
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tasty Tuesday: Pumpkin Pancakes

It's fall! And you know what that means, right? Pumpkin! Yep, I use this time of year to consume any & everything that is pumpkin. And one of my favorites, is Pumpkin Pancakes. There's just something about the added flavor of pumpkin with pure maple syrup that makes me all giddy inside. Too much? Okay, well, how about I share the giddiness then? 

Now that you're drooling over your computer screen there, I'll even be nice enough to share the recipe. Are you giddy yet? 

print recipe

Pumpkin Pancakes
A delicious breakfast treat to help kick of fall!
  • 1 C. flour
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. brown sugar
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 C. milk
  • 1/2 C. pumpkin puree
  • 1 Tbsp. melted butter
  • pat of butter & pure maples syrup, if desired
•Carefully whisk all ingredients together in a medium sized bowl. •Drop by 1/3 cupfuls onto a hot & greased griddle. •When pancakes begin to bubble, flip & finish cooking until done. •Top with a pat of butter & pure maple syrup, if desired.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time:


  1. Yum! They look delicious! You could use coconut sugar in place of brown sugar and wouldn't taste the difference and it would be low-glycemic and refined-sugar free but still sweet.

  2. These look delicious! It's the pumpkin time of year ;)

  3. This would be a unique pancakes. The pumpkin would give it a fresher taste.

  4. I haven't tried this. Perfect for this season! Oh hey, I haven't heard of coconut sugar but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it!

  5. Those sound SO good. I love pumpkin flavored anything.

  6. Pumpkin pancakes? Never had any before, but it actually seems like it could be delicious, even with just some maple syrup on it. I need to try this out. Thanks!

  7. Yummy. What a delicious way to start a crisp fall morning.

  8. I haven't tried pumpkin pancakes but it looks so good and I hope somebody can send me one. :) We will also try to do that following your recipe.

  9. Never would have thought of combining the two. Interesting. Thanks for the share.

  10. Those look to DIE for! Pumpkin is such a fun flavor! Why do we wait til fall to use it? It should be one of those all year foods!

  11. What if I put mashed pumpkin, would the taste be different? Anyways, thaank you for sharing this one.. another alternative in creating flavorful pancakes! :)

  12. I will pass this recipe to all my pumpkin lovers. I'm a sweet potato type of girl. Thanks for the recipe.

  13. Wow, I never really had pumpkin pancakes before - I bet this is delish!

  14. Delicious! I know what I am making after carving some pumpkins.

  15. Mmmm those looks really tasty. I wish my pumpkins would hurry up and grow so I can make some of these.

  16. OMG yummy! I usually just eat frozen Eggo pancakes or waffles lol. These are so fancy, but actually super easy to make!

  17. Oh deliciousness!! I love pumpkin pancakes. I can't wait to try your recipe. Maybe I can make these tomorrow morning. Thank you!!

  18. Pumpkin + pancakes = two things that I love <3

  19. These sound so good I will have to make them. Thanks for the recipe.

  20. That picture looks amazing. I am in. I have to try this out!

  21. I made a version of these with drake chocolate mini chips instead of sugar. My family literally fought over the last pancake.

  22. Now that's a pancake flavor I've never even considered! Thanks for the recipe!

  23. Look at all that goodness! I can't wait to try it :)

  24. Now these look amazing! I think I may have to make them tomorrow morning for breakfast!

  25. Those pumpkin pancakes look and sound amazing. It's fall and time for all things pumpkin!

  26. These look so yummy, and making me so hungry! These will for certain be on our weekend menu. Thank you sharing.

  27. These sound so good! I love anything with pumpkin!
