
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Beautiful Incentives: Giant Microbes Giveaway!

Brie, from Beautiful Incentives, has done it again! And honestly, this giveaway couldn't have come at a better time. The hubs is on the verge of pneumonia, the kids have snotty noses, grandpa just got over the flu & just about everyone I know has dealt with some kind of sickness in the past week alone! Which basically means that I'm ecstatic to participate in this awesome giveaway (& get some great ideas for Christmas gifts while I'm at it).

It's about that time again when everyone goes back to school or their jobs, or they're around a ton of people during the holidays. The time when people get a little too close for comfort. The germs are a flying and it's a crap shoot where they'll land, but your chances of getting sick are much higher when you don't wash your hands, you can be sure.

Introducing Giant Microbes! The cute, cuddly versions of gross bacteria and germs. These are hard to stay away from and can serve as daily reminders to keep clean and avoid the real things. Especially great for children. It's a fun way to teach them to stay clean and have fun doing it!  

See the full review by Beautiful Incentives.

The lovely people at GiantMicrobes are here to offer you what I call the "Stay Well" collection! Enter the Rafflecopter below to be the lucky winner who will win 3 plushies & and a handwash dispenser! Good Luck and Happy Sick-Free Holidays! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway and review is in accordance with FCC guidelines. Beautiful Incentives and all bloggers promoting this are not responsible for fulfillment of prize. Open to US & Canada residents.


  1. The common cold is really cute.

  2. The cutest giant microbe is the Kissing Disease (Epstein-Barr).

  3. How fun! My kids would love to have any of the plushies!

  4. I like the dArk blue one. . My fave color! !

  5. I think the little blue Amoba is really cute!

  6. E. coli (Escherichia coli)
    E. coli (Escherichia coli) is really cute

  7. The cutest giant microbe is the Bed Bug.

  8. hilarious! love the chickenpox :)

  9. Love the little red blood cell GIANT Microbe!
