
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Snacktastic Saturday: Easy Cinnamon Sugar Cornbread

Excuse me while I sound like a broken record & once again tell you how much I love fall (I really do). Fall is synonymous with comfort food. Which always makes me instantly think of a nice big pot of chili. But don't forget the cornbread. And cinnamon sugar. Wait, what?! 

Let me clarify that this cornbread isn't meant to be eaten with the chili (unless you want to). But it does make for an amazing afternoon snack or even a tasty breakfast. 

•Start with your favorite cornbread (I always double or sometimes even triple whatever recipe I'm making so that I have plenty left over.)
•Warm it up in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.
•Top it with a pat of butter & a generous sprinkling of cinnamon sugar. 


  1. Oh my goodness this looks delicious! I'm not much of a baker but I think I could handle this recipe. My son is a huge cinnamon fan but I never considered putting it on cornbread. YUM!

  2. I love cornbread but have never tried with cinnamon and sugar! It sounds so good!

  3. This sounds sooooo good. I bet it would be amazing with the homemade honey butter I make :)

  4. This looks *so* yummy! Will definitely be adding it to our recipe rotation!

  5. Oh this looks great!! Thank you!

  6. Now that looks delicious. I love cinnamon on any and everything. In fact, I'm fixing to go make some cinnamon toast. :)

  7. Now this is a unique recipe! With the colder waether approaching, chili is a staple in my kitchen... which means, so is cornbread! I've never thought about switching it up a bit, this is totally snacktastic!

  8. Okay- YUM! Corn bread is one of my favorite comfort foods in the world. Definitely trying this!

  9. OMG, I love cinnamon sugar bagels and I love cornbread! Would love to try to make this!

  10. Love the twist on the cornbread. We bake cornbread to go with most soups but I will try your sweet version.

  11. Cinnamon sugar corn bread, oh my. I never heard of this. This is a super fun recipe!

  12. Don't like cornbread but love love cinnamon and I will share this with my baking co-workers this would be great to eat at work

  13. Oh, now that sounds amazing. I've never seen a sweet cornbread recipe before.

  14. Oh my goodness that looks delicious. Cornbread is one of my all time favorite foods! I have never made it though! It would be a fun thing to try!

  15. Looks really good.. i wish the rest of the family were cinnamon fans like me.

  16. This sounds like one of the most delicious things ever. I am so going to make these this weekend! Thanks so much for an awesome recipe!

  17. Looks really good, but I can't have too much sugar. I am sure it's really yummy

  18. This looks so tasty! Makes me want to have some cinnamon bread!!

  19. This looks so good. I'd be in big trouble if I made this. I'd be tempted to have more than a piece or two. lol

  20. I haven't had corn bread in ages! Now I want some and make it like this.

  21. That looks absolutely delicious! I would never think to do that though.

  22. Great idea. Easy treat with warm comforting cinnamon.

  23. I think I need to try the cornbread first. Never had it before.

  24. We used to eat it in the morning for breakfast with syrup. Your way sounds awesome too!

  25. I am drooling! That sounds amazing. I would have never thought of the 2 together - yum!

  26. Mmmm That sounds good, and I always add to heaping tablespoons of applesauce in mine. :)

  27. Cinnamon corn bread? Now you got my attention! Thanks for the recipe!

  28. Okay this looks tasty and cripy. I want to take some bite. munch munch hehe.
    Thanks for this very delicious treat :)

  29. MMMMMMMM!!! I want to make this right now! Hey fun fact, both of our names are "Mel Smith"!

  30. Love cornbread and love cinnamon! I bet they are amazing!

  31. This looks delicious! I don't think I've ever seen a sweet cornbread recipe! Adding to my thanksgiving list

  32. Never thought of adding cinnamon sugar to it. Yum!

  33. This looks so delicious! My husband and older daughter loves cornbread.

  34. I never had cinnamon sugar cornbread before. I love cinnamon and I'm going to try this for brunch on Sunday. Thanks for the tips.

  35. Oh my gosh this looks good. I'm pinning so I can make me some this weekend. Thanks for the recipe. :)

  36. I love cornbread! Aside from it's healthy benefits it tastes delicious!

  37. I've never had cinnamon sugar cornbread. I love cinnamon.. this is going right in the recipe folder.

  38. I love cornbread but I haven't tried putting cinnamon on them. I guess I'll bolder next time. :D

  39. I have never thought to do this but it sounds amazing. I will be making this for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  40. I would love to give that one a try! Sounds delish!

  41. I love cornbread but adding Cinnamon and Sugar...YUMMM! I must try this for my next batch!

  42. This sounds amazing. I love the sweetness of cornbread and with adding cinnamon to it. Yummers!!! I'm sharing this with my mom.

  43. Elizabeth Obih FrankOctober 7, 2014 at 9:22 PM

    That just looks incredibly delicious! I love anything with Cinnamon and sugar combined :)

  44. We love sweet cornbread, but I've never tried it with cinnamon. Sounds like a tasty twist on an old favorite!

  45. Mmm, Mmm, Mmm! Love me some cornbread with cinnamon. I make something similar, but this looks really good

  46. Mmmm, now we're talking sweet happiness! This looks utterly amazing!

  47. I would of never thought to do this on cornbread of all things, but it looks amazing and now I'm hungry, so there's that.

  48. hmmmmm this is life!! SWeet LIFE!! :) This looks yummy and i bet tastes yummy too!

  49. Yum, what a creative idea!! I love cornbread, but I've never though about a sweet version before!
