
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Work It Wednesday: NeoCell Beauty Bursts & a Giveaway!

**Disclaimer: I have received products to try from NeoCell & am simply sharing my personal opinion which may vary from yours. I was not compensated for this review.

As women, we all want beautiful radiant skin, along with strong hair & nails. For some, it all seems to come almost effortlessly, while others are willing to try a plethora of beauty products to get these desired results. Well guess what, ladies, you only need one product to help get the results you crave. 

NeoCell has been developing and manufacturing all natural, premium anti-aging formulas for over 20 years and is the leading Collagen brand in the world. Our products are naturally based, not synthetic, and are designed to promote youthful health, beauty and total body wellness. We manufacture our own products using carefully sourced food-grade raw materials and our facility exceeds all GMP standards.We strive to continuously bring the best to our customers– products that we and our own families are proud to use, made with Nutrients You Can Trust®.

Beauty Bursts from NeoCell, are made with three key ingredients. Collagen (1&3), is the body's beauty protein which gives you smooth skin and strong hair & nails. Vitamin C, which is a natural collagen enhancer. And hyaluronic acid, for optimum skin hydration & renewal.

I have to say that I was extra excited to try these. I can be bad about remembering to take a vitamin daily, but you better believe that I'm good about taking things that taste like candy! Especially when they look like individually wrapped candies when you open the bag. 

Contains other ingredients such as: rice syrup, dried cane syrup, cocoa, sunflower oil & glycerin.

But as excited as I was to try the fresh mint chocolate flavor, I have to admit that I didn't quite care for them. But I totally blame that on my love for dark chocolate. Especially since I let a friend of mine try these & she wanted to eat the whole bag! (Remember, these are not candy no matter what they look & taste like!)

Contains other ingredients such as: rice syrup, dried cane syrup, sunflower oil, citric acid, fruit & vegetable juice & glycerin.

The super fruit punch Beauty Bursts were a completely different story! I didn't think that I would care for these very much, but they were so good. They reminded me of Starburst candies, only much better for you. 

So now I know you wondering how well they actually work. 

After about 1-2 weeks of 2 chews a day (suggested amount is 2-4 chews daily), I noticed the difference first in my hair. I have super long hair, that is forever breaking, especially when I brush it. After one particular brushing, I looked at my brush to see what the damage was like usual, but I was shocked that there wasn't as much hair collected as there usually is. I chalked it up to a fluke, although we all know that that actually makes no sense. But again the next day, it was the same thing with less hair left behind in my brush. After a few days, I decided that these were freaking awesome!!! 

Of course after a while I noticed that my skin was much clearer & old acne scars seems to be evening out a bit. But the one thing that I didn't notice, was the difference in my nails. But let me say that they didn't stand a chance in the first place since we've been working on projects around our house & on my in-laws major fixer upper. (Sand paper is never your BFF!)

Beauty Bursts are gluten free & do not contain soy, wheat, lactose, palm oil, starch, yeast or artificial flavors. 

One lucky winner will get to discover "beauty from within" for themselves!

The giveaway will conclude on at 12:00 a.m. est on Thursday 9/11/14. Winners will be announced via rafflecopter & in a separate blog post which will be published no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday 9/11/14. Winners will also be notified via email & announced on the Smith and Blessings facebook page. Winners will have 48 hours to submit shipping information, which will then be passed on to NeoCell for distribution of product. If 48 hours has lapsed, a new winner will be picked & then will also have 48 hours to submit their information. Smith and Blessings is not responsible for prize shipment.
 *Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.

Keep up with the latest from NeoCell on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & LinkedIn



  1. I'd enjoy trying the fruit punch!

  2. I'm excited to try the fruit punch!

  3. I'd love to try the Fruit Punch!

  4. I'd probably like the chocolate mint. I never met anything chocolatey that I didn't like. I even dig carob!

  5. I would like to try the fresh chocolate mint!

  6. I think that they both look pretty tasty, but I would definitely choose the Fruit Punch if I had to choose just one. I would love to see the results of eating these!

  7. I would really love to try the fruit punch!

  8. I think I'd like the Chocolate Mint.

  9. I want to try fruit punch!

  10. Definitely would love to try the fruit punch flavor!

  11. I would love to try the Fruit Punch by Neocell!

  12. I love them both but I love the Chocolate Mint more. Yum!! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  13. Id like to try the fruit punch!

  14. The chocolate mint sounds real good but then so does the fruit punch. Lol.

  15. Fruit Punch sounds very refreshing!

  16. I want to try the fruit punch! I love star bursts and that's what these remind me of! :)

  17. I would love to try the Fruit Punch.

  18. I'm most excited about the fruit punch flavor.

  19. The super fruit punch ones are what I'm looking forward to

  20. First I'd try the Fresh Mint Chocolate flavor.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  21. Either one sounds yummy, in addition to appreciating the beauty benefits but if I HAVE to choose just one, It would be Fresh Chocolate Mint flavor.

  22. I'm most excited to try the Fruit Punch!

  23. I would choose the fruit punch!!!

  24. I have had these before.. They are very good!

  25. You had me at fresh mint chocolate. What an awesome way to get in a little boost, huh?

  26. I would like to try all of the flavors.. mint sounds very good!

  27. The fruit punch sounds awesome! I am the same way about taking vitamins so something tasty would motivate me!!

  28. The idea that anything chocolate mint is healthy for me makes me happier than I can tell you!

  29. My nails are so weak right now! I like the way mint chocolate sounds...

  30. This is really great! I used to drink collagen protein. It tasted like a wet rawhide, but it made my joints feel so much better. This is a MUCH better way to get it into my diet, because, seriously, that collagen protein powder was the worst thing I've EVER put into my mouth. Blech!

