
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Gluten Free Goodness with ginnybakes

**Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC. or the manufacturer of the product.

Lately I have been trying to incorporate more gluten free foods into my daily diet. It's not a necessity, just a conscious choice. I realized some time ago that I feel less run down after indulging in a gluten free goodie. So when the kind folks at Moms Meet sent me a mini treasure trove of products from ginnybakes, I was over the moon ecstatic! You see, ginnybakes creates organic, gluten-free, non-GMO treats that are delicious & nutritious. 

These ginnybars were my absolute favorite! But then again, I'm a sucker for fruit & nut bars as it is, so it came as no surprise. Although if I had to pick a favorite flavor, Karma, Love & Apricots would win. It had the perfect blend of salty, sweet, crunchy & chewy. And apricots of course! (These are definitely getting ordered in the future.)

Then there came cookies. I'll admit, I really didn't think these were going to be very good. I'm not sure why, I just didn't. But oh-em-geeee! They were amazing! Before I knew it, the kids & I stood around a package of the Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bliss & completely devoured them in less than 5 minutes. These were by far, the best chocolate chip oatmeal cookies that never came from my recipe book, that I ever tasted! 

The kids are all in a cookie coma state of heaven!

The kids were super excited when they saw the bags of mini cookies. And I have to admit that I was too, since they always feel special when they get anything "mini". I asked them how they were & I got a few muffled "good" responses amongst the chewing. Which says a lot actually. Especially since I got to enjoy a few minutes of silence (if you don't count the chewing noises that is). 

It took me a minute to realize that these were baking mixes. Baking mixes?! Most companies don't generally offer baking mixes of their goodies so I was uber excited. Especially since they just take a few ingredients (preferably organic) to make.

Ginnybakes also has a brownie & muffin mix (not pictured) available. The brownies were a hit! Not only were they delicious, but they smelled amazing while they were baking. And I know it's a big no-no because of the egg, but the batter was my favorite part. Hey now, someone had to lick the spoon! (Right?)

All in all, I have to say that I was incredibly impressed with ginnybakes. Not just because I loved everything, but because my family did too. And it definitely helped me show them that you can eat healthy & still indulge.


Keep up with the latest from ginnybakes on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest & Google+.

Moms Meet is an online resource that empowers moms to come together in an informal setting and talk about the latest on raising healthy families and living green. Moms Meet offers exciting opportunities for Mom Ambassadors and their groups to sample the latest healthy, green products. Sign up today!


  1. Oh, these look good! I love fruit and nut bars in particular and I want to try that apple one especially.

  2. Yum! Everything looks delicious! I've been thinking about adding more gluten free items to my diet as well. I'll make sure to check these products out. Thanks!

  3. Those sound really good and how great that they are gluten free. With so many people switching to GF, it's great that there are so many snack options :)

  4. I don't eat glutton free, but these sounds like great snacks. I have several friends who stay away from glutton. I'll be sure to pass this along.

  5. I have never heard of Ginny Bakes, so thanks for sharing! That is awesome they are gluten free, I'll have to spread the word!

  6. I never really had any glutton free goodies - but I'd like to try.

  7. I will have to try these! Maybe the kids will like them too!

  8. I could see myself trying these baking mixes. I want to say I have seen these being sold at the store. I try to eat GF when I see a good snack.

  9. The baking ginny bakes look really good. I could see myself buying these and I think I may have seen these sold at Target.

  10. I think the brownies would be my favorite too. I'm not a raw batter person though. However, I'm constantly smacking my boyfriend's hands away from it. lol

  11. Those cookies sound delicious. I am a sucker for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies but I like mine to be soft and chewy. Can't find a really good one out there. These look pretty good though.

  12. Those look so healthy and yummy! I have to cheek them out ^_^

  13. I had not heard of Ginny Bakes before today. I have been eating Gluten free for a few weeks now. I can't wait to try some of these cookies.

  14. This looks so good from beginning to end! Wish I could have some bites from everything.

  15. They all look so good ~ hard to believe they're gluten free

  16. They Looks So Delicious I Really Need To Get More Snacks Like These For My Kids I Bet They Will Love Them

  17. I haven't heard of this brand but these yummy snacks look and sound delicious . Will have to check them out.

  18. The cookies are totally my downfall!
    Love the convenience of a gluten free mix

  19. Wow these look delicious, it's nice knowing that they're also gluten free. I would love to try these.

  20. Everything looks SO good!! I love gluten Free treats!

  21. These look really good and I know I wouldn't feel guilty eating them. Amber N

  22. Love all the names of these! My daughter is trying to go gluten-free so I will definitely have to try them.

  23. Oooo the coconut oatmeal ones sound amazing! Cookies that are good for you, sign me up!

  24. Wow, never heard of this company before but everything looks so good!

  25. I believe I have seen these at The Fresh Market. I just might have to go there later on and pick up a box or two.

  26. We got to review the same as well from Moms Meet. They were so yummy! Looks like your kiddos enjoyed them as well.

  27. oh YUM! These would be great snacks for running around and doing errands and what not.

