Sunday, August 31, 2014


**Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC. or the manufacturer of the product.

When I was a teenager I worked in a small Chinese restaurant that also had a small Thai menu. There, I developed a taste for dishes such as Siracha, Siam & Curry. I quickly found that I put the tastes that I was accustomed to up on a pedestal & was very judgmental when it came to the same dishes from other places. The only time anything ever got my seal of approval, was when I ordered at a restaurant that was owned by my boss' family. Unfortunately, over the years, most of them have closed their doors. Except for one, but I rarely get to go there & indulge my taste buds. 

I'll admit that I was extremely hesitant to try this particular group of sauces from WORLDFOODS, but also excited. It's been so long since I've had a good curry. And if I could make it at home all the time, I would be the happiest gal on the block! 

Thai Yellow Curry Cooking Sauce

This creamy yellow curry made with coconut milk, lemon grass, ginger, green chili, coriander, cumin, fennel & turmeric, was right on the spot! I made my dish with chicken, onion, green pepper, carrots & green beans. I tried to remember what was in the curry dish I loved so much when I made this. I know I was a bit off on the ingredients, but it was still amazing since the sauce was such a #TBT (so to speak).

Thai Green Curry Paste

I was wondering how on earth this small jar was ever going to be enough to make a meal, but I tried to anyways. I was shocked at how the amount of sauce was just right. Not to mention tasty with its blend of green chili, lemongrass, Thai coriander, tamarind & cumin. For this dish, I used steak (the kind that says "perfect for tacos" simply because I felt like it), green pepper, carrot, water chestnuts & bamboo shoots. There was still the curry flavor I loved, with just a bit more heat . All in all though, it was the perfect blend yet again. 

Thai Coconut Galangal Stir-Fry Sauce

I really had no idea what to expect with this sauce. I had never heard of "galangal" before, but come to find out it's a cousin of ginger, only with earthy & citrus notes to it. This creamy sauce also boasts coconut milk, lemongrass, tamarind & chili to it's list of ingredients, giving it a mild bite. For this dish I used chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, onion, snap peas & egg. Honestly, it reminded me of a spicy peanut sauce (one of my faves), which is most likely from the earthy galangal.

Indonesian Fried Rice 'Nasi Goreng' Paste

I was completely clueless as to what dish to make with this paste. So I decided to look up some of the recipes that WORLDFOODS has on their site. I finally decided on the Stuffed Peppers with Indonesian Fried Rice. Which was probably the biggest chance I was taking since I never step out of my stuffed pepper comfort zone. The result was so amazing, that dinner was devoured before I remembered to even take a picture. This paste resembled the tomato paste & sauce that I put in my stuffed pepper recipe, just with a distinctive Asian flair to it. And chilies of course. 

Keep up with the latest from WORLDFOODS on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.

Moms Meet is an online resource that empowers moms to come together in an informal setting and talk about the latest on raising healthy families and living green. Moms Meet offers exciting opportunities for Mom Ambassadors and their groups to sample the latest healthy, green products. Sign up today!

Simple Sunday: An Old Barn

Nothing like wandering around an old barn that's been sitting unused for 20 years.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Snacktastic Saturday: Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

Do you ever have those rushed mornings when you're just starving? How about those afternoons when you're wondering how on earth you'll ever be able to make it to dinnertime without getting into the cookies? Yea, me too. Which is why I gave a twist to my breakfast smoothie one morning. And also why I drink it almost every afternoon. 
Of course this isn't necessarily a smoothie that requires measurements. If there's something in it you don't like, replace it with something else or only add a little bit. 
•cooked oats, any kind
•plain Greek yogurt
•ripe banana (go for the ones that are cheetah spotted)
•almond milk
•organic honey
•cinnamon or nutmeg
•almond butter
- Add all ingredients in a blender & blend away. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Fun Friday: Simple Holiday Wreath - Perfect for Labor Day!

Have you ever gotten the urge to make something, only to have nothing that you wanted to make it with. Yep, that was me earlier. I had the urge to make a holiday wreath, but had nothing on hand to make the one that I wanted. So I improvised & all it took was a cardboard box, some yarn & a pair of scissors. 

First I found a cardboard box that was a good size & cut one of the sides off. 

Then I did the good old pencil compass out of pen & a string trick (hehe) to get the circles. They're a bit off if you really examine it, but it was close enough for me.  

