
Friday, August 1, 2014

Fun Friday: Ivory Clouds

Is it just my kids that like to go outside & wallow around in the dirt & mud like pigs? My son has even been known to gather up a bucket of dirt, just to dump it over his head. But for all that they love to get dirty, they're definitely not fans of getting clean. Even with all of the character soaps available (those lose their awesomeness after one wash). But I finally found something that makes my kids want to take a bath. 

Not only is this a fun experiment to do with your kids, it will actually make them want to take a bath! 

•Place an unwrapped bar of Ivory soap on a microwave safe plate. 
•Microwave for 1-3 min. (depending on the wattage of your microwave).

That's it! 

Your kids will be amazed at how a bar of soap turned into a fluffy cloud. And you will be amazed at how quickly they ask if they can take a bath with it!  


  1. I never knew soap could do that. That is amazing and a great way to get kids to take a bath!

  2. Very cool. I need to try this, my boys would love it.

  3. That is so cool! I'm gonna try it tonight with Kaitlyn :)

  4. That is so awesome and Ivory is one of the purest soaps! My grandmother always said, real soap floats!

  5. That is awesome! I will definitely have to try this with my little one!

  6. That is so cool! I have actually seen this before on Pinterest but didn't know if it really worked! I need to try it with my daughter!

  7. I have a friend who did this experiment and it really looks like fun to do with kids.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I need to try this.. my son will love it

  10. This is such an awesome idea!! I had heard this before, but I wasn't sure if it would actually work and I didnt want to se t my microwave on fire! I will give it a try now!

  11. Oh yes, I would have wanted to take a bath with what was once a cloud!

  12. Looks like fun :) Will keep this in mind.
    I am your newest follower

  13. Awesome - this looks like so much fun!!

  14. As a homeschool mom I LOVE this! Ivory soap is so versatile!

  15. Great idea! My daughter LOVES bubbles, so this is a must try!

  16. I am so gonna try this! Does it only work with Ivory or any bar of soap?

  17. I must try it. This really sounds like a lot of fun.

  18. That's so weird and fun looking!
