
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Think It Thursday: It's Fall Y'all!

I absolutely adore this time of year! 

•Pumpkins & gourds galore
•The changing of the leaves is so beautiful
•Comfort food to help keep you warm
•Halloween & Trick-or-Treat
•Thanksgiving (complete with pumpkin pie of course)
•Hayrides & corn mazes
•Carving pumpkins & roasting the seeds
•The perfect weather for jeans & a hoodie
•Playing in the leaves
•Haunted houses
•My birthday (even though I usually don't celebrate it)

What do you love about fall?


  1. PUMPKIN PIE and seeing my family who live states away.

  2. I love the smell of fall and the colors too. You have a great list of gratitude!

  3. I love the holiday decorations, the cool mornings, and drinking hot cocoa with my family.

  4. Love fall! So excited for the season change!

  5. I love beautiful leaves and hot apple cider.

  6. I hear yah! I love fall!! Specially the colors! :)

  7. I do too! I love pumpkin seeds and I can't wait until the pumpkins go on sale, so I can get a couple just for the seeds.

  8. I love the weather. It's not too hot or cold. I love the colors, Fall festivals and visiting family for the holidays.

  9. Such pretty leaves!

    This is what I love about fall:

    - Mulled apple cider
    - Hitting the trails and looking at the beautiful scenery
    - Fall festivals
    - The changes of colors in the leaves
    - The cool, crisp air
    - Taking advantage of my slow cooker
    - Seasonal desserts, such as pumpkin pie

  10. Autumn is my favorite season and I love love the weather :)

  11. I love fall because I get to wear boots. The cold weather gets to me because I am anemic but thank goodness for heat lol

  12. Oh the pumpkins and gourds! I filled up my cart with them this week and am still so excited about it

  13. I love fall!! I really do! I know a pumpkin spiced latte is waiting for me this week!

  14. Hooray for breezy fall mornings. It finally felt like fall today.

  15. We do more crafts and baking during the fall. I love bundling up with a scarf or shawl.

  16. Falls is really near and it's quite exciting it reveal so much symbolism.

  17. Hey, among the list your birthday should be one of the more important things! I like all the things you mentioned to but I won't ever go into a corn maze again, especially when it's hot!

  18. I love I can wear my sweats again. They're so warm and comfortable. I love all the colors too and kids running around playin' in the leaf piles. It also means it's the start of the holidays and I love love love to decorate. Woo Hoo

  19. Great list of why you love fall. I love fall because it is that time of year to Christmas shop and because I love my hoodies. Thanks for sharing.

  20. What I love is the week school is closed for the holiday. Hey, I'm just keeping it real. lol

  21. I always used to say my favorite seasons were Spring and Summer but I have to say have fallen in love with Fall. It is truly a gorgeous season and I love all that comes with it. Including everything pumpkin and figs.

  22. Yep... it seems to be fall. There were a few hot days and all of a sudden... brrr. I'm more of a late Spring and Summer type person than a Fall person, even though I was born right before Fall is officially suppose to start.

  23. I love fall because of the nice weather. I just moved to AZ and it's absolutely amazing. I also loved fall back in the midwest BUT I knew an awful winter was always lurking riiiiight around the corner, so I never loved it as much. lol

  24. I wish we have this type of season as well.

  25. My birthday as well. Plus kicking through leaves

  26. Apple picking and being able to wear a complete outfit without sweating to death. Love autumn!

  27. I love beautiful falling leaves, too bad I live in Florida lol

  28. I love fall too! When my littles wake up from nap this afternoon, we're going on a leaf walk!

  29. Do love finding leaves and all the manner of fall warming things.x
