
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Valentia Even Glow Serum

**Disclaimer: I have received products to try from Valentia Skin Care via BrandBacker & am simply sharing my personal opinion which may vary from yours. I was not compensated for this review.

I turn 33 in less than 2 months, although I don't look anywhere near my age. But I know that isn't going to last forever, so I've decided to take a proactive approach to aging. So when I had the opportunity to try Valentia Even Glow Serum (with 20% Vitamin C), I just couldn't pass it up!

This antioxidant treatment helps to neutralize the free radicals that your skin comes in contact with on a daily basis leaving you absolutely radiant.

Of course the main ingredient is vitamin C, which helps to reduce the effects of sun exposure (sunburn & sun spots), along with redness & wrinkles. But this serum also contains a small handful of other essential ingredients that help to support & even enhance the effects of vitamin C. 

•Organic Rosehip Seed Oil & Organic Sea Buckthorn Oil - These oils help skin hydration & lock in moisture.

•Resistem (Plant Stem Cells) - This will help your skin regenerate faster while protecting it from environmental stressors. 

•Botanical Hyaluronic Acid - This activates collagen production for a fresher, younger, firmer & brighter complexion. 

•Green Tea Extract - The catechins in green tea are a potent antioxidant which also contribute to the overall anti-inflammatory & anti-irritant benefits.

I have to say that I've only been using this for a week, but I can already see a difference. I've noticed that I have fewer fine lines near my eyes & I have an even radiant glow (it reminds me of that awesome pregnancy glow - minus the extra 60lbs). Plus I love the scent! It's citrus-y (it is vitamin C after all) but with just a tinge of green tea. Which is probably why I favor to apply this serum in the morning (nothing says wake up like an invigorating scent, right?) 

And this serum absorbs faster than anything else I have ever tried! HUGE bonus points for being a time saver since I haven't needed to use an extra moisturizer the past few days. I can't wait to see the results after a few more weeks!

Valentia Even Glow Serum is available on Amazon at a great price (if you ask me anyways). Plus it is available for Prime shipping. 


  1. I have been noticing some small laugh lines and wrinkles by my eyes, so I would love to give this a try.

  2. Those pesky fine lines.... this sounds worth trying. I also love that it's citrus-based!

  3. I love serums. The wrinkles are sure making more and more appearances lately.

  4. I do like to try new beauty products. This one is no exception.

  5. Vitamin C is such a great help to our skin! Great post. This for sharing.

  6. This sounds amazing, I have some fine lines around my eyes I'd like to target. Thanks so much for sharing this informative review. I need to check into this product.

  7. I never heard of this brand but it sounds great and I'd love to try it.

  8. I've never heard of this before, but the serum looks pretty thick.I like that it includes green tea extract.. very good source of antioxidants.

  9. I would really like to try this out! I am 44 and feel like I look 50. I was sick for a long time and am finally starting to look and feel healthier I would love for my skin to keep up!

  10. Fewer lines near your eyes.... someone send me a gallon of that serum. I have lots of lines.

  11. Ooo, I need to try this!!! Thank you for sharing!

  12. I am a little young yet. But, I will try this out when it may call for it ;)

  13. This sounds like a great product - definitely need to try it!

  14. I love new beauty products. I still have pretty good skin, but it might be a good idea to start!

  15. I am ready to try anything rich in antioxidants
    never heard of this line before, great alternative

  16. It's always good to take care of your skin even before you need it. I am nearing the age where I need to be stocking up!

  17. I think this glow serum would help a lot during the winter when my skin gets dull and dry due to the cold. It will be nice to test it out.

  18. I definitely need to give this a try, I'm seeing some wrinkles and crows feet.

  19. Who would not love to have that pregnancy glow without the pregnancy! That and the citrus scent make me want to try it, I find citrus scents so relaxing.

  20. I so need more vitamin C especially since I like like a vampire. I hate the sun.

  21. This is the first time I hear about this product. I think my mom would love to try it.

  22. This is the first time I hear about this product. I think my mom would like it.

  23. I need this straight away! Amazing!

  24. I turn 30 in January and am pretty much dreading it.... I still look really young too, but that's not going to last forever so it's nice to read reviews on products like this.

    1. Yep. I too am getting older. 34. It's frightening.

  25. I'm sure this product is good for prevention as well! Thanks for sharing!

  26. This sounds like an awesome product! I know someone looking for something like this so I am going to pass the information along. Thank you for sharing!

  27. I don't have any laugh lines, but I do have the bags under my eyes. Would this product work for that?

  28. My mom is obsessed with applying serum to make her face look younger. Now she's 50 years old but she looks like just in her late 30's. People say she does not look her age all the time! This product must be really effective!

