
Friday, July 18, 2014

Fun Friday: Edible Kool-Aid Playdough

So the other day, I was digging through some recipes when I came across one for Edible Kool-Aid Playdough. I'm not sure where it came from, since it was scrawled down on a piece of scrap paper, but I decided I was going to make it since the temperature has cooled a bit & the kids have been coming inside earlier at night.

I have to say that when I was making this, it smelled amazing! So much so that I snuck a bite.Yea, it's edible. But it doesn't taste good. Which I guess is a good thing since you don't want to teach your kids that eating playdough is okay. After all, not everyone plays with edible playdough. Side note - My 8 yr. old told me that it tasted just like the playdough she ate when she was younger. That wasn't edible. *Sigh*

1C. flour (plus extra for kneading)
1/2C. salt
1 pkg. Kool-Aid
3Tbsp. vegetable oil
1C. boiling water

- In a large bowl, combine the flour, salt & Kool-Aid.
- Next add the oil & boiling water, stirring to combine thoroughly.
- On a floured work surface & adding more flour as needed, knead the dough until it becomes the perfect playdough consistency. 

*Store in an airtight container.



  1. I bet this DOES smell amazing! OMGoodness...I wanna try this...and I love that all of the ingredients are easily found in most households. On a side note, have you tried the Kool Aid liquid water enhancers? I love the cherry.

  2. This dough looks so cool. Does the dough leave your hands red?

    1. It doesn't, which is why I love it so much! :)

  3. I like to make playdough at home for the kids. They like to help out in making it too.

  4. How fun!! What a great way to have fun and know you're being safe about it.

  5. I would love to make playdough. Thanks for the recipe.

  6. This would be great for my daughter. We've already made homemade paints, but I didn't think to use Kool-Aid as the dye.

  7. Edible kool-aid playdough? That is awesome! Will have to try this very soon.

  8. This sounds pretty neat. Too bad it doesn't taste as good as it probably smells! Still, its a great alternative to your children eating regular playdough!

  9. I have got to try this for my 3 year old. He loves eating regular playdoh ha

  10. I have been meaning to try something like this for a while! Does it dry out easily?

    1. No more than regular playdough from what I've seen.

  11. Oh wow, my kids would surely love this. They love playdough and to think they are edible is so cool!

  12. Oh my gosh, this is awesome. I totally have to make this with my daughter. I would expect that it turns your hands red so I am glad that you mentioned in the comments that it doesn't! She will love this!

  13. I'm seriously going to have to try this. I have all the ingredients ready to go and everything. My kids love both cooking and playdough, so this is the best of both worlds for them.

  14. Oh that sounds awesome! We're going to have to try this!

  15. How easy and fun! Great for a last minute play date!

  16. mmmm I wish I could smell it through the monitor :p

    Thanks for the recipe for homemade playdough!

  17. That is so cool! My kids would love this! I have everything I need to make it, and today just so happens to be a beautiful day to go outside and play with playdough!

  18. You're right about Kool Aid smelling good. I bet this was fun to make too. :)