I did happen to have red, white & blue yarn (for all the times I decided I was going to knit or crochet something & never did because I don't really know how). To measure my sections, I used a very calculated plan. I did a full arm span (using both arms), three times & cut.  

All that was left was just tying the yarn on & wrapping it around. The back is a cluster of strings tied together to help keep them all in place. And a folded strand of yarn tied onto the back as a hanger. 

I have to say that even though this flat cardboard wreath resembles nothing of the burlap & wooden letter wreath I had wanted to make, I'm still pretty darn happy with it! 

The kids have now informed me that I can make one to look like candy corn for Halloween. (Although I may buy an actual wreath to work from on that one.)

Van's Natural Foods Giveaway Winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Our winner has been chosen, congrats to Allie G.!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Think It Thursday: And The Fundraisers Begin

Guess what the kids brought home from school yesterday.

Yep, we are barely into the school year & the fundraisers have been sent home. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping the school raise money. But most of us are still reeling from the cost of school supplies & new school clothes. Let alone, it's always the same things. Magazine sales, been there. Cookie tubs, done that. Although they do have a new photo keepsakes one this year that I may actually look into. Actually I have too since I now have two kids that brought them home & who have their eyes on big prizes. Sorry kids, two a piece so you can get a "mouse racer" (that way you won't feel left out). 

Handsome in Pink Giveaway Winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
 Our winner has been chosen, congrats to Amanda N.! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Work It Wednesday: Chalene Johnson's "Off The Wall" Workout

I'm always looking for new, fun ways to workout. Mostly because if I get bored with the workout, I just won't do it. (Excuses, I know. Ugh!) Of course it also helps if it's super short, that way I can do it multiple times a day whenever I have time. Well, thanks to a friend, I found one that matches all of the criteria. And actually, along with a few changes to my diet, I've seen more results doing this than any other workout I've tried recently. 

And it's all thanks to this lady...

Photo credit: A Real Change

If you don't already know this face, it's Chalene Johnson. You know, creator of Turbo Jam, TurboFire, Chalean Extreme & PiYo. 

But it's this workout that is "off the wall". Literally. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tasty Tuesday: BBQ Chicken Pizza with Pineapple

We all have those nights where we just don't feel like cooking. Of course, dining out or getting take-out isn't always an option. The solution, pizza. Because technically it isn't cooking. It's baking. 

This BBQ Chicken Pizza with Pineapple is super easy to make & packs a whole lot of flavor! 

•Start out with your favorite crust, whether it's store bought or homemade. (This is my go to recipe for pizza dough.)
•Place your dough in a preheated oven for 3-4 min. while you blend some cooked & shredded chicken with your favorite BBQ sauce. 
•Next step, top your slightly cooked dough with a bit of extra BBQ sauce, BBQ chicken, thinly sliced onions & green bell peppers (if you'd like), pineapple rings, shredded mozzarella cheese, ground black pepper, dried parsley & a smidge of dried cilantro (or fresh if you have it). 
•Bake your pizza according to directions or until the cheese is melted & just beginning to brown a bit. 

  Just remember to let it cool down a bit before you bite into it. It'll be hard, but if you wait it will be so worth it. (As in you won't burn your taste buds & you'll actually be able to taste how delicious it is.)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Simple Sunday: That Moment

That moment when you have to rush your child to the ER. Sorry the picture is blurry, but this is Paige, waiting in the hallway for her CAT scan on Friday night. She actually wanted me to take a picture of her IV to show her friend (I'm pretty sure that was the morphine talking). 

She was playing on the front porch with her brother, sister & a friend on Friday night, when she tripped & caught an empty aquarium that was sitting against the front part of the porch. She came in & said she tripped & hurt herself, but she looked fine. Within moments, you could tell that she was in pain. She landed on her right side, at the bottom of her rib cage. We thought she may have cracked or broken a rib, so we rushed off to the ER. On the way there, she was in so much pain that she couldn't control her breathing & she actually passed out a few times. Thank goodness it was only for a few seconds at a time, but still. At that point, I really got worried. 

When we finally made it into triage, her blood pressure was 140/80. That's high even for me! They managed to get her back in a room pretty quickly after that & everything moved at a decent pace. The doctor came in, examined her & then did an ultrasound. She had landed directly on her liver. But while her ribs were fine, that didn't mean that her softer bones didn't cause any damage inside. Fortunately, the ultrasound didn't show anything alarming, but she had severe pain & even pain in her stomach. Morphine was ordered, an anti-nausea medicine was ordered & she was able to drink a bit of Gatorade before she was sent off for a CAT scan to check for any internal injuries. She also had a full bloodwork done & had given a urine sample.

