
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Think It Thursday: Eat the Rainbow

More & more these days, you hear the phrase "Eat the Rainbow". I know I hear it from my mom a lot, who I swear likes to get her rainbow in before noon. 

Photo credit:
I do have to admit that I love my fruits & veggies. Although I've never paid attention enough to make sure I had a "rainbow" of variety every day. But after discovering the "Eat the Rainbow" chart from Vitality International, I realize that I'm usually only off by two colors (blue & purple). It wouldn't be anything for me to add some red cabbage to a salad, or blueberries to my smoothie, in order to get a full rainbow. And since it's that simple, I think I'll do it!

Photo credit: Vitality International

Want to know how many servings of fruit & vegetables you should have daily? Enter your age, gender & activity level into the Fruit & Vegetable Calculator from to find out.  

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