
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Think It Thursday: And The Fundraisers Begin

Guess what the kids brought home from school yesterday.

Yep, we are barely into the school year & the fundraisers have been sent home. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping the school raise money. But most of us are still reeling from the cost of school supplies & new school clothes. Let alone, it's always the same things. Magazine sales, been there. Cookie tubs, done that. Although they do have a new photo keepsakes one this year that I may actually look into. Actually I have too since I now have two kids that brought them home & who have their eyes on big prizes. Sorry kids, two a piece so you can get a "mouse racer" (that way you won't feel left out). 


  1. Oh yes the fundraisers start early, don't they? I am not looking forward to that.

  2. I remember all the fundraisers my daughter was sent home with, there's tons of them!

  3. Ugh I really hate the fundraisers. They inflate the prices so much. I'd rather just donate the money.

  4. whoa, it is still a little too early to be sending fundraiser stuff, lol. Let the school year begin!

  5. Oh, I so don't miss those. We always ended up spending so much money on stuff we didn't want. I think I still have rolls of wrapping paper in the garage!

  6. Seriously, that was fast! I love my kids schools, but we were nickel and dimed all year last year. All year.

  7. It definitely puts pressure and sometimes the extras, to me, aren't necessary or warranted!

  8. Say I'm wrong, I don't care, my daughter is a senior this year and my son a freshman. I have NEVER done school fundraisers. They go right in the garbage when they bring them home. They don't even give them to me anymore they throw them away their self. We help and volunteer ALL the time and donate for auctions and events, I am not taking fundraisers to all my friends and family who also have kids with fundraisers. They are stupid in my opinion. If for a class trip, special event ext then it's a different story, but the beginning of the year for the last 12+ years every kid I know has a fundraiser. ugh.

    1. That is exactly what my mom does too, straight in the trash. I think I tend to do them more because with a younger child at home yet, I can't go to the school & volunteer for every little thing. But class trips are much more likely to have a good fundraiser because they tend to step outside of the box. Like my nephew, who was selling mums for his 6th grade class year, but still, I can do some mums. I mean, I was going to buy some anyways so why not support him (even though he goes to my kids rival school, LOL).

  9. My son just started and I think I appreciate the new school a little bit too. They have asked for directly what they want/need. No need for pretenses or bringing home things that you don't need yourself. This particular school is BRAND new, so they do need a lot, but I donated a printer, instead selling $400 worth of goods, so they could purchase their own. I love BoxTops and the other one because it's already a part of what you buy.

  10. Yes, I love the BoxTops programs along with Campbell's Labels for Education. Those I'm happy to take part in. :)

  11. Oh yeah son brought home cookie dough fundraiser items last week oh joy.

  12. We just had our first fundraiser already! Fun times! Amber N

  13. My kids never had to participate in too many fundraisers. I usually ended up buying most of the stuff they brought home. It got expensive.

  14. The Chef's Wife | Anne @TheSatEvePotSeptember 1, 2014 at 9:30 PM

    Goodness it does seem a bit soon for fundraisers! Wow ... glad we don't have to deal with this (as home schoolers :) ). That photo keepsakes one does sound interesting though!

  15. If I'm not interested I just donate a few dollars. It actually works out better for the school.

  16. Wow that is cool! Its so nice to have something like this!
