
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Think It Thursday: Back to School Shopping

It's almost time for the kids to go back to school! And although I've looked forward to it since the first day of summer break, it all seems to be moving along so fast now. Of course that could have something to do with my extreme procrastination when it comes to school shopping. Especially now that I have two children to shop for. 

I have to admit something, it's the supplies that really do me in every year. They just seem like so much on paper like that. And what is with some of them being finicky about the brand? I mean, to me, a pencil is a pencil no matter who makes them. But regardless, school supplies are always the last things I buy (in case it wasn't apparent by my total of three things checked off - which are just things leftover from the previous year). I have a hard enough time keeping my kids from wearing their new school clothes before the official start of school (my son wore an entire 5pk of underwear in one day just last week for no apparent reason), but school supplies...they'd be lucky to last an hour! And even that's pushing it. So roughly 2-3 days before the first day, I'll be the mom desperately searching from store to store (& maybe making an Amazon order), just to get what's on the list. To some, that seems just downright idiotic. But, I'd rather do it that way once because I haven't gotten any of it yet, rather than do it that way to replace what my kids have gotten into already. (Makes total sense, right?)

Okay, now for the clothing aspect. Recently, I discovered that my kids tend to have a growth spurt right after the beginning of school. So I don't want to go crazy just to replace it all. The main reason being that that's pointless. But then again, I couldn't afford to do it that way either. Which means that we'll do one full week of outfits, a couple extra shirts, a couple pairs of shoes & then the basics of socks & underwear. That should be good considering the growth spurts, followed by birthdays & Christmas. 

Ugh! Who knew that shopping would make a girl so stressed! 

When do you like to do your back to school shopping? 


  1. Although my kids are out of school, as a teacher, I am never finished back to school shopping. I am always to find stuff for my classroom!

  2. I do the same thing with clothes shopping. I don't really do much clothes shopping until fall hits and he needs new jeans and long sleeve stuff. I throw in a few shirts here and there for the summer, but as of right now he could care less lol

  3. Gah! I hate back to school shopping! Especially when the school hasn't published their class lists yet :/

  4. I do like taking my kiddos school supply shopping, but I'm not a fan of checking out at the cash register! Haha. I also admit that I was really looking forward to sending my 4 year old off to pre-k this year, but the closer it gets the sadder I get.... darn pregnancy hormones!

  5. I'm a hoarder so we have plenty of school supplies lying around ;) I buy any time I see them on sale for a great price. Clothing is normally the last few weeks before school starts because it is a fight to stop them from wearing the brand ew clothes before the first day of school! LOL

  6. My school district offered us the option to place an order for the supplies online through a subsidary of Staples earlier in the summer. Life saver!
    Clothes? Someone should start that line of business honestly.

  7. Your list is better than mine. My kids have to bring in 4 boxes of tissues, soap, 4 rolls paper towels, and ziplocks. Next year it will probably be toilet paper,

  8. Wow, that's a pretty comprehensive list! We get one from our elementary school which we've already shopped for. We're just waiting for the individual teacher one now!

  9. I hated back to school shopping as soon as I hit middle school and not looking for to it with my own children lol. That being said, a year or two before my kid goes to school I will start stashing away items during sales!

  10. I'm a total procrastinator. I still haven't finished my shopping for college and I need my textbooks ASAP. I actually don't mind back to school shopping at all since overall I love to shop! :)

  11. School starts in a week and I still haven't bought anything yet really. I plan on going this weekend. Wish me luck because it gets really hectic last minute.

  12. School starts September 2nd here. That means a little less than a month left. I've got almost all of my shopping done for my daughter. Just need to pick up a couple more things and I'm done.

  13. As a kid I LOVED getting school supplies. As an adult... I homeschool my kids, lol

  14. I always loved going back to school shopping when I was younger! I agree though, lists keep getting larger and larger and they keep getting more picky about brands.

  15. No kids here but am sure it is a fun but nervous time for everyone.

  16. My name is Marilyn and I'm a school supply addict. I don't have any children to supply so I get to keep them ALLLLLL! Ahhh......the smell of Sharpies in the morning :D Seriously, I love all school/office supplies.

  17. My kiddo had grown two inches since I last measured him so of course he needed all new clothes and shoes!

  18. I learned long ago, better to get more than less. Trying to get a good deal during school is almost hopeless haha.

    This year I'm seriously behind though.

  19. Oh yeah, I shop last thing too. And you're right, a pencil is just a pencil. Right?

  20. Last thing shopping for me here, especially for clothes. Other accessories I just collect all year round, hunting sales and special offers.

  21. I hear you about picky on the brands. My kids go to private school and they are so particular with the brand, it has to be specific. Names should be written where they want it to be, sigh.

  22. I'm so not ready for back to school. Thank you for sharing this.

  23. We shop sales throughout the year to stock up on random supplies, like pencils and glue sticks, crayons, notebooks and such but specific colored folders and such we usually wait for the clearance a few days before school.

  24. I homeschool my kids so I have a shopping list every time we go to the store - or when something is on sale! :)
