
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Snacktastic Saturday: Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

Do you ever have those rushed mornings when you're just starving? How about those afternoons when you're wondering how on earth you'll ever be able to make it to dinnertime without getting into the cookies? Yea, me too. Which is why I gave a twist to my breakfast smoothie one morning. And also why I drink it almost every afternoon. 
Of course this isn't necessarily a smoothie that requires measurements. If there's something in it you don't like, replace it with something else or only add a little bit. 
•cooked oats, any kind
•plain Greek yogurt
•ripe banana (go for the ones that are cheetah spotted)
•almond milk
•organic honey
•cinnamon or nutmeg
•almond butter
- Add all ingredients in a blender & blend away. 


  1. I love that you put oats in there. I bet that makes this smoothie extra filling.

  2. Oh yum what a delicious sounding smoothie! With the ingredients it sounds perfect for breakfast time as well. x

  3. This sounds so yummy. I have all of these ingredients on hand. I will be giving this a try. Thank you for the recipe. :)

  4. That sounds refreshing and filling! Love oats on there and honey

  5. This looks and sounds great. It also seems like a tummy filler upper so you don't snack until meal time.

  6. That is just breakfast in a cup! Two of my favorite flavors.

  7. I would love to whip this up for breakfast. Such a yummy combination!

  8. We love bananas and oatmeal in our home so I know my family would devour this smoothie. I can't wait to try the recipe for myself.

  9. Oh my gosh. I am going to have to try this. It sounds like a milkshake except it is packed with goodness. YUMMY

  10. This sounds and looks pretty yummy. I'm not a big banana smoothie fan, but my husband loves them.

  11. Yum!! I would love to have something like this to get my day going!

  12. Sounds like a fun recipe for the morning! I bet it gives you a boost of energy as well.

  13. Sounds like the perfect way to start a morning and like a great snack. I don't seem to get to eat by myself but this is something I can share.

  14. Yum - that looks good!! My husband loves having smoothies for breakfast, so I'll have to save this recipe and make it for him! :)

  15. Sounds delicious and like a perfect breakfast or snack!

  16. Not sure if my comment went through, so here it is again! Great recipe, this is something that I am going to have to try myself. I currently add my vanilla protein shake to my oatmeal for extra flavors and protein of course!

  17. It looks really good. My husband would love it. I am allergic to Bananas so I will pass on it.

  18. I never thought to add oats. I might just try it out tomorrow!

  19. What a great breakfast recipe. I love oatmeal too! Amber N

  20. This is a good replacement for rice and pasta to make you feel for a meal. It contains healthy ingredients that will keep you active and strong all day.

  21. what a great combination of ingredients for an awesome smoothie.
    so healthy and appealing for everyone

  22. Oatmeal in a smoothie? You see something new every day! Thanks for the recipe!

  23. That would make such a filling breakfast item. I never thought to use oats in a smoothie :P

  24. ooo looks so yummy! I love smoothies in my house!

  25. Yum that looks so good. I never thought to put oatmeal in my smoothie.

    Michelle F.

  26. Great idea to include oats! Makes a smoothie into a hearty snack!

  27. That looks like a good nutritious breakfast to make the kids and myself, thank you for sharing. I love banana anything.

  28. Looks like a fun recipe. Anything with bananas will be good

  29. Thanks for the recipe! Every morning I make myself and the kids a fruit shake. It's fast and easy to prepare so I don't have to spend so much time on their breakfast,it's healthy and keeps us all alert for the rest of the day. Adding oatmeal is something I'll definitely have to try for tomorrow's smoothie!

  30. This sounds good and relatively easy to make! Definitely quick for when you are on the go.

  31. This sounds interesting and would have never thought of it. I will have to try this. Thanks for sharing.

  32. MMM Looks good! I Love smoothies but haven't made any in a while. :(

  33. I love all the ingredients so I'm sure I would enjoy this.

  34. Never would have thought to do something like this, but I think I would actually enjoy this smoothie! I am going to bookmark so I can find it later!

  35. That sounds really good and something I am going to have to make soon some morning.

  36. I love that you used oats. We love Almond Milk in our house as well. I will definitely give this a try. I'm sure it would be so much more filling with the cooked oatmeal.

  37. I love smoothies, especially anything with banana in it. This look delicious and filling!

  38. My kids love smoothies for breakfast. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  39. Sounds delicious AND healthy! Thanks for sharing, I'm going to try this!

  40. I'm not a banana fan but my children LOVE them. We recently started making strawberry/blueberry shakes for them I think we will try this one to switch it up a little.

  41. Oh yes I would be liking a banana oatmeal smoothie! Like Taylor, I haven't had one in awhile.

  42. yummy will be right over for my smoothie. I would never have thought to put in oatmeal.

  43. Whoo Hoo!! What a great smoothie. I love all the ingredients. Thank you so much for this recipe. :)

  44. Sounds so good! I'm not big on bananas but I may try it with blueberries! :)

  45. I love smoothies. I will have to try this recipe out. Thanks for sharing.

  46. YUM, this recipe sounds great! I'll have to try it out for breakfast!

  47. love this drink! always have this in the afternoon snack

  48. Yum! All I'm missing is Greek yogurt and I'm good to go! Perfect for morning smoothies!

  49. We have been on a smoothie kick. We got a Magic Bullet - so I will be trying this!

  50. This sounds really yummy but how is the consistency. Really thick smoothies or ones with a lot of texture make it hard for me to drink. Would love to try it out all else fails my kids will drink it:)

    1. It does have a bit of a texture from the oatmeal, but you could always put in just a bit of the oatmeal & add more milk.

  51. Yum my two year old would go gaga for this!

  52. Yum! I am always happy to find a new and easy smoothie recipe. They are easy to fit into my mornings.

  53. It looks satisfying but quite heavy. Is it? I guess we can put less oats and more yoghurt if we like. :-)

  54. Wow I haven't tried but I surely want to do this too.

  55. I'm absolutely sure I would love this! I love bananas and I eat oatmeal nearly every morning so making a smoothie with these sounds awesome! I have everything except almond butter so I'll need to pick some up.

  56. my nephew loves banana and hates oatmeal... looks like a find something to make him have some oatmeal ... lol

  57. I'd bet a little of that goes a looong way! LOL!
