
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Think It Thursday: What Motivates You?

If someone asked you what motivates you, would you have an answer? It doesn't matter if it's fitness related, work related, or anything else. Would you have an answer? 

This picture says it all. Well, minus the hubs who's not in this shot, but motivates me too. 

My kids motivate me, for more reasons than I can begin to count. They keep me in line without knowing it. They make me strive to be the best. (Same goes for the hubs.)

Then there's my brother. I've never seen someone get so excited to be allowed to workout before swim practice (that way he won't get so tired during meets). And I kinda look at it this way, I can't have my 18 year old brother putting me to shame (even though I only swim if I absolutely have to.)

Of course that LBD hanging in my closet, Brittnae Giesau (Beachbody coach), Vannessa Gutierrez (Kawasaki Disease Foundation board member) & sunny days also motivate me. 

What motivates you?


  1. Summer rain, large bodies of water, the outdoors, princess Odie, my students, my patients, and chocolate!
    Btw, I love the pic of the kids and Brian!

    1. Thanks! (I forgot the chocolate somehow too, LOL.)

  2. Honestly - praise and a feeling of accomplishment, so pretty much getting things done! Hopefully that doesn't make me a terrible person :) Love my daughter to pieces, she motivates me to disconnect from my computer haha.

  3. nice fun picture! everyone seems to be having a blast! We just booked a few trips to get away and just veg out.

  4. My kids motivate me too. Looks like a great time for all.

  5. Your kids are beautiful! And my daughter motivates me too, more than anything else ever has. I want her to look at me and want to be a strong, motivated woman.

  6. My kids motivate me too, but so do my husband and friends. When people tell me I encourage them, then it encourages me more!

  7. My daughter and husband push me to do things that I never thought possible.

  8. Lovely post. I have learned that I have to put some tangible and some wish list goals in front of myself to be successful. Today, I just found out that my new business,, was published as a part of an article on new business startups in Chicago by Crain's Chicago Business. Working hard at whatever you do, does have positive results!

  9. I can surely say my family, friends and boyfriend motivates me to be the best I can be. Lovely post! :)

  10. Ha, I love the sibling rivalry. We've got that in our house between the two oldest boys too, but in a fun way.

  11. My family, my boyfriend, my friends, and the desire to help others!

  12. My son surely motivates me to reach my goals. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. My faith and family motivates me to do better... be better :)

  14. Oh my...God, my faith, my family, the country, writing :)

  15. My Kids, Starbucks and Nail Polish motivate me ! Haha Put em together and we have a party :)

  16. My children and husband always motivates me everyday. They motivate me to stay fit and be the best I can be even if I am at worst.

  17. a stack of work piling up motivates me LOL it is scary :P that's when I sit down and make a to do list and do it!

  18. Great picture! Your kids are so cute! My desire to make others happy motivates me!

  19. My kids are a big motivator for me too.

  20. My family motivates me as well as achieving my goals!

  21. Family is a great motivator. Cute photo!

  22. Easy -- my son motivates me. He motivates me to do better and be better. :)
