
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tasty Tuesday: Breakfast Roll-Ups

So the other morning I wanted something different for breakfast. Unfortunately, I really didn't feel like making anything too extravagant & only had some sausage links to work with. That's when it hit me.

These Breakfast Roll-Ups are insanely simple to make, not to mention a huge hit with the family. I mean sure, they still have that "regular ol' breakfast" taste, it's just a whole new way to eat it. 

All you need is your favorite pancake batter recipe, (just add a bit of water to thin it out a bit & keep the pancakes "silver dollar" size), sausage links, scrambled eggs, shredded cheddar cheese & a dish of maple syrup. 

But just as a fair warning, especially if you serve these to children, they can get extremely messy. So just be ready with a wet washrag to clean them up before they touch...anything. 


  1. What an awesome way to start off the day. I am going to have to try these.

  2. Oh yum this looks like a mcgriddle but way way better! :)

  3. My youngest daughter would love these breakfast roll ups for sure.

  4. A great idea for kids! Personally, I might be a little bit 'weird' in that I don't like my food to touch each other- so this would be a nightmare for me!

  5. Wow - I'm sure that was fun for the kids! I don't eat meat but I love making breakfast quesadillas with egg, cheese, and veggies.

  6. Wow! What a terrific idea! My husband starts work at 4 a.m. and we are always looking for great stuff for him to eat that is more like breakfast since he goes to lunch at like 8 in the morning he isn't ready for lunchtime foods. I could make these up the night before and he could microwave them for breakfast! Thanks so much for sharing them!

  7. This looks really good. I think my son would love this.

  8. These look good, like a breakfast burrito. I need to try it with pancakes.

  9. These look great. I usually do breakfast tacos... old habit from living in southern Texas, and that's a big thing down there. The pancake substitution looks great and you could probably eat one and be adequately filled.

  10. This looks like a clever idea. I bet I could make these as wraps and freeze them for a couple days too.

  11. Yum - that looks good. Pinned that one to try later!

  12. What a fun idea! We LOVE pancakes!

  13. These would be perfect for a quick fix breakfast for school.

  14. My mouth is watering as I look at it. Kids would love it!

  15. mmm maybe we should have this for dinner.. the kids and i would like these..

  16. These look VERY tasty...I am now in the mood for sausage...I haven't had it in like 2 I am in withdrawal.

  17. I'm such a breakfast person, and these look delicious! I may make them for lunch!

  18. What a great way to start out the day. I am always looking for a quick and easy breakfast recipe.

  19. That looks like a really hearty breakfast! I'm sold! with putting it all in a pancake!

  20. Wow these look like a delicious breakfast to have!

  21. Those look super yummy! I'll have to give them a try sometime!

  22. My grandpa used to make these when I was a kid. He sure loved his pancakes. Thanks for the memories. I would love for you to link this at our link party #stoptheyuck

  23. Those breakfast roll ups would be perfect to make when we need to eat and run... or should I say, eat on the run.

  24. I bet kids would love this. Pancakes were always popular in our house.

  25. This is such a great idea! My son would love it, he has to have an interesting breakfast every morning.

  26. Mmmm this looks really good. Will have to make this for the kiddos.

  27. This is a great idea! What a fun way to eat breakfast :)

  28. You are a total genius. Totally showing the kids this next time we have a big breakfast.

  29. Those look delicious and appetizing for the kids! How many minutes do you spend in the kitchen making the roll ups?

  30. What a fun and easy way to create breakfast for kids! My kids will like this roll ups too.

  31. I think breakfast taco is a more accurate description. That said, it looks delicious!

  32. Good grief, it's 11:00 p.m. and suddenly I'm hungry LOL Those look amazing!!!

  33. Everything in a great breakfast but all together. I love it. Each bite would be super tasty!

  34. Yummy! I usually have coffee or green tea for breakfast lol I'm missing out!

  35. Those look wonderful. I cannot wait to try them with my 9 and 6 year old!

  36. Now that's my kind of breakfast! I wish I were more motivated to cook in the morning though. Maybe breakfast for dinner is in my future? ;-)

  37. Oh my! Those look so tasty. I bet even my picky eater would hop up to the breakfast table if these were served!

  38. My boyfriend would love this! I am freakish about certain food touching, though, lol!!

  39. I might call that a pancake taco. It looks delicious and fun. Will have to try it.

  40. What a fun and filling breakfast! We are always looking for new breakfast ideas past a bowl of cereal. It looks great for when we have guests too.

  41. What a great idea for kids! Thanks for sharing.

  42. My husband would LOVE these! I'll have to make them for Dinner when we do Breakfast for Dinner!

  43. These looks and sound so good. I love the idea and the syrup makes the roll for share. Thanks for sharing.

  44. That looks very delicious and fulfilling - perfect way to start the morning!

  45. I love breakfasts that are filling. Love it when the kids have enough until lunch!

  46. Oh yum! I love breakfast food anytime of day! The kids would love this for a brinner (breakfast for dinner) sometime.

  47. I love recipes that are simple and include breakfast food. :) This would be great for fast Sundays (when we're running a little behind for church) or Sunday brunch (after church when hubby's just getting up, lol)l

  48. Now your talkin'! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I just showed this to my husband and all he could say was, "ahhhhh"! hehehe Love the idea!

  49. My boys would have loved these when growing up! I bet your kids get so excited when they see you making them!

  50. Those look really yummy! I usually just have fruits and a green juice for breakfast

  51. My family would love eating these! I'm all about the simple breakfast!

  52. My 7 year old daughter loves pancakes susage links eggs and of course you have to have syrup you forgot the bacon though!

  53. Usually we have pancakes with eggs on the side. Your way of combining it is awesome. Pancake sandwich will also be faster to eat.

  54. Such a great way to get pancakes on the go and I love pancakes!
