
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tasty Tuesday: BBQ Chicken Pizza with Pineapple

We all have those nights where we just don't feel like cooking. Of course, dining out or getting take-out isn't always an option. The solution, pizza. Because technically it isn't cooking. It's baking. 

This BBQ Chicken Pizza with Pineapple is super easy to make & packs a whole lot of flavor! 

•Start out with your favorite crust, whether it's store bought or homemade. (This is my go to recipe for pizza dough.)
•Place your dough in a preheated oven for 3-4 min. while you blend some cooked & shredded chicken with your favorite BBQ sauce. 
•Next step, top your slightly cooked dough with a bit of extra BBQ sauce, BBQ chicken, thinly sliced onions & green bell peppers (if you'd like), pineapple rings, shredded mozzarella cheese, ground black pepper, dried parsley & a smidge of dried cilantro (or fresh if you have it). 
•Bake your pizza according to directions or until the cheese is melted & just beginning to brown a bit. 

  Just remember to let it cool down a bit before you bite into it. It'll be hard, but if you wait it will be so worth it. (As in you won't burn your taste buds & you'll actually be able to taste how delicious it is.)


  1. My husband loves enjoying pizza with all kinds of toppings so this would be right up his alley. I'm pretty sure I could replicate this here at home.

  2. I am drooling over here. I bet the pineapple gives this pizza a nice little kick! I want to try it and SOON!

  3. Do you need to marinate the chicken in the BBq sauce a bit?

    1. I just mix up the chicken with the sauce before I start rolling out my dough. Although I'm sure if it sat a bit longer to blend the flavor would be fantastic!

  4. This looks so yummy! I make BBQ Chicken pizza occasionally but we usually user cheddar cheese. I may have to try the mozzarella and pineapple rings next time.

  5. BBQ chicken pizza is one of my FAVORITES!! Yum!

  6. Ooooh I love mixing sweet with savory and Hawaain pizza is one of my favorite ways to do that . Droools.

  7. Oooo this is my favorite kind of pizza, it looks so yummy! Thanks for the recipe!

  8. I am not a fan of traditional style pizzas. This one I am definitely a fan of! It looks to delicious.

  9. BBQ Chicken pizza is my favorite (with bacon). I don't think I've ever had it with pineapple on it!

  10. Okay I'm sitting here waiting for hubby to get home from work to eat Supper, I think we will have to make this now! =)

  11. That looks absolutely amazing! I'm so hungry now. I'll have to try this one day.

  12. We didn't discover the pineapple on pizza thing until we moved to Southern California! Love it!

  13. Thanks for the great recipe. BBQ Chicken pizza sounds great especially with pineapple.

  14. YUM!! Dang, now I'm hungry!! Pinning this one to try later!

  15. The pizza looks fantastic. You can never go wrong with BBQ Chicken pizza with Pineapple.

  16. Bbq chicken pizza is my favorite, I can't eat tomatoes based sauces so this is what I always get.

  17. Gosh a classic - looks so yummy!

  18. I love pineapples on my pizza, too, which reminds me.... I haven't had pineapple pizza for awhile.

  19. My husband loves eating pizza and I'm sure he'll love this flavor too.

  20. That looks really good. My family and I love pizza. Definitely would try this.

  21. What a creative mix of flavors. Sounds like something my family would like!

  22. I will be making this. I love barbecue chicken pizza. It is so yummy.

  23. omg that sounds sooo good right now! I think I have the stuff on hand to make it tonight. Thanks :)

  24. Yes yes and more yes! I love BBQ chicken but have never had it with pineapple. Will definitely be trying that next time! :)

  25. Sounds like an easy and delicious recipe. Great for parties, for sure!

  26. That looks delicious! I love BBQ chicken pizza and Hawaiian pizza. This is a great combo of the two.

  27. You just can't go wrong with pizza, this sounds like it would taste delicious.

  28. I know Pizza is popular in the US and so many people love the quick and easy way it satisfies one. This recipe is delicious and perfect for a nice party.

  29. People I married a pizza man! LOL No, no, no I didn't marry a guy who delivers them I married a man that may turn into a pizza some day he eats so much pizza.

  30. This looks AWESOME! I love the BBQ and pineapple combo. I'll have to give this one a shot.

  31. This looks really good!! I love BBQ Chicken anyway and put it on a pizza! How good is that?!!

  32. I've thought of making something like this from time to time for hubby. I bet he'd love it!

  33. I love making my own pizzas! This is a fun twist on one of my favorites!

  34. I've never done pineapple on my bbq pizza, but sounds good anyways.

  35. looks delish! i love pizza and trying out different flavors.

  36. that looks just incredibly yummy! looking forward to my cheat day and i can cook like this one too!

  37. this looks great. I usually use basil pesto with chicken on pizza. Must try this version.

  38. The picture is so great and really makes me hungry. Do you ever find yourself putting extra BBQ sauce on top or dipping the crust into it?

  39. BBQ chicken pizza is my absolute favorite. I haven't had it in a long while though. I'm going to have to dig in!
