
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Snacktastic Saturday: Pumpkin Spice Latte

Fall is officially almost here! It's not the crunching of the leaves that tells you, but the arrival of Pumpkin Spice Lattes at coffee shops everywhere. Unfortunately for me, making a daily visit to a coffee shop is out of the question. But that's okay since I can enjoy a Pumpkin Spice Latte without even leaving my home, whenever I want. 

I keep it simple when it comes to making a Pumpkin Spice Latte & make it in the mug itself (hence why there's a bit of pumpkin along the edges of the cup). 

print recipe

Pumpkin Spice Latte
Forget seasonal, enjoy a Pumpkin Spice Latte at home whenever you're in the mood for one!
  • 3/4 C. milk
  • 2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
  • 3 Tbsp. pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/2 C. freshly brewed strong black coffee
  • optional: whipped cream, nutmeg, cinnamon &/or cinnamon stick
•In a large cafe mug, combine first 5 ingredients & heat in the microwave.  •Use an immersion blender to thoroughly blend & create some froth. (If you don't have an immersion blender, you can use a standard blender.) •Slowly pour freshly brewed strong black coffee into the side of the mug. •Top with whipped cream, nutmeg, cinnamon &/or a cinnamon stick if desired.
Cook time: Total time:


  1. Ohmygosh! That sounds delicious! I think I might be ready for fall now! :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. It seriously does. I am a HUGE fan of pumpkin anything. Yum!

  2. My wife would like this, i am not a pumpkin fan..

  3. I love pumpkin lattes but not the spice ones. I will make this without the spice as it sounds so good.

  4. I love this recipe and it has got to be cheaper than the coffee houses to just make it at home!

  5. It's not fall without pumpkin spice latte! May have to make one this afternoon!

  6. This is just plain awesome. Plus it would save me a fortune at Starbucks LOL.

  7. Wow this is great! Now I don't have to spend all my money at Starbucks ;) plus, this version seems more natural and healthy since I know exactly what's in it

  8. It's the pumpkin season again and you know what, you gave me a great idea on where to use it! Where else but with a cup of joe, right? So I'll feel like fall everytime! ;)

  9. That sounds amazing. I don't drink coffee, though. Wondering if it would work for hot chocolate?

  10. Yummy! I have a recipe linky on Fridays. Won't you share this with my readers then? Sure hope so sounds great! mmm

  11. ohhhh you made my day! I have been looking high and low for this to celebrate the season!

  12. I have never been to a coffee shop which is odd being that we seem to literally have a drive through coffee shop on every corner here. I like making my own and will give this one a try. I love pretty much anything pumpkin.

  13. Even better than the artificial stuff you get at DD or Sbucks. Awesome.

  14. Oh my how yummy. Perfect for the fall.

  15. OK I am so going to try this especially since I'm cutting back on my Starbucks purchases and it's one that I just have to have.

  16. Oh yum that sounds absolutely delicious - perfect for the cold autumn evenings we are getting! x

  17. Yum! I want to make one right now! I'm going to the store later and will have to get the ingredients I don't have.

  18. Ya know, I've still never had one of these! Maybe one day!

  19. I've never had pumpkin spice latte, but it sure does sound delicious. I'll have to try it!

  20. That sounds delicious. Even better than the store bought ones. Thanks!

  21. This is the craze. Thank goodness I will not be buying this but instead making my own version. Great and simple recipe.

  22. Sounds yummy and definately more healthy than those at coffee shops filled with all kinds of crazy ingredients. Pinning this so I can find it again. :)

  23. This really gets you in the spirit for fall and I am so ready for one of these. I will have to make this for my mom . I know she will love it.

  24. Oh yum! The first cold day we have I'm going to make this.

  25. Must. Have. Pumpkin. Seriously! It's officially fall! WOO HOO!

  26. Thanks so much for the recipe! Love fall and a great spice latte like this would come in handy on chilly fall mornings!

  27. Thanks for this great recipe! I love pumpkin spiced lattes, so I'll be making this in the VERY near future! =D

  28. This sounds so good and I will have to try this for sure. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  29. What a yummy recipe. Thank you for sharing I can't wait to try it out.

  30. This looks wonderful. I look forward to trying this recipe out.

  31. I haven't had a latte in awhile. I think getting one w/pumpkin spice would be ideal.

  32. I'm a huge pumpkin pie fan, I never had anything else made of pumpkin or pumpkin flavored. I would love to try this!

  33. Considering the Starbucks recipe that went around, this is a great substitute. Yum!

  34. I love all of the Fall recipes that contain pumpkin. I think this would do me good right now that I'm sick with a bad cold.

  35. I love the pumpkin, although I don't drink coffee. You always make conventional recipes with an extraordinary twist to make them better.

  36. If I could drink coffee I would have definitely tried this. This recipe is so simple and yet sounds so delicious. May be I could make this for my friends. :)

  37. I've just had to go and see if we can now get pumpkin puree in the UK, as previously you couldn't. I don't drink coffee, but wonder if it would work with hot chocolate?

  38. I absolutely love the smell of pumpkin and spice. Will definitely be giving this a try during the fall/winter months.

  39. I'm glad you did this hopefully I can save some money by making this at home too!
