
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Work It Wednesday: Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Oil pulling. I know when I first heard of it, I pictured a big oil rig & wondered how on earth it could be beneficial to my health & beauty. As I'm almost positive you're doing the same (at least you are now), if you've never heard of it before. But rest assured, it's quite different from that mental image. Actually, it's something I look forward to every day. 

I prefer to do oil pulling with Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, which is a truly unrefined organic coconut oil. But I also prefer when it's still slightly solid. You see, above 75ยบ coconut oil is in liquid form & anything below is in solid form. 

Why Coconut Oil?

Because I like it! You could use extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, or sesame oil as well. Just remember, it has to be a taste you wouldn't mind having in your mouth for 15-20 minutes (which is the main reason why I prefer coconut oil).

How do you Oil Pull?

It's really simple! Just take a spoonful of oil (if you do use coconut oil, you may have to chew it a bit until it reaches liquid form if it's not already), and swish it around for 15-20 minutes. Make sure you "pull" the oil through your teeth (just like you do with mouthwash). And whatever you do, do not swallow the oil (more on that below). Also make sure you spit it out in the trash can to prevent a build up in your pipes & always brush & floss afterwards.  

Why Can't You Swallow the Oil?

When you're oil pulling, you are essentially trapping the toxins from your mouth in the oil. If you swallow it, you're re-absorbing those toxins into your body. 

What are the Benefits of Oil Pulling?

Oil pulling has amazing oral health benefits such as prevention of bad breath, whiter teeth, strengthening of teeth & gums, prevention of cavities & gingivitis and even a treatment for TMJ. But it also can provide headache relief, reduce inflammation from arthritis, help sinus congestion, reduce insomnia & eczema flare-ups, reduce allergy symptoms & help suppress appetite. 


  1. This sounds extremely interesting and I want to try this, BUT how do you swish the oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes without drooling or having it spill out of your mouth???? I have a hard time swishing mouthwash without it dribbling done my chin.

    1. It's just like when you're at the dentist & you need to swallow. Close off the back of your mouth with your tongue & swallow. I'll admit that I actually practiced swallowing before I tried oil pulling (who on earth does that?! ME!).

  2. I'd never heard of oil pulling before. That does sound pretty simple, and yet, pretty effective as well.

  3. Very interesting I have never heard of this before!

  4. Wow, this is very interesting way to get a clean mouth. I never knew this about coconut oil.

  5. Wow! That is amazing what coconut oil can do and the benefits are amazing.

  6. Huh this sounds like a great thing to do.. thanks for showing us this info.. i would have never known

  7. I saw this on Pinterest and had no idea what it is. But just like you said I clicked it and was amazed! Of course I Pinned it!

  8. I saw this on Pinterest and didn't know what it was. Then I read it and was amazed. Pinned of course.

  9. I've heard of oil pulling, but not with coconut oil! I might be able to do that a bit better than any other kind of oil! Thanks for the tip!

  10. Definitely interesting but I can't imagine keeping it in my mouth for 20 minutes! Even the dentist lets you rinse every couple of minutes!

  11. Interesting I have coconut oil in the cabinet but not sure what to do with it. May try this.

  12. I've thought about doing this, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. :) I think I would gag.

  13. I still haven't tried this. I have been wanting to try this

  14. I had never heard of this, how interesting!
    I think I would need some practice before I get grip on the swishing

  15. It has so many benefits, I tried it one time. I need to comitt and try it for a week or more!

  16. Hmm I have coconut oil and I will probably try this now lol.

  17. Huh, I have never heard of this. I have some coconut oil in the cabinets right now. I am going to give this a try!

  18. I didn't know that coconut oil is also a great oral remedy. Thanks for this info.

  19. Ive heard about it but never tried it wonder which oil might make teeth whiter! deff trying it!
    Dee T

  20. I have recently head about his on Dr. Oz. I want to try it but would have to work my way up to 15 minutes.

    Michelle F.

