
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Red Leaf Tea: Eggnog Matcha & a Giveaway!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. 
It really is nice to be able to indulge in a drink that is actually packed full of nutritional benefits. And Matcha, a powdered form of green tea leaves, is just that.

The folks at Red Leaf Tea were kind enough to send me another of their flavored Matchas to try, Eggnog Matcha. How did they know how much I love my eggnog?! (Seriously, we go through a lot during the holidays.) So again, I decided to whip up a cold latte, just with a few tweaks. 

Favorite mason jar glass & glass straw!
I always get the flavored eggnogs, since I'm not really a fan of the plain. So I wasn't too sure how I would like a basic eggnog flavor. Well, after I blended my Eggnog Matcha, almost 1C. milk & a few ice cubes I tasted it. Yea, not my cup of tea (literally). So I added 1tsp. of vanilla & 3 heaping tsp. of sugar and blended again. Perfect. 

One  lucky winner will receive one small bag of Eggnog Matcha!

The giveaway will conclude on at 12:00 a.m. est on Saturday 1/25/14. Winners will be announced via rafflecopter & in a separate blog post which will be published no later than 3:00 p.m. on Saturday 1/25/14. Winners will also be notified via email & announced on the Smith and Blessings facebook page. Winners will have 48 hours to submit shipping information, which will then be passed on to Red Leaf Tea for distribution of product. If 48 hours has lapsed, a new winner will be picked & then will also have 48 hours to submit their information. *Giveaway open to U.S. residents only. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
 Keep up with the latest from Red Leaf Tea on Facebook & Twitter.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I think I would drink it hot
    Marie Shaff

  2. It's been so chilly here lately, that I think a hot, frothy cup of eggnog matcha sounds like heaven! :)

  3. I think I would like it hot in the winter, maybe iced in summer but would have to try it out.

  4. I would be open to trying it both ways. Hot in the morning when it;s chilly and on ice in the afternoon.

  5. I would try it both ways probably warm first since it's winter.

  6. I prefer cold drinks! I make ice coffee at home!

  7. I would do both! I love hot and cold tea and eggnog flavor would not change that.

  8. I would try it both ways but most likely drink it hot!

  9. I would probably drink it hot, but I might try it cold later!

  10. i havent had it yet but i would say hot

  11. I would have to try it both ways, but I have a feeling that I might like it colder?

  12. I would drink it hot. Sounds delicious.

    Les Johnson
    katja9_10 at hotmail dot com

  13. I would drink it hot, especially with all the cold weather we have been having!

  14. I'd try it hot first because it's 18 degrees right now. Then I'd try it cold. I like eggnog.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  15. I would like it hot, I love hot drinks

  16. Probably hot. (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  17. Got a 503 msg might be a duplicate....I would try it hot first.

  18. I think cold, I love eggnog can't get enough of it.

  19. I think I would probably drink it hot.

  20. I'd probably drink it hot.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  21. I would like to drink it hot.
    Thank you!

  22. I would drink it cold.

  23. I would try it cold! (lilbittypanda at aol dot com)

  24. Both ways are delicious :)

  25. Since it's so bitterly cold outside right now, I'd definitely drink it hot!

  26. Since I'm living in the deep freeze, I'd say I'd drink it hot.

  27. I think a hot drink sounds best right now!
