
Friday, August 29, 2014

Fun Friday: Simple Holiday Wreath - Perfect for Labor Day!

Have you ever gotten the urge to make something, only to have nothing that you wanted to make it with. Yep, that was me earlier. I had the urge to make a holiday wreath, but had nothing on hand to make the one that I wanted. So I improvised & all it took was a cardboard box, some yarn & a pair of scissors. 

First I found a cardboard box that was a good size & cut one of the sides off. 

Then I did the good old pencil compass out of pen & a string trick (hehe) to get the circles. They're a bit off if you really examine it, but it was close enough for me.  

I did happen to have red, white & blue yarn (for all the times I decided I was going to knit or crochet something & never did because I don't really know how). To measure my sections, I used a very calculated plan. I did a full arm span (using both arms), three times & cut.  

All that was left was just tying the yarn on & wrapping it around. The back is a cluster of strings tied together to help keep them all in place. And a folded strand of yarn tied onto the back as a hanger. 

I have to say that even though this flat cardboard wreath resembles nothing of the burlap & wooden letter wreath I had wanted to make, I'm still pretty darn happy with it! 

The kids have now informed me that I can make one to look like candy corn for Halloween. (Although I may buy an actual wreath to work from on that one.)


  1. That is simple! I have the cardboard box but not yarn! I need to invest in a stockpile of yard for ocassions like this.

  2. That is so cute and seems so easy to make! Great way to celebrate the holiday!

  3. fabulous for my last minute celebration in an hour! thanks for the easy and festive idea!

  4. I love this! Would be great to customize for parties. Hmmm a mickey mouse NE would be cute:)

  5. Oh, you could do these in any color, for sure! So creative!

  6. very simple but makes such a bold statement! Great job

  7. What a cute wreath. It would be perfect for any of the summer holidays :)

  8. This wreath is really cool. You could change the colors out and make it a base for any holiday.

  9. You did a very nice job on that wreath. I would have had all the yarn going every which way.

  10. I've been there and done that, I get into that mood of making something but then I hit a road block once I get all that I need.

  11. That's a really cute wreath! It looks simple enough that I would be able to make one too!

  12. This looks easy and adorable! I think it's super unique!

  13. I love easy and simple this is, this would be a fun craft to do with the kids.

  14. I love the colors! There are so many ways to personalize it too!

  15. This is great and so easy to make. I like your kids idea for the candy corn one.

  16. What a nice ad simple craft idea. Easy to make and hang on the door for this week.

  17. This wreath is simple, yet adorable, nonetheless!

  18. Oh how fun! We could use a patriotic themed wreath for our door too.

  19. That's a lovely crafting project.

  20. That's such a cute wreath! I like that it was inexpensive and easy, because I could make one for every holiday!

  21. Looks so cool and I love that it is simple to make. Great job.

  22. Oh I love it - what a simple but so effective project! I need to get crafting. x

  23. That's a good art piece as an ornament in your home. You can also make another one as a gift or giveaway item to readers!

  24. Easy indeed. Thanks for the idea! Simple enough for most kids to help with.

  25. This does look very crafy and festive. Thaks for sharing - I need to pin it.

  26. What a cute wreath. Perfect for the holiday. Great job!

  27. I think it turned out great. I have actually never heard of the string and pencil trick to make a circle - I can not wait to try that! Good luck with the Halloween one - can not wait to see it.

  28. Wow, that looks great! You are so creative :)

  29. The colors are a little too American for my Labour Day liking but I love the idea! thanks for the inspiration!

  30. This is such a simple and cute project. I'd love to see one for Halloween. :)

  31. That is an awesome wreath. I love it! Very festive. Amber N

  32. What a fun wreath! It looks so simple to make. I would love to do one for every holiday with coordinating color schemes.

  33. This is neat and simple and very creative. Thanks for sharing.

  34. That is really cute. Looking forward to seeing the Candy corn one.

  35. Definitely very simple and easy! Would be great for the 4th of July of course :)

  36. WOW- Sooooo easy! That would be adorable with gray and yellow!

  37. What a great wreath! I love the idea of decorating for each holiday that is coming. I haven't just started to decorate a little lately so this may be a good project for me to try. Thanks for sharing it.

  38. Sometimes surprise turnouts are great. I think it turned out awesome too.

  39. I love the bright colors you used to make this simple holiday wreath. Very cute idea

  40. I think it looks cute. I hope you do make the candy corn one. I would love to see it!

  41. That is so cute and adorable, but most of all, inexpensive and easy to make.

  42. Cool idea. will be sharing this will my Girl Scout.

  43. The wreath looks simple and cute and it's easy to make too. Thanks for sharing and I'm sure I can make this with the help of my son.

  44. It is pretty and looks relatively easy to do... I love holiday wreaths but most are complicated to make.

  45. Looks so pretty. Actually made this with my mom over the weekend. She loves a good wreath.

  46. Such a cute wreath! I totally love how easy it is to make. Thanks for sharing!!

    Jenise @

  47. How cool is that wreath, and what's even cooler is how easy it was to make. Totally on my list of must do's. :-) Thanks for sharing!

  48. This looks great, I would have love to see the steps in pictures. Very nice job.

  49. Great DIY project! This looks like a great therapy activity too. Thanks for sharing! :)

  50. I never would have thought to use a cardboard box. I make yarn wreaths all the time but sometimes the straw forms can be a little pricey thank you for the frugal alternative.