Fortunately again, everything came back fine. Her blood pressure had come down a bit before they administered the morphine & by the time we were able to leave (about 90 min. later), it was right were it should have been. Although she's a bit sore & asks for some ibuprofen every now & then, Paige is fine. But this will be another one of those moments that stick with me forever! 

Well Beginnings Diapers & Wipes

**Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC. or the manufacturer of the product.

We just got out of the diaper scene when I happened to receive a package of Well Beginnings diapers & wipes. I was going to give them to a friend of mine to try on her little one since they were the right size, but then the unthinkable happened. We ran out of pull-ups! Eeek! I was about to trek out to Walmart, just to pick up some more since that was the closest store to us that was still open. But then I remembered that I still had the Well Beginnings that Moms Meet had sent me. Talk about a lifesaver! And an impressive one at that!

  Well Beginnings is Walgreens' exclusive baby care brand & has a full line of products. 

The first thing I noticed was how adorable the elephant character was. The second thing I noticed was that these diapers seemed to have a perfect fit with their soft stretchable waist & side panels. And I'm pretty sure they did, because somehow, we avoided one heck of a stinky blowout in the morning. But thanks to the inner liner with natural botanicals, aloe & vitamin E, my daughter's bum wasn't agitated at all. 

Ok, so after we made it to the store the next morning to get our pull-ups, I swung by my friends house to give her the diapers (I selfishly kept the wipes for myself). She called me the next day to tell me that she loved me! She had been having an awful time trying to find a new brand of diapers for her son to wear since he suddenly developed allergies a couple months ago. Usually after a diaper or two, she can tell if they're going to work out or not. She used 5 before she called me & didn't have any indication of an issue yet. She was over the moon that they were truly hypoallergenic. Plus she was happy that she wasn't going to go broke buying them. (A package retails for $8.99 & a box retails for $18.49.)

I usually tend to buy the sensitive wipes when I buy them just because they're a close match to my homemade version. But I usually loathe the packaging that they come in. More often than not, you end up fighting with a single wipe to get it out of the package. So what happens next? That wipe calls for backup & before you know it, you'd got about a quarter of the package in your hand. So of course you have to stuff them all back in, making them a pain to get out until you finally get to were the wipes like you again. I don't know about you, but that drives me absolutely insane. I'll have you know, that my sanity was not compromised during the use of these wipes.

So aside from actually being able to get the wipes out of the package, they're pretty fantastic themselves too. They're made with Tri-Form, a unique 3-layer fabric that consists of two quilted soft outer layers for gentle cleansing & a strong inner layer to prevent tearing. They're also dermatologist approved, hypoallergenic & alcohol free. Basically what it comes down to, is that you only need one wipe (very rarely it's a 2-3 wipe job) & they won't irritate little bums. 

And although I didn't willingly share these wipes with my friend, I did tell her about them & she stopped to pick some up herself. Yep, she loves me...I mean the wipes, she loves them too. 

Keep up with the latest from Walgreens on Facebook, Twitter & Google+.

Moms Meet is an online resource that empowers moms to come together in an informal setting and talk about the latest on raising healthy families and living green. Moms Meet offers exciting opportunities for Mom Ambassadors and their groups to sample the latest healthy, green products. Sign up today!


Gluten Free Goodness with ginnybakes

**Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC. or the manufacturer of the product.

Lately I have been trying to incorporate more gluten free foods into my daily diet. It's not a necessity, just a conscious choice. I realized some time ago that I feel less run down after indulging in a gluten free goodie. So when the kind folks at Moms Meet sent me a mini treasure trove of products from ginnybakes, I was over the moon ecstatic! You see, ginnybakes creates organic, gluten-free, non-GMO treats that are delicious & nutritious. 

These ginnybars were my absolute favorite! But then again, I'm a sucker for fruit & nut bars as it is, so it came as no surprise. Although if I had to pick a favorite flavor, Karma, Love & Apricots would win. It had the perfect blend of salty, sweet, crunchy & chewy. And apricots of course! (These are definitely getting ordered in the future.)

Then there came cookies. I'll admit, I really didn't think these were going to be very good. I'm not sure why, I just didn't. But oh-em-geeee! They were amazing! Before I knew it, the kids & I stood around a package of the Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bliss & completely devoured them in less than 5 minutes. These were by far, the best chocolate chip oatmeal cookies that never came from my recipe book, that I ever tasted! 

