taste for dishes such as Siracha, Siam & Curry. I quickly found that I put the tastes that I was accustomed to up on a pedestal & was very judgmental when it came to the same dishes from other places. The only time anything ever got my seal of approval, was when I ordered at a restaurant that was owned by my boss' family. Unfortunately, over the years, most of them have closed their doors. Except for one, but I rarely get to go there & indulge my taste buds. 

I'll admit that I was extremely hesitant to try this particular group of sauces from WORLDFOODS, but also excited. It's been so long since I've had a good curry. And if I could make it at home all the time, I would be the happiest gal on the block! 

Thai Yellow Curry Cooking Sauce

This creamy yellow curry made with coconut milk, lemon grass, ginger, green chili, coriander, cumin, fennel & turmeric, was right on the spot! I made my dish with chicken, onion, green pepper, carrots & green beans. I tried to remember what was in the curry dish I loved so much when I made this. I know I was a bit off on the ingredients, but it was still amazing since the sauce was such a #TBT (so to speak).

Thai Green Curry Paste

I was wondering how on earth this small jar was ever going to be enough to make a meal, but I tried to anyways. I was shocked at how the amount of sauce was just right. Not to mention tasty with its blend of green chili, lemongrass, Thai coriander, tamarind & cumin. For this dish, I used steak (the kind that says "perfect for tacos" simply because I felt like it), green pepper, carrot, water chestnuts & bamboo shoots. There was still the curry flavor I loved, with just a bit more heat . All in all though, it was the perfect blend yet again. 

Thai Coconut Galangal Stir-Fry Sauce

I really had no idea what to expect with this sauce. I had never heard of "galangal" before, but come to find out it's a cousin of ginger, only with earthy & citrus notes to it. This creamy sauce also boasts coconut milk, lemongrass, tamarind & chili to it's list of ingredients, giving it a mild bite. For this dish I used chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, onion, snap peas & egg. Honestly, it reminded me of a spicy peanut sauce (one of my faves), which is most likely from the earthy galangal.

Indonesian Fried Rice 'Nasi Goreng' Paste

I was completely clueless as to what dish to make with this paste. So I decided to look up some of the recipes that WORLDFOODS has on their site. I finally decided on the Stuffed Peppers with Indonesian Fried Rice. Which was probably the biggest chance I was taking since I never step out of my stuffed pepper comfort zone. The result was so amazing, that dinner was devoured before I remembered to even take a picture. This paste resembled the tomato paste & sauce that I put in my stuffed pepper recipe, just with a distinctive Asian flair to it. And chilies of course. 

Keep up with the latest from WORLDFOODS on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.

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  1. Those looks good! I like experimenting with different sauces.

  2. I would like to try them all to be honest. I love trying out different sauces like these.

  3. My husband loves curry. I need to make something with this.

  4. oh my goodness...coconut stir fry sounds so amazing! Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  5. YUM!! I've seen ads for this, but our store still hasn't stocked it...joys of living in the mountains! :/ Hopefully we'll get some soon, it looks great!

  6. That sounds delicious! I have cooked with curry powder but not the paste. I have been looking for some new dishes to try out. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  7. The dish you made looks so yummy! Now I am hungry!

  8. Oh I love Thai food, especially after learning to cook it while in Thailand on my honeymoon! These sauces sound amazing and the ingredients are just like what I learned. I'll have to check them out!

  9. That green curry looks awesome. I would totally use that !

  10. Those sauces look so yummy! I have to check them out. Thank you so much for the great review :D

  11. I want to try the coconut stir fry sauce and the Indonesia fried rice paste. Looks so good! (Drooling)

  12. This looks yummy. I have never tried curry before and I am interested in trying out this recipe.

  13. I would be hesitant too. I know Thai and curry can be really spicy. But I like experimenting with different recipes, so I 'd give it a try.

  14. Now I'm totally craving that sauce and am dying to add it to something, anything. I love the ingredients in it.

  15. Yum, all those look delicious! These would be great for me since I'm a terrible cook! Ha!

  16. I'm not the biggest fan of curry but my hubby loves it so I'm sure he would give this a try. That steak dish does look tasty.

