
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Kodiak Cakes & a FLASH Giveaway!

**Disclaimer: I have received products to try from Kodiak Cakes & am simply sharing my personal opinion which may vary from yours. I was not compensated for this review.

Pancakes are always a favorite breakfast in this house. But what's usually not a favorite, are the instant pancake mixes. Sure they're super convenient, but the taste is always a bit off. Which makes me glad to say, that I've found an instant pancake mix, that not only tastes great, but it actually tastes homemade! 

No added fat, sugar or cholesterol?! Yes, please!

It all started with the Frontier Flapjack and Waffle Mix! Based on an old family recipe, it contains 100% whole grain wheat flour, 100% whole grain oat flour, non-fat dry milk, dried honey, leavening, egg whites & sea salt. Pretty simple. And to keep with the simplicity, you just add water to get light, fluffy, might as well pulled all the ingredients out of the cupboard yourself, pancakes. 

Look at how fluffy those pancakes are!

The Buttermilk & Honey Flapjack & Waffle Mix contains the same grains and honey as the original flapjack mix, but is made with non-fat sweet cream buttermilk with a hint of vanilla, making it a favorite in no time! Actually, they were both so could, that I couldn't even choose which one I liked better. Although I'll assume that one may make for a better tasting waffle (because that's usually how it it), but my waffle maker & I haven't been on speaking terms for a while now. (It's not me, it's the waffle maker.)

No boring muffin flavors here!

Ok, so we all have those morning where we sleep late or the kids just don't cooperate, making the morning a mad rush. I despise those mornings, but they seem to happen all the time. But then I get that pang of guilt, grabbing a toaster pastry or some other convenience food, for my kids to inhale before rushing out the door. The solution: Minute Muffins. 

Paige enjoying a Minute Muffin on a rushed morning, most likely about 10 minutes before the bus comes.

Minute Muffins are an all-natural muffin mix served in a convenient, microwavable cup. Simply add water & microwave for one minute. That's it! Packed with fiber, protein, and whole grain, these  really give you the energy you need first thing in the morning all while tasting good too. And don't forget, they only take one minute to make! 

Two lucky winners will each receive, two coupons for a FREE box of Kodiak Cakes Frontier Flapjack & Waffle Mix! (exp/ 12/31/14 - value of $6 each)

The giveaway will conclude on at 12:00 a.m. est on Friday 12/26/14. Winners will be announced via rafflecopter & in a separate blog post which will be published no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday 12/26/14. Winners will also be notified via email & announced on the Smith and Blessings facebook page. Winners will have 24 hours to submit information for distribution of product. If 24 hours has lapsed, a new winner will be picked & then will also have 24 hours to submit their information.
 *Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep up with the latest from Kodiak Cakes on Facebook, Twitter, Intsagram, Pinterest & YouTube.  


  1. I love pancakes!

  2. I need to check these out. We make pancakes every week in our house. At least once.....

  3. I love waffles with sunflower seeds baked in them.

  4. I love both, but prefer pancakes -- strawberries on top, please! These products look so delicious. I've never heard of them, so thanks for introducing me to the brand!

  5. I prefer pancakes just because they are easier to make. I usually top them with butter and syrup.

  6. i love blueberry pancakes and whipped cream

  7. Waffles, all the way!!
    jenncutie at hotmail dot com

  8. Those muffins sound great for when you are in a rush. I wouldn't mind having them around for the hectic days.

  9. I prefer waffles with whipped cream

  10. Wow, I really like that Minute Muffin idea, how do they taste? I've never seen that before?

  11. I love pancakes. They are so good topped with about anything.

  12. Those muffin in a minute could be dangerous here. Muffins are my weakness, but I never make them because they take too long. These would surly get me a muffin fix in a hurry!

  13. I prefer waffles :) I love them with strawberries and whipped cream!

  14. Oh yum -I completely admit I am a pancake fiend - delicious! x

  15. Those minute muffins are so cool. They sound like they taste delicious too.

  16. Yum. I love everything about this! I haven't heard of. KODIAK cakes before. Looks so good!

  17. waffles with peanut butter and syrup

  18. I prefer waffles and I like strawberries on top!

  19. I think I like waffles because they have a little crunch to them. I just like them with syrup.

  20. I want that muffin thing. That is kind of cool! The branding is really cute and so is the packaging. Love.

  21. I love Kodiak pancakes so much that we bring along with us on our trips to the cabin. Don't leave home without it!

  22. I like waffles the best. Just pure maple syrup for me.

  23. I am a waffles with fresh fruit kind of girl, but I do love a chocolate chip pancake with whipped cream. The email I check most often is

  24. I prefer pancakes! Topped with butter and syrup and sometimes with blueberries or chocolate chips mixed into the batter.


  25. Those sound great especially for Christmas morning breakfast! Yummy!

  26. I like waffles topped with butter and maple syrup.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  27. Oh yum. I could go for some nice fluffy pancakes here, about now. I like waffles too though... I'm not picky. ;)

  28. I like pancakes with blueberries

  29. I love pancakes with maple syrup

  30. I have not made pancakes in a gajillion years! They look like they are really good though.

  31. I love pancakes but I prefer waffles. My favorite it real maple syrup with pecans. I have been wanting to try these Kodiak items, too! Thanks for the giveaway.

  32. I LOOOOVE pancakes with peanut butter melted on top. Sometimes I'll throw on some bananas or fresh preserves too, but just peanut butter is so yummy and super filling!

  33. Love some pancakes with syrup on them! Thanks so much for the chances to win!

  34. waffles with cherry pie filling and whipped cream.

  35. I have not heard of this brand but it looks quite yummy. I love the concept of the muffin in a cup.

  36. I love pancakes!! Lots of butter and King syrup.

  37. love pancakes sound good for supper. thankyou, ken

  38. I love waffles with fresh strawberries!

  39. I like waffles with nuts and peanut butter on top.

  40. Pancakes is our weekend treat. These look just right!

  41. I enjoy pancakes best and usually put butter or berries on them.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  42. waffles, with blueberries, butter, and maple syrup

  43. I love pancakes with butter and maple syrup. yummy.

  44. I prefer pancakes with lots if syrup and sometimes fresh fruit

  45. I need those minute muffins. My girls are always rushing out for school and don't have time for proper breakfast. These muffins would work for them as well.

  46. Waffles for me! I like them with regular maple syrup and butter or boysenberry syrup.

  47. I love waffles topped with blueberries.

  48. I prefer pancakes with real maple syrup.

  49. We always make pancakes or Waffles on Saturday morning. I would love to try this mix. I've heard great things about their product line but have never gotten around to try their pancake mix with the family.Rene Chartier (Joan R C)

  50. I prefer waffles, but love pancakes too. I usually put real maple syrup on them with butter, or strawberries.

  51. I love waffles, but pancakes are usually easier to make so those are usually what we have! I like them with fresh fruit!

  52. Pancakes are everyone's favorite - they are just yummy! I love them will butter and syrup!

  53. Looks delicious! I love making pancakes. Dark Chocolate flavor are my daughters favorite. The giveaway sounds amazing. Will have to check this out for sure.

  54. Waffles are our favorite. We love making big breakfasts and using honey or nutella for flavor!

  55. We love pancakes in our home! I hadn't heard of this brand before. Thanks for sharing!

  56. Pancakes are my favorite. I could eat them for any meal! Amber N

  57. I love the pancake mix. We eat pancakes at any meal in my house. It makes for a great dinner. I haven't seen the minuet muffin before, will have to check that out.
