
Friday, August 15, 2014

Fun Friday: Boutique Bow for Soccer

One day I was mindlessly wandering through the crafting aisles at the store, when I happened to spy some soccer ribbon. At that moment, I knew just what I wanted to do! 

The only problem was that I had no idea how to actually make a boutique bow. So I did what anyone else would do...I went to YouTube! I came across what seemed like a million tutorials, but this one seemed to be the easiest for me. At least the easiest one at 11:30PM when I was looking through them in a semi-tired state. But regardless, that was the one that I stuck to.

As you can see, I actually made two boutique bows. The first is the recommended 18in. of ribbon & the second is 12in. Ideally I would have a soccer ball resin of some sort in the center, but I haven't made it that far yet since I wasn't 100% sure how it would all turn out. So instead I placed a black gemstone resin in the center. Then it's all glued onto a small French barrette hair clip.

I actually tried a different style with the two ribbons layered, but this one won. And Paige is excited to wear it for her soccer pictures tomorrow. She wanted me to make some for all of the girls on her team, which was my original plan. But I told her instead that if they wanted one, all they had to do was ask & I'd make it for them.


  1. I am a soccer mom so you got me smiling
    Can't wait to see the boys faces when I wear this to the next match!

  2. Thiat is a really cute bow! You did a great job!

  3. That is super cute. I only have a boy so far so no bows for me

  4. I think it's adorable and obviously she is proud of mommy's work if she wants to share! How sweet! :)

  5. Aww, its cute! I just started putting these kinds of bows in my daughter's hair. With her in school she seems more interested in whats on her head. Thanks for the link to the YouTube video!

  6. This is so cute! I bet all the soccer girls will be asking you for one soon.

  7. That is so cute and doesn't sound like it is too hard to make. I bet she will look great in her picture!!

  8. Cute!! It will turn heads I'm sure. :) Really love how it looks on your hair.

  9. This is so cute! I have a little boy so I missed out on the cute bows and dresses.

  10. That's a cute bow for soccer, it looks amazing for the occasion!

  11. That is such a cute bow. I love putting boutique bows on my daughter.

    Michelle F.

  12. OH that is beautiful Melissa! I wish my daughter would like some bows like this one, she isn't into big stuff on her hair lol.

  13. So cute! I bet all the girls will want them!

  14. Thanks for sharing the YouTube video. My youngest daughter would love some of these hair bows and I bet she could help me make them.

  15. Absolutely adorable! This would have been great for my daughter when she was little. Always a little bit tomboy a little bit girly... :-)

  16. How neat. I bet my youngest daughter would love something like that.

  17. I love Youtube! It is my first stop when I don't know how to do something like this. lol

  18. I love this bow! Plus I must say your children are so adorable! I love soccer by the way, I would love to see my daughter play.

  19. You did a great job! Gotta love those YouTube videos. Makes you wonder what soccer moms did for bow before the internet!

  20. Awww! That is super cute and I bet your daughter was so proud to wear a bow made just for her from her mama.

  21. That's a beautiful bow! Good job!

  22. I love You Tube. You can find tutorials on just about anything. I love the cute.

  23. Super cute! I have tried to make bows for my dog but fail miserably lol

  24. How fun is that! Bows are so adorable and great to dress up any outfit. Amber N

  25. It looks just darling on her. What a great idea to make one!

  26. That is a really cute bow. I'm certain you'll have a lot of little girls asking you to do one for them too :)

  27. That is a beautiful bow! That is so cute!

  28. How adorable! My daughter and a few of her friends did cute little things like this when they were in cheerleading!

  29. Adorable! With this, you can make a bow to match every outfit :)

  30. Me too ROSE /\ ! I look longingly at bows for the daughter with waist long hair. But it was not to be!

  31. That is such a cute bow! You did a great job!

  32. That bow is adorable! I wish I had something like that when I played soccer.

  33. What an awesome ribbon I think that is so awesome. I wish i was kind of creative like that!

  34. Looking good.. so how many you have to do now when all team members saw your bow?

  35. What a great idea! Your soccer boutique bow looks really beautiful! Have to check out the tutorial because I haven't had any luck with making a boutique bow I like.

  36. This is so adorable, thanks so much for the link.I have a couple of soccer players so this will be perfect!!

  37. So cute! I would love to try to make some of these bows for my daughter.

  38. I love that soccer bow! It could also be your Nascar bow, kinda looks like the flag at the end of the race. I like the chevron stripes background of your website, very pretty.

    1. Ahhh, I never thought of that! :-) & thank you.

  39. What a cute bow! That does sound like a great idea for the soccer team- hope all the girls enjoy them (if they want one!)

  40. I love these! I was determined to figure these out but never quite mastered them. This looks great!

  41. That is a super cute bow. I have all boys, so we don't have any bows in our house.

  42. How sweet! My daughter is going to be starting soccer and I should buy a similar one for her.

  43. How adorable! Too bad our soccer is ending this week because my girls would love to have these to support their brothers at soccer! So Cute

  44. It is cute. I'm sure the soccer pictures will be very cute too. :)

  45. Super cute and unique! Love this for soccer . Great for sporty girls

  46. That is awesome. I don't have little girls, so I miss out on doing stuff like this.

  47. Beautiful Bow, You Did A Great Job! I Must Try To Make For My Girls Thak You!

  48. A fun bow for a fun girl! Love it!

  49. So cute! I always loved fancy hairbows for my girls when they were little.

  50. So cute my daughter loves bows!

  51. Very cute! I've only made bows once and was shocked at how easy it was to do!

  52. This is so cute. A great gift for any soccer girls in your life. Thanks for sharing.

  53. Super cute! May do this for my niece!

  54. Those are really cute and you did a great job. I can see why your daughter is thrilled.

  55. That bow is just to cute. I know my soccer loving girls would love this bow.

  56. I love YouTube instructional videos. Just this week, I learned how to change my cell phone settings. Wonder if I'm ready for hair bows now? :)

  57. What a cute bow for heading out to watch a game.

  58. What a lovely bow! You can never beat YouTube when you quickly need a how to ;) x

  59. I love this! I really want to try and make one for Kaitlyn now, wish me luck lol :)

    1. Good luck! Even though you don't need it at all with this YouTube tutorial.

  60. How adorable! Now that you made one I'm sure your are ready to make a dozen, could be a new business venture. Good Luck!

  61. Wow, you did a great job on this! And I love YouTube - you can learn so much there LOL

  62. This is super cute. Love that it is like a soccer ball. Thanks for sharing.

  63. These are so cute. I wish I could pull those bows off at 24.

  64. Lovely! Very modern and fun. ISn´t the web fabulous? We can learn so many things.-

  65. ADORABLE!!! I need to make so back to school bows for our daughter stat!

  66. That ribbon is cute and the how to's on YT can be helpful. Once you sort through the millions of videos

    1. Yep, it's finding the right one that can drive you crazy! LOL

  67. The bow looks cute. I love making things like these and like you turn to Youtube for guidance.

  68. Very cute bow. I love the internet for being able to learn new things.

  69. love the two coloured ribbon! would love a pink and black too