The kids are all in a cookie coma state of heaven!

The kids were super excited when they saw the bags of mini cookies. And I have to admit that I was too, since they always feel special when they get anything "mini". I asked them how they were & I got a few muffled "good" responses amongst the chewing. Which says a lot actually. Especially since I got to enjoy a few minutes of silence (if you don't count the chewing noises that is). 

It took me a minute to realize that these were baking mixes. Baking mixes?! Most companies don't generally offer baking mixes of their goodies so I was uber excited. Especially since they just take a few ingredients (preferably organic) to make.

Ginnybakes also has a brownie & muffin mix (not pictured) available. The brownies were a hit! Not only were they delicious, but they smelled amazing while they were baking. And I know it's a big no-no because of the egg, but the batter was my favorite part. Hey now, someone had to lick the spoon! (Right?)

All in all, I have to say that I was incredibly impressed with ginnybakes. Not just because I loved everything, but because my family did too. And it definitely helped me show them that you can eat healthy & still indulge.


Keep up with the latest from ginnybakes on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest & Google+.

Moms Meet is an online resource that empowers moms to come together in an informal setting and talk about the latest on raising healthy families and living green. Moms Meet offers exciting opportunities for Mom Ambassadors and their groups to sample the latest healthy, green products. Sign up today!

National Waffle Day with Van's Natural Foods & a Giveaway!

Thank you to Van's Natural Foods for sponsoring this post. 

Hey. Hey, you. Yea, you. Do you know what today is?

Photo credit: 365 Days Festival

Waffles are like pancakes, but with abs, or syrup traps, depending on how you look at it. Either way, they're slightly better. But while you won't find me slaving away over a hot waffle iron very often (we don't get along), you will find me hanging around the toaster waiting for my waffles to pop up. Especially if they're my favoritest waffles ever! 

These Gluten Free Blueberry Waffles from Van's Natural Foods are amazing (just like everything else they offer)! They're made with whole grain brown rice flour & sweetened with fruit juice so you don't feel awful after devouring a whole stack of them. Unless you happen to use an entire small jug of pure maple syrup too, but that's a different story. 

View this photo on Instagram!

Of course you do still need at least a bit of that pure maple syrup. And some fresh blueberries. And some banana slices. And a fork. And a quiet place where no one can find you stuffing your face with delicious waffles. Okay, so the last one is optional, but if you have a family like mine, I highly suggest it. 

One lucky winner will receive coupons from Van's Natural Foods!

The giveaway will conclude on at 12:00 a.m. est on Friday 8/29/14. Winners will be announced via rafflecopter & in a separate blog post which will be published no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday 8/29/14. Winners will also be notified via email & announced on the Smith and Blessings facebook page. Winners will have 24 hours to submit shipping information, which will then be passed on to Van's Natural Foods for distribution of product. If 24 hours has lapsed, a new winner will be picked & then will also have 24 hours to submit their information. Smith and Blessings is not responsible for prize shipment.
 *Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep up with the latest from Van's Natural Foods on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.  

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Valentia Even Glow Serum

**Disclaimer: I have received products to try from Valentia Skin Care via BrandBacker & am simply sharing my personal opinion which may vary from yours. I was not compensated for this review.

I turn 33 in less than 2 months, although I don't look anywhere near my age. But I know that isn't going to last forever, so I've decided to take a proactive approach to aging. So when I had the opportunity to try Valentia Even Glow Serum (with 20% Vitamin C), I just couldn't pass it up!

This antioxidant treatment helps to neutralize the free radicals that your skin comes in contact with on a daily basis leaving you absolutely radiant.

Of course the main ingredient is vitamin C, which helps to reduce the effects of sun exposure (sunburn & sun spots), along with redness & wrinkles. But this serum also contains a small handful of other essential ingredients that help to support & even enhance the effects of vitamin C. 

•Organic Rosehip Seed Oil & Organic Sea Buckthorn Oil - These oils help skin hydration & lock in moisture.

•Resistem (Plant Stem Cells) - This will help your skin regenerate faster while protecting it from environmental stressors. 

•Botanical Hyaluronic Acid - This activates collagen production for a fresher, younger, firmer & brighter complexion. 

•Green Tea Extract - The catechins in green tea are a potent antioxidant which also contribute to the overall anti-inflammatory & anti-irritant benefits.

