
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Simple Sunday: That Moment

That moment when you have to rush your child to the ER. Sorry the picture is blurry, but this is Paige, waiting in the hallway for her CAT scan on Friday night. She actually wanted me to take a picture of her IV to show her friend (I'm pretty sure that was the morphine talking). 

She was playing on the front porch with her brother, sister & a friend on Friday night, when she tripped & caught an empty aquarium that was sitting against the front part of the porch. She came in & said she tripped & hurt herself, but she looked fine. Within moments, you could tell that she was in pain. She landed on her right side, at the bottom of her rib cage. We thought she may have cracked or broken a rib, so we rushed off to the ER. On the way there, she was in so much pain that she couldn't control her breathing & she actually passed out a few times. Thank goodness it was only for a few seconds at a time, but still. At that point, I really got worried. 

When we finally made it into triage, her blood pressure was 140/80. That's high even for me! They managed to get her back in a room pretty quickly after that & everything moved at a decent pace. The doctor came in, examined her & then did an ultrasound. She had landed directly on her liver. But while her ribs were fine, that didn't mean that her softer bones didn't cause any damage inside. Fortunately, the ultrasound didn't show anything alarming, but she had severe pain & even pain in her stomach. Morphine was ordered, an anti-nausea medicine was ordered & she was able to drink a bit of Gatorade before she was sent off for a CAT scan to check for any internal injuries. She also had a full bloodwork done & had given a urine sample.

Fortunately again, everything came back fine. Her blood pressure had come down a bit before they administered the morphine & by the time we were able to leave (about 90 min. later), it was right were it should have been. Although she's a bit sore & asks for some ibuprofen every now & then, Paige is fine. But this will be another one of those moments that stick with me forever! 


  1. Oh goodness, that is a frightening moment! I'm happy to hear that everything is alright and that nothing serious evolved.

  2. Yikes! It's always so nerve-wracking when your child is sick, especially when it gets so bad you have to brave a trip to the ER— good to read she's a-okay though!

  3. It's so scary when your kids are hurt. Luckily, we had an emergency room doctor when my daughters were little, b/c they were always into something!

  4. That's really scary! I'm so glad that she's ok. I'd want a picture to show my friends, too ;)

  5. That's scary! I'm glad she is okay. It's always awful when we have to go through such things with our children.

  6. Glad she is ok. The er can be scary. I had to go through this when my son broke his jaw in a bike accident.

  7. It is always scary when our children are sick, no matter how old they are. My 39 year old daughter suffered a stroke last year, 10 days after giving birth to her second child. She is fine, but it was a nightmare from my point of view.

  8. That is so scary. I'm glad she is ok. My 3 year old is an adventurous once, and he's always falling etc. But it's so scary when they are hear. So glad she is ok.

  9. How scary! Glad that everything ended up good.

  10. Poor little Paige! Praying for a speedy recovery for her (and your). Having kids is not for the faint of heart for sure! *hugs*

  11. What a scary event for a kid and for your family. Thank God she is okay. Get better soon Paige!