  17. Wow yummy those sauces sound so good. I want to give them all a try.

  18. That Thai Coconut Stir Fry sauce sounds amazing. I love flavors like this. They really put a kick into a meal.

  19. I love my sauces and so does my daughter. We will have to try these out! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Oh my gosh I haven't seen the fried rice sauce before I am going to look for it when I go to Whole Foods tomorrow. These all sound amazing but the fried rice is one I have to try!

  21. Yum! I love those flavors...will have to try them, I've yet to find a jarred curry sauce that we love!

  22. I have never tried curry. This looks like it would taste good. Amber N

  23. I have to say that I love having sauces to compliment a meal. I know that I love having this as an option. Great way for my kids to figure out how to cook.

  24. Oh yum these sound delicious - I would love to try the coconut one I think! x

  25. Yummy! That stuff looks so good. I love stir fry!

  26. We love the WorldFoods sauces. I have a jar of the green curry - I really need to try it soon!

  27. Those sauces look super yummy and would definitely encourage me to step out of my food comfort zone.

  28. Those are some great sounding sauces. I have never tried curry before.

    Michelle F.

  29. Oh my goodness! Coconut, lemongrass, and ginger are some of my most favorite ingredients. I just love stir fry... I do make it often... vegan :)

  30. They sound like very good sauces! Too bad they don't have them around here...

  31. I love stir fry also. Gonna have to have some soon.

  32. I love to shake up dinner by adding in new sauces. These sound amazing. I bet my husband would love some of that stir fry!

  33. The Chinese restaurant must be an Asian place that serve fusion cuisines. How about the price range of the dishes? The nasi goreng pasta looks good!

    1. The dishes aren't from a restaurant, I made them in my kitchen with the WORLDFOODS sauces. :)

  34. I love curry. This sauces would really be handy for me.

  35. I would love to try this green curry paste, it looks ideal for a quick dinner

  36. Ooh...the fried rice sauce would be yummy!

  37. we love thai foods anythig with curry. knowing the indgredients with coriander and lemon grass sounds very thai. yummy food

  38. They all look delicious! I am not fond of curry but hubby loves it so that would be great to try!

  39. I have never eaten alot of foods like this and I also tend to be very judgemental when it comes to foods. The few times I have tasted it though I liked it ALOT! I would love to try these sauces out in small amounts first to see how they taste! They sounds pretty good so far though. Thanks for the review I will definitely check them out at the grocery store!

  40. My spouse would so love this sauce. She likes anything curry and spicy. I'm going to see if I can get this in the store here in NY to cook for her this upcoming weekend. Thanks for sharing.

  41. I have never heard of Worldfoods sauces before. I would definitely try them for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  42. These sauces look pretty good. Will have to add them to my shopping list for sure. Thank you for sharing :)

  43. Everything that you made looks delicious! My husband would love these sauces! I definitely have to look into them!

  44. Those look so good! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who forgets to take pictures LOL

  45. the sauces look like a great addition to dinner time.

  46. I have never heard of World Foods before but it looks interesting. The sauces sound and look wonderful and would be nice addition to a lot of different dishes that I make.

  47. I don't usually cook with those flavors but I'm not sure why. I'll have to try them out and see how my family likes them.

  48. Wow, this is a great selection of sauces from around the globe! I'd love to try anything that's spicy!

  49. These sauces sound really exotic. They must really add a special kick to all of the recipes that are made with them.

  50. This is the first time I'm hearing about this brand so I'm gonna make sure to check it out in the supermarket the next time I'm out. I love anything spicy :D

  51. I've never tried curry before! This sounds like a great way to try the sauces without spending a fortune on them.

  52. Yum! Those sound so delicious. They would make dinner a breeze.

  53. I don't know my spices as well as I would like too, but that food looks amazing!!

  54. I am going to check our the shelves at our grocery store! It sounds like an easy way to boost the flavor of so many dishes!

  55. I don't cook anymore but I used to make my own sauces. This is a really great option. They look really delicious

  56. These sauces all look so great I love yellow curry and the spicy green curry. I may want to try them all!

  57. I would definitely try those sauces! I love trying things like that where it would cost a lot of money to get the ingredients to put the sauce together myself, and the ready made sauces save me the trouble :)

  58. i love the packaging and the diversity in their products! interesting products!

  59. These look incredibly good! I love the unique flavors!

  60. I love curry and having this prepared sauces makes cooking so easy. I never heard of the brand but it looks promising.
