
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cheribundi: Tart Cherries Year Round & a Giveaway!

I love tart cherries. But being in NE Ohio, I only get to eat them for a short period of time when they're in season. I know I can get cherry pie filling to incorporate into a few things, but I'm cool on the aluminum taste that comes with it. So I'm sure you can imagine my excitement when I had the opportunity to try Cheribundi! With each sip my mouth would water just knowing that the tart cherry taste was coming. Yep, it was that kind of excitement.

But there's more to Chribundi's tart cherry juices than meets the eye. First, let's start with the cherry itself. Cherries are a superfruit packed with phytonutrients like carotenoids which not only give the cherry it's red color, but helps to protect against certain cancers & heart disease (to name a couple). They're also known to help with pain relief from inflammation in muscles & joints, muscle recovery & to help you sleep better by encouraging melatonin production (the hormone that makes you sleepy). What makes Cheribundi stand out, is that they make their tart cherry juices from gently pressed fresh cherries. You can even see how many cherries are in each bottle since it tells you right on the front!

Tart Cherry Juice
Made with reconstituted apple juice & 50 cherries per bottle, giving you 100% juice! And let me be the one to say that 50 tart cherries packed in an 8oz. bottle is a cherry lovers dream! 

 Tart Cherry Juice Light
The same classic flavor as regular tart cherry juice, only made with less sugar & 40 cherries per bottle.

Tart Cherry Rebuild
Made with 45 cherries, apple juice concentrate & protein whey. There is a bit of a difference in taste because of the whey, but to me it wasn't that noticeable. of course I'm a fan of protein shakes & bars along with a good workout to help build muscle.

 Tart Cherry Restore
40 cherries, electrolytes, vitamins & a natural vanilla flavor is the perfect go to after a tough workout.

 Tart Cherry Relax
Made with 40 cherries & L-Theanine, a natural occurring melatonin. Relax does just what it says. I didn't think a mouth watering tart cherry drink could help me unwind, but it did.

Check out this photo on Instagram!

And if you head over to Cheribundi's Facebook page, you can take their 7 Day Challenge (& get coupons just for participating). It's really simple, just drink 2-8oz. bottles of Cheribundi on day one, then 1-8oz. bottle for the next 6 days. I took the challenge myself & was amazed at my increased muscle recovery (I sleep like a baby as long as the kids let me). Actually, I decided to really put Cheribundi to the test by keeping my workouts short & simple for another week (mostly yoga). Then I switched it all up with some light weights, double crunches, push-ups & squats & some workout DVD's (hula, total body & even some old school MTV's The Grind). To say that I felt it after day one is an understatement. So I drank 1-8oz. bottle of Cheribundi for the next 4 days (my last 4 bottles). Again my muscle recovery time was amazing! 
Want some Cheribundi for yourself?

One lucky winner will receive a mixed case of Cheribundi Tart Cherry Juices! 
The giveaway will conclude on at 12:00 a.m. est on Sunday 12/8/13. Winners will be announced via rafflecopter & in a separate blog post which will be published no later than 3:00 p.m. on Sunday 12/8/13. Winners will also be notified via email & announced on the Smith and Blessings facebook page. Winners will have 48 hours to submit shipping information, which will then be passed on to Cheribundi for distribution of product. If 48 hours has lapsed, a new winner will be picked & then will also have 48 hours to submit their information. *Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Keep up with the latest from Cheribundi on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.

**Disclaimer: I received these products to try from Cheribundi
& am simply sharing my personal opinion which may vary from yours. I was not compensated for this review.


  1. I want to try Cheribundi Tart Cherry Juices because I love cherries.

  2. I want to try cheribundi cherry juice because I have heard a lot about the health benefits of cherry juice.

  3. I want to win because I love cherry juice and I think that it's a very hearthy addition to my diet.

  4. I've never tried cherry juice before and would love to see if it would be a good addition to my families diet.

  5. I would like to try the Relax. I have read wonderful reviews about this.

  6. I would like to try it for the health benefits

  7. I would like to try these juices because I'm making a resolution to improve my diet in 2014.

  8. I would love to try these juices bc my daughter loves cherries and tart juice, so this seems like it would be the best of both worlds!

  9. I heard they're really healthy and very tasty

  10. I would love to try Cheribundi cherry juice because I love cherries

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  11. I would like to try them because they are different

  12. LOVE cherries and I know the health benefits. The Restore sounds amazing!

  13. I would like to try this to see how it tastes. I love cherries so I think I would like it.

  14. I would love to try this because I love fresh cherries.

  15. I would like to see how it tastes.

  16. I love cherries so I'm sure I'd love this!

  17. As nice as some of the health benefits sound, I want to try it because I love cherries!

  18. I love cherries as well and I would really like to try something different.

  19. I love cherry juices - and they can be so pricey!

  20. Sounds like a potentially good product, but want to taste before buying.

  21. They look healthy and yummy! Who wouldn't want to try them??

  22. Cherries are my favorite! This juice sound soooooo good! I would really love to try it.

  23. I love trying new stuff! And I love the flavor of cherry so I think I would enjoy it!

  24. because i am sure they will be delicious.

  25. I would love to try Tart Cherry Relax!

  26. because its something new and different that ive never tried.

  27. I would love to try these! They sound delicious:) I also like cherries but we don't get them that often either. Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. It sounds delicious. I want to try them because I love cherries! Thank you for the chance.

  29. I want to try these juices because I have never tried them before and they look so tasty!

  30. I would love to try them because I love cherries!

  31. I want to try them because I heard they were good for you and I think I would love the taste.

  32. I love cherry juice...I have only tried their regular variety so this would be a great way to try the others!

  33. I love cherries and I think that I would also love the different Cherry varieties!

  34. I would love to try this because I love cherries, but also for the health benefits! Now that I am over 40 (ugh), I have been making a conscious effort to take better care of myself. Thanks for such a great and tasty giveaway. Happy holidays!

  35. I would like to try the juice because I love cherries but I have never head cherry juice.
    -Lilith Katz

  36. Cause I never have pure cherry juice

  37. I love cherries so I would love to try Cheribundi juices!

  38. I love tart cherries and this is healthy too!

    -Jen Haile

  39. I want to try these to find a healthy and tasty drink.

  40. I want to try these because I'm always looking to try new and interesting products.

  41. I want to try Cheribundi because I used to drink Cherry juice when I was a child but I haven't seen it for years.

  42. Because they are healthy and I love cherries.

  43. I love cherries and I heard they are great tasting

  44. I want to try it because I love tart drinks! And it's good for me.

  45. it looks and sounds like it would taste great would love to find out

  46. i am a huge cherry juice fan. sounds yummy.

    danielle marie xdanimarie(at)yahoo(dot)com

  47. i want to seee what they taste like


  48. I'd like to try these because I love to try new things, especially new healthy things! I find that the best way for me to eat healthy is to have a variety of healthy options available.

  49. I would love to try this because I like cherries and I really like trying new things

  50. I need my juices! They get me going during the day

  51. I would love to try these! They sound delicious

  52. I would like to see how it tastes.
    Brittney House

  53. I really love cherries!
    kaytewatts AT aol DOT com

  54. Trying out this healthy lifestyle and this seems like a great product to assist me in this journey

  55. I'd like to try it because it sounds good.

  56. I want to try it because I love cherries and I keep hearing about the benefits of tart cherries.

  57. I am tired of continously drinking soda so this would be a healthier evening option. Thank you

  58. I have never tried these. I am always looking for new healthy drinks.

  59. I hear cherry juice helps relieve arthritis pain so I need to try it:)