  31. Chocolate see I keep telling people chocolate can make you beautiful. these sound wonderful.

  32. Wow sounds great. I think idolize fruit punch. I'm horrible at remembering to take my vitamins daily too. If is a dummies or candy like you better bet ill eat them lol :) thanks for the giveaway :crossing fingers:

  33. I would have said chocolate mint -- but after reading your review I'm not so sure :)

  34. I've not seen these, but they're gluten-free?! Awesome!!!

  35. I could sure use a Beauty Burst about right now. I think I would like the fruit punch the best... but I would like to try them both to see.

  36. I think I'm most wanting to try the Fruit Punch!

  37. I totally need all the help I can get with my nails. They are the worst. And if there is a supplement that tastes like chocolate, SIGN ME UP!

  38. I would give them a try for sure. The fruit punch sounds good!

  39. THANK YOU! I NEED collagen and hadn't heard of these. Getting older is a pain, especially when your skin loses it's elasticity

  40. I have had they Beauty Bursts and love them. I need to order more of them, ran out after we moved and have not gotten around to it yet.

  41. At first, when I saw your post I thought it was going to be a capsule that you open up and rub into your skin!! I had NO idea it was a treat like THIS! YUMMMM!!! I'd totally try these out, and I love mint anything so that'd be my first choice!

  42. That looks so good & it helps with beauty. I'd be all for it :P

  43. Yeah, it's a treat when it's candy-like for sure. These sound like something I'd take!

  44. I have never seen anything like this besides calcium ones! How cool!

  45. I would love to try the collagen soft chews, looks delicious!

  46. Ohhh I hope we can also get those here in Manila! I want to take things that taste like candy but then are beneficial for the skin. I'm sure my mom would go crazy upon learning about these.

  47. The Fruit Punch for sure. I am not a mint person.

  48. The fruit punch looks yummy. Do you know or is there any information about taking this while nursing? I'd love to get some, but need to know that little tidbit first. :-) Thank you for sharing.

  49. They all sound amazing and any with the name beauty burst, is a burst of love for me! Thanks so much for sharing, I need to try these.

  50. Being the chocoholic that I am, I have to go for the mint chocolate one first.
    I am impressed by the changes you have experienced. Crossing my fingers to win!

  51. Hmmm those look good! I want to try them!

  52. I love NeoCell products! I haven't tried the mint chocolate ones yet but I have tried the fruit punch and they're amazing!

  53. That sounds amazing! I am off to look at these now. :)

  54. They look so tasty! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  55. Those ook really yummy!!! Ill have to see if we have them here in this small town!

  56. I think I would love to eat these! Mint-chocolate is my favorite and I'm a huge Starburst fan.

  57. I too am horrible at remembering to take vitamins, but these look like they would taste great and with the results you described I think I'd have no problem remembering!

  58. I want to try the fruit punch. I'm not a fan of mint and chocolate mixed.

  59. These are really good! My favorite is the Fresh Mint Chocolate.

  60. NeoCell makes some really great products. I haven't tried these yet. I think the Fruity flavors would be good!

  61. I would have to do the fruit chews. Chocolate is a love of mine, but my body hates it.. So, I have to stay away. I have a condition that is causing my hair to fall out. I wonder if these would help me a tad.

  62. These sound like great products and I would so love to try them both. I love starburst candies so I would probably like the fruit punch ones better. Thanks for sharing.

  63. The fruit punch sounds yummy! I would love something that would help my skin a bit! I have acne scars that I would love to diminish!

  64. Either of these flavors sound good to me. I hear that this is a fantastic product to start using. Thanks for sharing about it. :)

  65. This sounds like something I should try. I often wonder how I have any hair left after a shower and brushing.

  66. Wow, I could really use these actually. The pomegranate on the packaging drew me in instantly and it does look like really yummy chewable candy..

  67. That's great that even your old acne scars were evening out a bit. I'm glad you found a product you like enough to share! #awesome

  68. I am most excited to try the chocolate mint, sounds yummy!

  69. oooooooo The fresh mint chocolate sounds the greatest! mmmmm

  70. I have never heard of anything like this! I am going to try it. I could use some beauty help.

  71. I would love to try the mint chocolate!

  72. Those look really good. I would like to try them. Amber N

  73. I just saw these online the other day. I have heard nothing but good about them.

  74. I am a believer in hyaluronic acid-- but this seems like a lot better tasting way to get it. Will have to see if I can find them locally.

  75. I had no idea that collagen chews like this even existed. It's amazing the products they have to promote beauty.

  76. I have not heard of this but it sounds great, I have such a problem with my nails I could certainly use something like this. The one I would try is the Fruit Punch it sounds yummy!

  77. I have never tried anything like this but I would love to. My nails are in desperate need of help!

  78. Oh wow, I definitely need these in my life! Way better than pills, and my hair is in despair!

  79. Thanks for giving an honest review, the fruit punch flavor looks delish. :)

  80. There is a small kid inside everyone.. and while reading about neocall beauty bursts.. that small kid inside me is asking to grab both packets :p lol
