
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Robinson's Fruit Shoot Presents: The Have a Ball Stunt Hunt

An extra special thanks to Fruit Shoot for sponsoring today's discussion. 

Summer vacation is quickly coming to an end. Usually at this time of year we cram every fun outdoor activity we can think of into our schedule. But lately the weather has been uncharacteristically chilly here & there. But that just means we've had to get a bit creative to fill our days with fun. 

Inspired by our love of playing checkers when we visit the library, we decided to play jacks. Only with Robinson's Fruit Shoot bottles. And instead of seeing how many you could pick up, the kids got to take a sip instead. Can you tell how much fun they had?!

My kids absolutely love Fruit Shoot! Not only do they come in four delicious flavors, but they're made with real fruit juice, contain no high fructose corn syrup & even have a spill proof cap. Which means that I don't mind treating them every once in a while time we go to the store. (My kids can spot these a mile away with their vibrant colors!)

But the fun of Fruit Shoot doesn't stop there! Until September 1st, 2014, you can enter the "Have a Ball Stunt Hunt" by submitting a video (10-30 seconds in length) of your kids (at least 3 years old & up) showing off their active imaginative play with Fruit Shoot & a ball of any kind. Don't forget to share your entry with your friends & have them vote, because winners will have their entry professionally edited with amazing special effects & posted on the contest homepage. 

 So what are you waiting for?! Grab some Fruit Shoot, your kids & a ball, get creative & submit your entry. As a thank you, you'll receive an email with a coupon for a FREE bottle of Fruit Shoot. You'll even find out how to receive a FREE Waboba Ball, also known as "the ball that bounces on water". (Spoiler alert...all you have to do is purchase 6 bottles of Fruit Shoot!) 


  1. These looks so good. Are the drinks that color or is is the bottles?

    1. The drinks are colored, but what you see is the bottle.

  2. I have never heard of Fruit Shoot but it looks awesome!

  3. I'm sure my girls would love them, but sadly I don't think they're available in Iowa yet. Will make sure on next grocery trip.

  4. I love trying new healthy drinks. Fruit Shoot looks like a good one.

  5. I haven't heard of Fruit Shoot before. That does sound like a great alternative to those sugary drinks and sodas.

  6. I've never heard of Fruit Shoot, but it looks pretty cool! And what a fun contest!

  7. I have never seen these more. I love that they have a spill proof cap.

    Michelle F.

  8. Looks like your kids had a lot of fun. They sure are brightly colored. What gives them that color? I like that there is no high fructose corn syrup

  9. I know my son would love these flavors. Thanks for sharing!

  10. High fructose corn syrup is a no no on my diet. I need to check out all the ingredients that are in these. They look really good.

  11. I've been reading a lot about the Fruit Shoot drinks. Must try and check them out. On a side note, love your blog design, very cute banner.

    1. Aww, thank you very much! I do need to update it though (thanks for the reminder).

  12. I love that Fruit Shoot doesn't have high fructose corn syrup. I need to check them out!

  13. Sound very good.. my kids do not drink much of these kinds of drinks, but they look and sound good.

  14. I have to look up Fruit Shoot, never heard of it until this post
    Yes, they totally have loads of fun

  15. What a great idea, I will have to puck up some Fruit Shoot for my son and his friends.

  16. We haven't tried this brand but seems fun to do with kiddos.

  17. Those look delicious and so refreshing for summer! Will have to check them out!

  18. I have never heard of this either, but it looks so good! Amber N

  19. Wow those bottles really do command your attention. If they are half as delicious as they look then you found a winner.

  20. I've never heard of this before. Will have to look for this for the kids. I'm sure they will enjoy it.

  21. you can add me to the list of 'new to me' too...thanks for the review!

  22. I have never heard of this but am sure my boys would love it. I would love to get enough to get the ball that bounces on water.

  23. I have never heard of this brand before but will definitely be looking into them! I think that my daughter would enjoy them.

  24. Never heard of this drink before! Looks like something I'll have to check out.

  25. Those are so awesome. Haven't heard of them before but seriously cool.

  26. I like the no HFCS and spill proof cap. It drives me nuts when I pick up a drink for the kids and it's all junk.

  27. I haven't heard of these before, but they sound really tasty! I love the spill proof cap too!

  28. We love Fruit Shoot! It's perfect for packing in lunches for school & I love that it is free of artificial coloring/flavors.

