
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Work It Wednesday: Spring Polish Trends for 2014

Whether you go all out with detailed nail art, or keep it simple with a few plain coats (that's me), painted nails can complete any look. But just like your clothes, polish trends come & go with the seasons. 

Here's what's hot this Spring!

Nude Shimmers - Always a classic.
Tropical Melons - Think oranges, corals & yellows.
Blue Hues - Shades of aqua, deep & baby blues are huge!
Think Pink - Especially fuchsias & baby pinks. 
Minty Fresh - Mint, that's it!

L-R: Jamaica Me Crazy, Imagination (an old favorite in case you couldn't tell) & Penny Talk.

Well, it looks like I have some serious polish shopping to do! But until I build up my Spring colors, I can at least have some stylish nails with the few that I do have. Maybe even a nude shimmer with a fuchsia & glitter tip? 

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