
Monday, September 1, 2014

Messy Monday: Simple DIY Degreaser

Grease. It seems to get everywhere in my kitchen. Of course I'm sure that this wonderful humid summer we're having & my ceiling fan in the kitchen being on almost nonstop, had a bit to do with that problem too. But I'm not really a fan of spraying a chemical degreaser while the fan is on. Let alone when the fan is on & it still feels like a million degrees. 

This Simple DIY Degreaser is super easy to make & use. Of course if you have a really tough job, you may need to add a bit of elbow grease to the mix, which is no different if you used a store bought degreaser.

•1 part water
•1 part distilled white vinegar
•1-2 Tbsp. grease fighting dish soap (like Dawn)

Add all of the ingredients in a spray bottle & give it a gentle shake to blend. 

To use, simply spray degreaser onto surface or (directly onto a rag) & wipe off.


  1. Oh nice! I need to try this! It sounds so easy to make, too!

  2. I am going to try this. I am looking for an easy degreaser that won't cost me a ton!

  3. I did this last week in my kitchen, very effective even on the tough stains on the counter!

  4. I use this same type of concoction all of the time. LOVE IT!

  5. I could use these for the grill.. The summer it takes a beating!

  6. This is great. I love homemade cleaners!

  7. Thank you so much for the tip. I've never made my own cleaner but I'm going to now. Sounds perfect.

  8. Vinegar is kind of one of the awesomest things found in nature. It has a million uses. This cleaner totally rocks.

  9. I need to try this for my stove as it gets greasy. Thanks for the recipe!

  10. I posted it as my daily Kitchen Tip on Seasonal and Holiday Recipe Exchange

  11. I love this combination! It works really good to remove the grease. Vinegar can be used in so many things like this, it is an amazing component!

  12. I am definitely trying this. There are so many things I need to use it for!

  13. I've never made my own grease cleaner before!

  14. I never would have thought to combine this stuff! Thank you for the tips!

  15. I love this! I always look for non-toxic, non-chemical formulas for stuff like this. I'll have to make up a batch.

  16. That is such a great idea. Thanks!

  17. Oh perfect! I was just struggling with a grease mark on the stove that soap and water weren't enough for.

  18. I am wondering if this would work for oven cleaner. I don't have anything greasy but I know the oven is a mess.

  19. I'll have to try this! Thanks for sharing the tip.

  20. This looks easy enough. Have you used it yet, does it work well?

  21. Great tips!! I love making my own cleaning solutions as well. It is easy and affordable!

  22. I love all these DIY tips for making your own soaps and cleaners, its great to have such handy resources available!

  23. This sounds amazing. I am going to try it. Thank you!

  24. Wow! So simple & I have all the ingredients already.

  25. you tip is something I should try. thanks for posting.

  26. Thanks for sharing. Will have to try it out on my stove fan.

  27. I am going to try this. I love that it is not full of chemicals.

  28. Who would of thought vinegar and dish soap would be a degreaser. Going to try this tonight! Thanks for the share!

  29. I had no idea we could make our own degreaser at home! This is going to save use a lot of money!

  30. This almost sounds too easy! I'll have to give it a try.

  31. I will have to try this for sure. What a great tip. Amber N

  32. I love to use vinegar to clean just about anything. Also for getting baked on grease off just about anything try baking soda and water in a paste. It is AWESOME!

  33. This is a simple mix that's easy to combine and get the job done. I'll try this out when I clean my room.

  34. Quick and easy. I love using vinegar to make household cleaning products.

  35. Sounds like a great mix! The dishsoaps here are great degreasers on their own. They really leave everything, including my hands, degreased.

  36. Really amazing. Its very easy and useful tip. Thanks for sharing.

  37. Nothing wrong with a little elbow grease added to the recipe. ;) Thanks for sharing this one!

  38. Handy recipe! Who knew that having a house full of tiny sticky fingers would put grease and streaks on so many surfaces. I am always looking to save on cleaners.

  39. Thanks for this "recipe". I love finding DIY cleaners like this and I am also a clean freak. So this should work for me. ;)

  40. Thanks for sharing this. I'm always trying to find less chemical ways to clean. Will try this soon.

  41. My grandmother used vinegar for everything but I never thought about combining it with a detergent. Great tip!

  42. Thank you for this! I still can't figure out why the greasiest thing in our kitchen is our Keurig LOL...well, maybe because it's right by the stove. Oh my word, I just thought of that. Anyways. How's THAT for a random comment?! LOL

  43. I'm all for simplicity. Thanks for sharing this!

  44. Wow great to know! I'm going to give this a try later on today, I am trying everything I can to start doing more DIY type of cleaning products so this is great!

  45. So funny that this is your post. Yesterday was my day of making this mixture to clean the surface of our glass cook top and a pee soaked mattress. Now I need to stock up on spray bottles.

  46. I use this combination! It works great for cleaning the hood over my stove, which always gets really yucky.

  47. Thanks for sharing, I'm definitely going to try this soon!

  48. Um, thanks for saving me money on Degreaser at the store, totally making this for my pans!! Thanks for sharing!!! Pinning it!

  49. I definitely have some spots where this would come in handy. Thanks for the tip!

  50. Where has this been all my life? Thanks so much for sharing, will be a huge help in our home!

  51. Walmart brand is indeed a great value. I haven't shopped there in a while

  52. This looks easy to make and very useful! Your kids are so cute too x

  53. This is certainly worth a try the next time I go to clean my stove top. I always get so frustrated when I cannot get it "clean enough"

  54. This is great to know. Love DIY cleaning mixtures! Sometimes they work better than the other products.

  55. Ooh grease is a tough one! Especially on to plastic. What do you think? Will this be helpful.

  56. I've never added dish soap to my cleaners, but I guess it makes sense. Thanks for sharing this!

  57. I just bought some distilled white vinegar. Thank you for sharing this, and I bet this really is a great money saver!

  58. Oh I am so going to give this a shot. My stove is a mess right now and I think this may just do the trick.

  59. Now this is awesome trick to do in cleaning up

  60. Vinegar has many uses! But I'm not sure if we have distilled white vinegar here in our country. Thanks for sharing this DIY degreaser, a big help to all the mommies!

  61. I seem to always run out of cleaning products, so this diy recipe will come in handy! Thanks so much for sharing!

  62. wow this is great! I have a greasy oven that really needs cleaning

  63. I use vinegar for nearly everything. if you're getting into natural cleaning, you may want to check out Zero Xeno. I just came across their cleaning product line recently and loved it!!
