
Monday, August 25, 2014

Motivating Monday: David Allen Quote


  1. I like this quote! Reminds me of a conversation I had last night with my husband- we went to dinner, and the restaurant only had about 12 items on the menu (we tried 3, and all were AMAZING!) He asked why they had such a small menu- and i told him its better to be great at just a few things, than mediocre at a bunch!

  2. That is a quote that I really need to keep in mind. I always try to do everything. I'm a control freak. I can't help it.

  3. Jeez, I needed this in my life last week and today, Thank you! I am pushing my blog loving limits some days haha

  4. I really love that quote. I need to remind myself of that sometimes.

    Michelle F.

  5. Yeah I need to hear this more than once lol Remind myself I am capable of anything I put my mind t but don't have to do it ALL.

  6. Very true, haha. It's hard to even try to do everything.

  7. I love this! So true in my case. I wish I could do anything.

  8. This is so very true. There are so many things I would like to purchase, do, see, etc. My best advice is quality not quantity as far as striving for.

  9. That's a great quote. It's very true too! I love it.

  10. Simple, but straight on. Delegating stuff is important whether it's at home, in the workplace, or in school ( for group works ). It actually is a bit of a challenge for the more responsible and results-oriented individuals. Sometimes, they end up doing all the work coz it seemed like it's ok since they're the more responsible people, but it's not healthy. Sharing the load is good practice.

  11. Very true. Quality of quantity! You can do anything but pick one and excel! Don't be everywhere at once!

  12. It's so true. I think we too often try to do everything instead of just focusing on what's really needed or really important. And then everything ends up suffering. I'm constantly having to remind myself!

  13. This is a quote to print. And to remember! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Great reminder...yet I still seem to think I'm the invincible mom that strives to do everything. (then wonder why I feel stressed out later) 0.o

  15. This is true, yet I can't stop myself from trying, and I guess the lesson learned is if you try to do "everything", you'll fail. But if you pick one thing and do it, you'll do it well.

  16. So true! Great reminder not to sweat the small stuff! :-)

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  17. What a great post. I think we need to be reminded of this more often.

  18. Thanks for sharing this inspiring quote. A great way to start my day when I go to school. :)

  19. Ah so true. I need to print that out and hang it up as a reminder!

  20. Love this quote. I believe it is a reminder that life has so much to give and so little time to waste. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I absolutely agree, you can't do everything but anything is possible.

  22. That's right. With a little progress every now and then, one can achieve his/her goals.

  23. That is so true! And so amazing! Such a simple sentence and such profound meaning!

  24. Ugh. Somedays I just wish! I know. Whenever things get crazy around here I have to sit down and figure out what I can cut out.

  25. NO!! I can do everything!!!

    Seriously, though, this is a good reminder.