I have to say that I've only been using this for a week, but I can already see a difference. I've noticed that I have fewer fine lines near my eyes & I have an even radiant glow (it reminds me of that awesome pregnancy glow - minus the extra 60lbs). Plus I love the scent! It's citrus-y (it is vitamin C after all) but with just a tinge of green tea. Which is probably why I favor to apply this serum in the morning (nothing says wake up like an invigorating scent, right?) 

And this serum absorbs faster than anything else I have ever tried! HUGE bonus points for being a time saver since I haven't needed to use an extra moisturizer the past few days. I can't wait to see the results after a few more weeks!

Valentia Even Glow Serum is available on Amazon at a great price (if you ask me anyways). Plus it is available for Prime shipping. 

Work It Wednesday: Back to School Style with Handsome in Pink & a Giveaway!

**Disclaimer: I have received products to try from Handsome in Pink & am simply sharing my personal opinion which may vary from yours. I was not compensated for this review.

The moment the hubs & I found out our first born was a girl, we immediately went out to buy pink & purple anything & everything. The first few years of her life, she was your typical girly girl - babies, Barbies, dresses, princesses & anything else you could think of. 

But now there's a new "Girly Girl" in town & she's got the shirt to prove it. My first born refuses to play with babies or Barbie dolls (unless her little sister asks her to). She wears a dress no more than three times a year. She is constantly covered in bruises or cuts from one incident or another (like when she made a mini Nitro Circus bike course from dirt mounds & crashed on the first try). She is the neighborhood go to girl if your bike chain pops off & your parents aren't home to fix it. And she loves to help her dad in the garage, hike, play soccer & do push-ups. 

Now you can imagine my excitement when I discovered the "Girly Girl" t-shirt from Handsome in Pink. I mean, that is my "Girly Girl"! 

This is Paige's muscle pose while trying to smile & look mean all at the same time.

This navy blue & white 3/4 sleeved t-shirt has been put through the test after quickly receiving the title of "favorite". (I'm pretty sure it gets worn at least twice a week.)

I can't even tell you how many times this t-shirt has been washed, but still looks great! There was some slight shrinking after it went through the dryer (the weather hasn't been the most cooperative to line dry), but it is made from 100& combed cotton so that is to be expected. And all of the stitching is a double stitch, so the seams have held up nicely too. 

Handsome in Pink is an eco-friendly, mom owned company, who aim to turn gender stereotypes upside down for babies & children. Below are some of my favorite designs that they have to offer. Oh who am I kidding, I adore them all!

Photos provided by Handsome in Pink.

 Be sure you sign up for the HiP newsletter so that you get all the latest updates (including special offers), straight to your inbox. 

Aside from my daughter absolutely loving her shirt, I love that Handsome in Pink generally ships in 1-3 business days. And they accept PayPal! Making shopping extremely easy & convenient. But now the tough decision of what to order for my other two kids! 

Spoiler alert! Look for something pink with your order! 

Do you know a "girly girl" who would love to have this 3/4 sleeved t-shirt (or a onesie) for herself?

The giveaway will conclude on at 12:00 a.m. est on Thursday 8/28/14. Winners will be announced via rafflecopter & in a separate blog post which will be published no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday 8/28/14. Winners will also be notified via email & announced on the Smith and Blessings facebook page. Winners will have 48 hours to submit shipping information, which will then be passed on to Handsome in Pink for distribution of product. If 48 hours has lapsed, a new winner will be picked & then will also have 48 hours to submit their information. Smith and Blessings is not responsible for prize shipment.
*Giveaway open to U.S. residents only. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Keep up with the latest from Handsome in Pink on Facebook


Friday, August 15, 2014

Fun Friday: Boutique Bow for Soccer

One day I was mindlessly wandering through the crafting aisles at the store, when I happened to spy some soccer ribbon. At that moment, I knew just what I wanted to do! 

The only problem was that I had no idea how to actually make a boutique bow. So I did what anyone else would do...I went to YouTube! I came across what seemed like a million tutorials, but this one seemed to be the easiest for me. At least the easiest one at 11:30PM when I was looking through them in a semi-tired state. But regardless, that was the one that I stuck to.

As you can see, I actually made two boutique bows. The first is the recommended 18in. of ribbon & the second is 12in. Ideally I would have a soccer ball resin of some sort in the center, but I haven't made it that far yet since I wasn't 100% sure how it would all turn out. So instead I placed a black gemstone resin in the center. Then it's all glued onto a small French barrette hair clip.