  21. wow..never heard of it before..thanks for sharing..

  22. I've heard of it before & some say it works while others it doesn't. I am tempted to try though :P

  23. Oil pulling is an interesting concept... the best part is probably the yumminess of how it tastes. :D I've done a little research on it though, and it seems to hint that the benefits aren't officially founded... but if it makes you feel good, then that's the most important!

    ~ lauriel

  24. I've heard mixed reviews about this coconut oil pulling. I guess I'll have to try it out for myself to decide if it really is beneficial.

  25. I've heard of this recently and interested. I may give it a try for the "whiter teeth" effect.

  26. I love coconut oil, but I only use it for hair mask ;)

  27. I have read about this before, but haven't really tried it. I came across this article on the web that said weird stuff about oil pulling but from what I know a lot of people ( yup, even celebs ) are doing this practice for whiter teeth. I read that you need to be very precise with the time. How long have you been doing oil pulling?

    1. I've only been doing it for about a month. But for someone who gets extreme plaque build-up like myself, the difference is noticeable within about a week. I found that lots of people say it's best to do first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, but I'm still at the point of needing my morning coffee first.

  28. I am obsessed with coconut oil. I use it for almost everything - not in my mouth though! But I do use it on my girls when they get diaper rashes.

  29. I am so going to try this, I get constant headaches and I do grind my teeth while I sleep. I am pinning this - thank you!!!!!

  30. This sounds very interesting. I have not heard of this. It probably dates back to the simplier days when they did not have items to purchase at the store and had to use what was on hand.

  31. I really need to try this, we have some coconut oil here too, people keep saying how wonderful oil pulling is but I haven't done it yet. Maybe today is the day?!

  32. My husband does oil pulling with olive oil- his gingivitis has improved greatly! I will have to try it with the coconut oil as I can not stomach the olive oil.

  33. I have never heard of this but it is interesting. 15 - 20 minutes though, I get tired after a couple minutes with mount wash.

  34. I did this for two days. It was fine and easy to do, but I lack the motivation to do it every day.

  35. I have never heard of this before but I have heard about a lot of great uses for coconut oil.

  36. WHA??!! Never heard of this, but I'm fascinated! Oh, and luv the extra benefit of appetite suppressant

  37. I have never heard of Oil pulling. This is a fascinating practice. You defiantly have made me interested in learning more.

  38. I have never tried this before but I have heard about it. It is suppose to be good for you. Thanks for sharing.

  39. We always have coconut oil at the house because my daughter loves using it in body scrubs! So we will have to try this out!

  40. Wow, this is interesting. Never heard of this at all. Amber N

  41. I've never heard of this! However, it sounds interesting, so I am definitely going to try it. I can just about see my family looking at me like I am crazy. LOL

  42. I've heard about this but was scared to try it. I'm gonna give it a go! :)

  43. Coconut oil is very healthy, my aunt does coconut oil pulling I know its not easy to do that but its worth it.

  44. This is so amazing. I know about the benefits of using coconut oil in cooking, but to help with tooth decay and prevent other mouth issues I did not know. I may have to look more at this and give it a go. Thanks!

  45. I've heard about oil pulling and how awesome it is. I need to do it, especially since I can do it with coconut oil! How many times do you do it a week? Every day?

  46. I have tried this and I have to say my teeth did feel cleaner although my dentist said there was no validity to it. Well see what he says at my next check up ;)

  47. I tried oil pulling. I could not get past the feeling of the oil in my mouth

  48. I have heard of this but haven't done it myself. I may try it

  49. It is the second time I see coconut oil mentioned this week. I need to find out if it is available locally.

  50. It is interesting to see something which i have not seen before thanks for sharing via

  51. I've been wanting to do this. I wish it tasted better!

  52. Wow how interesting. I never heard of this before. I heard coconut oil is good for you though. I need to get some!

  53. I just started hearing about oil pulling. Don't know if I can stomach it though.
