
Friday, July 25, 2014

Fun Friday: DIY Elastic Ribbon Hair Ties

Between my 8 year old & I, we have a decent collection of elastic ribbon hair ties. I love them because they don't pull or tear my hair, she loves them because they can double as a bracelet & come in a ton of different colors. But we wanted more! A lot more actually. Like at least two of every color or print (less fighting that way). But what I didn't want, was to pay anywhere from $4-$9 for a pack of them. So we decided to make our own! And let me tell you, it is so beyond simple, that you'll wonder why you ever paid for them in the first place!

All you need is some colorful elastic ribbon & a good pair of scissors. 

•First, start by measuring the ribbon by wrapping it around your wrist (just like a bracelet), but leaving a bit of excess to tie a knot.

•Then fold the ribbon in half, making sure the bottom side is facing each other, pull taut slightly & tie a single knot in the end. (At this point you can place the hair tie on your wrist & tighten the knot accordingly.)

•For the finishing touch, take your scissors & cut the end at an angle for a more polished look.


  1. Super cute idea! My niece could use some of these!

  2. Oh wow - everything looks so nice and neat. Now, you can have any color or print that you want!

  3. I need to make some for when I go running. Very cute and simple to make.

  4. so pretty and safe for the hair. like that!

  5. I love these - I always take some hair ties with me when we are out riding our RzR and these would be perfect to put on my arm and then have with me to use if I need them.

  6. I can definitely use these, my store-bought ones break all the time!

  7. Oh how cute. I love doing up my daughters hair

  8. This is a great idea... Now I just have to find some elastic ribbon, I love hair ties, but it seems like i will wear one and then it will disappear and be gone forever.

  9. They are really cute. Simple yet adds a nice touch.

  10. Great idea. Easy to make. Cute ribbons hair ties!~

  11. Those are cute and look really easy to make. Thank you so much for sharing.

  12. These are really simple to make, we have made some before. And total customization!

  13. Looks good would be fab for my daughter .x

  14. I saw these at the store and thought, why are these so popular that people would pay so much for elastic? I didn't think about them doubling as bracelets. That makes sense.

  15. I swear I need to make some of these like right now! I am all out of hair ties and I have no idea where they went lol

  16. Fun idea! Thanks for sharing it!

  17. They are really cute! I love wearing my hair up with an elastic band. I definitely need to do few of these!

  18. Love this idea. Both my daughter and I have long hair so I will definitely try these.

  19. Great idea and so easy to make.
    I like all the different colors!

  20. I definitely need to make some of these! My sister and I both love this type of hair tie since they dont pull our hair. They are expensive though, so making them would save so much money!

  21. This is such a great idea. Easy to make, inexpensive, and safer for the hair!