I actually tried a different style with the two ribbons layered, but this one won. And Paige is excited to wear it for her soccer pictures tomorrow. She wanted me to make some for all of the girls on her team, which was my original plan. But I told her instead that if they wanted one, all they had to do was ask & I'd make it for them.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Think It Thursday: Kindergarten Open House

Tonight was an epic night. It was Kindergarten Open House. I swear it feels like I've waited for this moment for forever. OK, at least all summer. 

Damien will have his first official full day of school on the 25th, but tonight's Open House marked the beginning of the transition process with state testing & orientation to follow. 

Damien, checking out his new book, a gift from his teacher.

Of course Damien was super shy & refused any pictures. Until he saw his friend Alex (so glad they're in the same class), then the only pictures I could get were goofy ones. He also found the stash of dinosaurs in his classroom. Getting him & his friend, Max, away from them...well, they were two of the last kids in the room. 

All in all, I think it's going to be a great year! I can't wait to  see how much Damien learns & how he'll grow as a little man. 

Robinson's Fruit Shoot Presents: The Have a Ball Stunt Hunt

An extra special thanks to Fruit Shoot for sponsoring today's discussion. 

Summer vacation is quickly coming to an end. Usually at this time of year we cram every fun outdoor activity we can think of into our schedule. But lately the weather has been uncharacteristically chilly here & there. But that just means we've had to get a bit creative to fill our days with fun. 

Inspired by our love of playing checkers when we visit the library, we decided to play jacks. Only with Robinson's Fruit Shoot bottles. And instead of seeing how many you could pick up, the kids got to take a sip instead. Can you tell how much fun they had?!

My kids absolutely love Fruit Shoot! Not only do they come in four delicious flavors, but they're made with real fruit juice, contain no high fructose corn syrup & even have a spill proof cap. Which means that I don't mind treating them every once in a while time we go to the store. (My kids can spot these a mile away with their vibrant colors!)

But the fun of Fruit Shoot doesn't stop there! Until September 1st, 2014, you can enter the "Have a Ball Stunt Hunt" by submitting a video (10-30 seconds in length) of your kids (at least 3 years old & up) showing off their active imaginative play with Fruit Shoot & a ball of any kind. Don't forget to share your entry with your friends & have them vote, because winners will have their entry professionally edited with amazing special effects & posted on the contest homepage. 

 So what are you waiting for?! Grab some Fruit Shoot, your kids & a ball, get creative & submit your entry. As a thank you, you'll receive an email with a coupon for a FREE bottle of Fruit Shoot. You'll even find out how to receive a FREE Waboba Ball, also known as "the ball that bounces on water". (Spoiler alert...all you have to do is purchase 6 bottles of Fruit Shoot!) 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Work It Wednesday: Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Oil pulling. I know when I first heard of it, I pictured a big oil rig & wondered how on earth it could be beneficial to my health & beauty. As I'm almost positive you're doing the same (at least you are now), if you've never heard of it before. But rest assured, it's quite different from that mental image. Actually, it's something I look forward to every day. 

I prefer to do oil pulling with Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, which is a truly unrefined organic coconut oil. But I also prefer when it's still slightly solid. You see, above 75º coconut oil is in liquid form & anything below is in solid form. 

Why Coconut Oil?

Because I like it! You could use extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, or sesame oil as well. Just remember, it has to be a taste you wouldn't mind having in your mouth for 15-20 minutes (which is the main reason why I prefer coconut oil).

How do you Oil Pull?

It's really simple! Just take a spoonful of oil (if you do use coconut oil, you may have to chew it a bit until it reaches liquid form if it's not already), and swish it around for 15-20 minutes. Make sure you "pull" the oil through your teeth (just like you do with mouthwash). And whatever you do, do not swallow the oil (more on that below). Also make sure you spit it out in the trash can to prevent a build up in your pipes & always brush & floss afterwards.  

Why Can't You Swallow the Oil?

When you're oil pulling, you are essentially trapping the toxins from your mouth in the oil. If you swallow it, you're re-absorbing those toxins into your body. 

What are the Benefits of Oil Pulling?

Oil pulling has amazing oral health benefits such as prevention of bad breath, whiter teeth, strengthening of teeth & gums, prevention of cavities & gingivitis and even a treatment for TMJ. But it also can provide headache relief, reduce inflammation from arthritis, help sinus congestion, reduce insomnia & eczema flare-ups, reduce allergy symptoms & help suppress appetite. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014