  29. I have never heard of these but they sound super yummy. I love that they are made with real juice.

  30. These look really cool! It is so sad that summer is almost over - my daughter starts school in two weeks. I am so not ready!

  31. This looks like a fun, tasty drink for the kids. Appears pretty healthy and very pretty.

  32. Fruit shoot is new to me. Looks like a good healthy option

  33. This looks like a fun alternative to soda. I love the spill proof cap, great idea for an on the go treat.

  34. The fruit shoot drinks looks like the perfect thirst quencher for kids. It's also appealing to them because it's very colorful.

  35. I will have to remember these when I go to the store next and let my little guy try them out!

  36. This is a great alternative to soda. my kids will try this!

  37. The heck with the kids I want some for myself. The colors look so delicious and all the different flavors...okay I'll share. Thanks so much for showing me these can't wait to try them out for myself.

  38. These fruit drinks are right up my alley. I am always thirsty and looking for great new things to try. I love these colors. Will check them out thank you.

  39. I've seen these in stores but thought they were full of sugar and bad. Thanks so much for letting me know that they are actually good! Will get these for my kids on our day out tomorrow. =)

  40. Spill proof cap?? That is pretty awesome. I've never seen these, but I'll keep an eye out.

  41. I've never seen this brand before. Looks like the kids would love it though!

  42. I'd try these. I like the video contest, maybe we'll go ahead and enter that one. Thanks for sharing!

  43. I have never heard of the Fruit Shoots juices before. I will have to get some. Thanks for sharing.

  44. I'm picking up some Fruit Shoot for back to school lunches. The contest sounds fun.

  45. The drinks definitely are eye catching. Glad they are made with fruit juice and no high fructose corn syrup, what about sugar and food dye?

  46. I haven't seen these in stores yet! I know my kids will probably ask about them. I would love to see the ingredient list.

  47. I have ever heard of this. I think my son gets juice maybe once a month or so. He might like these chances are the don't have them in Oklahoma....we don't get everything here :(

  48. My kids love video contests- perfect for them! Flavors sounds great- not to sure about the coloring so I will have to look into it!

  49. Those fruits looks so cool. I've been trying to look for them to get some myself

  50. Very cool, everyone else in my home loves juice. I've never heard of these but I'll be sure to look for them now! I like the idea of the spill proof cap.

  51. I love that these are made with real fruit juice and that your kids loved them so much. I think my boys would really enjoy these too.

  52. Never heard of these before .... they are really bright and colorful!!

  53. This seems good since there is no HFCS.

  54. I love the video contest. I'm going to have my kiddos do it too!

  55. What kid isn't attracted to bright colors of food and drink. Looks like they were drinking it up on your video. Have fun.

  56. I wouldn't want to share these with my kid! lol Looks delicious!

  57. nice hope to find this drinks here in malaysia too!

  58. Something new to my eyes and to my tongue too. I like it how products like this consider the health factor for its consumers.

  59. You had me at Spill Proof! For me its a bonus that there isn't any high fructose corn syrup, and its made with real fruit juice. Looks like a great drink for when the kids are in my car.

  60. I have never tried Fruit Shoot before, but I am really wanting one of the Apple flavored ones right now. Thanks for the introduction.

  61. My children love these juices! I find the grape being the best, but the kids like the green bottle one. Cute video of your kids! I'm sure my kids would love this game.

  62. What vibrant colors. My kids would love these drinks

  63. No high fructose corn syrup is definitely a plus for me! Too bad they don't sell these juices here in Ecuador.

  64. These are my favorite drinks, I wish they sold them in bigger sizes, the purple one is my favorite! I think I drink them more than the kids do.

  65. That contest sounds like a lot of fun. Great promotional tool by the company. The drinks sound like they taste good, too. I may have to go grab one or two for me. :)

  66. Looks like a fun promotion that kids would love. Mine likes anything in a bottle, but he's restricted to the Fruit Shoot water based drinks.

  67. YUM, these look awesome! I think my cousins would love these!