  28. Oh yum these sound delicious - I've recently started trying to add some gluten free things into my diet just to see if it makes any difference so will have to keep an eye out for these :) x

  29. I Really Need To Try Some My Kids Would Love It Bet!!

  30. I haven't heard of these before. It looks like something I would like to try.

  31. Thank you so much for doing a review that I'd actually try. There are so many unhealthy eating habits around, and I'm worried about the spreading of uninformed malnutrition. So, your blog post helps counter all the fast food posts today. Very much appreciate your health-conscious sharing. Eating meals and snacks does not always have to be high salt, oil, and sugar. Our taste buds can get used to minimal and natural flavors. Thank you!

  32. I'm so glad to hear there are good gluten free options available. I try to reduce how much gluten I eat.

  33. I have never heard of that brand before. I would love to try those granola bars.

    Michelle F.

  34. I love products from Ginny Bakes! I have never tried the nut and fruit bars but I will definitely be on the search for them!

  35. PEace, love, and apple is such a cute name! THese look quite tasty!

  36. I need to introduce my best friend to this! she is GF and always struggling to find great snack options.

  37. Thanks for sharing this! All the recipes on my page are GF, feel free to stop by to get some new ones. Each friday bloggers link up their own recipes so you will have a big variety then. Great review for a great product!

  38. That's great. I've tasted some pretty terrible gluten free baked things, that I've grinned through and spit out in a paper towel. So if the kids are enjoying it, I trust it! :)

  39. That's great that there are tasty gluten-free options available. I sometimes avoid GF foods because I've had some not so great ones in the past, but these sound fabulous!

  40. I'd like to try these. In this house we eat gluten free as much as we can. It's good for our brains! lol

  41. So many great options:) My niece is completely gluten free and often finds it hard to find things that she enjoys and tastes good. Being 10 makes it hard as she still wants to fit in and not be to different. these are great options.

  42. I am in love with those! Glad you liked them!

  43. Ohhh those look so yummy! I would love to try them.

  44. How awesome that they have baking mixes! I know that can definitely be a challenge for gluten-free people.

  45. Hmmmnnn the brownie is winking at me right now. All of these looks delicious!@

  46. Those bars looks fab! I would love to try them. Perfect snack on the go!

  47. Thank you for your review. I have been trying to add some gluten-free into my diet but it is just so hard to find good food. These look like winners!

  48. These actually do look yummy! I think I'll go with the cookies. They look absolutely delish and my kids are addicted to cookies. I'm always having to make some.

  49. Those fruit bars look really good. I'm with you - I'm a sucker for these bar things!!

  50. think my son might enjoy this. the school has been pushing healthy eating so maybe he'd be into trying this.

  51. Those cookies look very filling! For me it's all about he taste though, not the diet hype.

  52. I would be very interested in the baking mixes. The coconut oatmeal sounds out of this world. I have never thought about adding coconut in with oatmeal and coconut and oatmeal are two of my favorite foods.

  53. I'm not doing the gluten free thing, but I eat ginnybars all the time. They're delicious.

  54. The Peace Love and Apple ginnybar is the first kind i would love to try. I will be looking to see if i can get these locally. Thanks for sharing.

  55. It is so great that companies are introducing more and more gluten-free snacks. These look very tasty! I bet they smelled amazing while baking! :)

  56. I want to try these! I have to eat gluten-free and I love cookies! I need these!

  57. These look so good. I would definitely love to try the Karma, Love and Apricot and Happy Chocolate Bliss. Those sound delish.

  58. I love ginnybakes. We don't really avoid gluten in our house but, organic and non-GMO are almost a necessity. It's so great that more and more companies are bringing us products like these. People really need to be more conscious of what they are putting into their bodies. It is more important to our well being than most people realize.

  59. Haven't tried these yummy treats yet. Looks delicious and I bet the little man would love them in his lunches!

  60. These look really good. GF snacks have certainly come a long way.

  61. This looks yummy although we don't have this kind of product here in our country I hope that one day I can have one too.

  62. Ah, Fall is oh so perfect for baking, and that's coming up here soon. Your Ginnybakes sound great!

  63. I could almost smell the cookies. :D Nice combination of flavours.

  64. I am so glad to see the variety in the gluten free bars. When I first had to go gluten free, there was so little on the market. Those sound and look tasty!

  65. You brought up a great point that I get blindsided by sometimes; I get so conscious of looking for something like gluten free that I forget to make sure they're also GMO free. These sound pretty perfect!

  66. I think this is something we could truly enjoy in our home!! We do our best to eat healthy so I think a few of us would truly enjoy these! Thank you so much for sharing!! =D

  67. Healthy stuffs here! I wish there are more products for sale that are gluten-free!