  29. I could use this too. I have never heard of it until now. But it sounds like a great product.

  30. I can definitely use this serum. I am past my mid thirties.... lol

  31. That looks like a great product. I love that it gives you a glow.

    Michelle F.

  32. I love the benefits of this, I will have to give it a try. Thanks!

  33. If it eliminates the need for an extra moisturizer, that is great. I like to hear about the serums. I have never tried one (yet).

  34. This sounds like a fabulous product. Thanks for sharing!

  35. I most definitely need the pregnancy glow right about now. I am feeling my age lol

  36. I could probably use this as I am pasty white and any kind of glow I'm sure would help!

  37. Sounds like it worked well for you, nice review.

  38. First time to hear the brand. I like that it has 20% vitamin C and it's serum type. YEs, serums that absorb faster is a big bonus considering the thick consistency.

  39. I'm turning 33 too :) I try not to worry too much about the whole aging thing (i figure it's better than the alternative!) but I do want to take care of myself so I'm willing to try anything. I'll have to check this out!

  40. I don't have any lines...yet, but this is sure great to know now for when that time comes. I'm dreading it!

  41. This sounds like a great product. I might have to try it. My skin is starting to get that old man look.

  42. I would love to try it. It really sounds like something which will suit me well.

  43. Those serums really works! I have few wrinkles by my forehead so I tried a different kind of serum and now it is almost gone after using the said product for a month.

  44. I turn 30 next year and also don't look it but I'm concerned by sun damage.. I can see the wrinkles that are coming. I should also try a serum!

  45. Sounds like a great product! It is nice that it is very moisturizing so you haven't had to use your usual moisturizer.

  46. As I just hit 40 and am starting to show it a little, this sounds perfect for me!

  47. Sounds like it's working for you. I would sure like to get rid of some of my wrinkles!

  48. I have recently noticed wrinkles ugh. I just turned 36 (UGHHH) inching closer to 40. I will check this out

  49. This looks interesting. I have to tell you, I love when products like this are available on Amazon. So much easier and quicker to order.

  50. Would love to get rid of some of my wrinkles. Need to look into this product.

  51. Yes, these pesky little lines drive me crazy! I am going to have to try this to get rid of the lines around my eyes. Thanks for introducing it to me. :)

  52. Vitamin C and Hyaluronic acid are both awesome to keep your skin fresh looking.

  53. I NEED to try this! I have lots of lines. And am out in the sun a lot. And am not so young anymore.

  54. My age is finally starting to show. This sounds like it would be a great help!

  55. I'm 32 and am just now starting to look my age. I had my first son at 19 but looked 14. I don't have that problem anymore. I think I need to find a product to help slow down the aging. This looks great.

  56. Oh this sounds really interesting, I love trying new things so this would be great to try!

  57. I have never heard of this but will definitely look into it! That is awesome that it is already providing visible results!

  58. This sounds like a great serum! I am going to be 35 in a few months, so I love learning about new skincare products like this one.

  59. If it satisfies your needs then I guess that's all the counts but honestly, don't hide your age, be proud!

  60. I love using vitamin C serum. It makes my skin so soft.

  61. What an interesting product! I can't wait to hear about your continued results!

  62. I am 37 and people don't believe it - it doesn't show. I think it's all the nutrition!

  63. Please keep us updated on your results. Fine lines are always the enemy.

  64. I'm getting to the age where I'll need things like this. I like the vitamin c in this product.

  65. I'll be turning 33 in April next year. I feel 21 though, probably because I act like a kid half the time. (I teach 5 year olds) I know that as I get older, things will begin to head south...and those pesky wrinkles will make appearances, so I do like to hear of new products to try. Thanks for this fab review. :)

  66. I wish I didn't look my age lol, I look way older. =( Will have to try this!

  67. I think eventually I am going to need something like this. Amber N

  68. I love serums but hate that they take forever to absorb- I feel like they stay greasy forever! I will have to look into this one- maybe I will have better luck!

  69. This looks great for those tiny lines I am developing> I can only imagine how good this smells

  70. I didn't even know plants had stem cells until I read your post! Sounds like a great serum.

  71. I've actually never tried a serum before. I'll have to look into it.

  72. Sounds like a great product-- I really don't use anything on my face.

  73. Very interesting - I definitely would love to try out this serum!

  74. It is essential that products like this are not only useful but have few fillers or "bad" ingredients.

  75. I honestly don't understand why women want to cover up getting old. I think getting old is beautiful. But, everyone is different I guess. This looks a great one to try.

  76. I just turned 30, so those little lines are creeping in. I will have to give something like this a try. Thanks for sharing.

  77. My sister in law tried this and recommended too, but my bad, I never thought of trying it. Glad you shared the even glow serum... I guess its time I must buy it

  78. I haven't heard about it not until today. Hope I can find it here in Manila so I can try and review as well. I'm already on my late 20's does products like this is what I needed. Lol
