
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Amazing Grass & a Giveaway!

By now we all know of my love for superfoods. I mean, who wouldn't love getting a jolt of antioxidants, nutrients, vitamins & minerals with as little calories as possible?! And let's not forget how great it makes you feel! 

Amazing Grass was kind enough to send me a variety of their superfood products. And by the name alone, you can tell that they're green superfoods (all centered around a blend of wheat grass, kale, barley grass & alfalfa),  but taste far better than going outside & getting a handful of grass to eat.

Green SuperFood has amazing flavors like Orange Dreamsicle, Pineapple Lemongrass & Berry. You can't even taste any of the greens, especially when you mix them with juice, milk or in a smoothie. The only thing that gets me is the texture, but that's mostly my fault since I'm always in a rush & don't shake it enough (so make sure you do). But that's quite OK, since I love having the extra energy to get me through my mornings without drinking a pot of coffee. 

Kidz SuperFood is available in Chocolate & Wild Berry Flavors. These are perfect for a picky eater! The fruit & veggie rainbow is covered with ingredients like asparagus, carrots, pineapple, tomatoes, blueberries & beets. of course my pickiest eater wouldn't drink hers right away & it started to settle a bit (she's a texture weirdo like me), which turned her off. But my other two kids didn't seem to notice.

Amazing Meal is the perfect solution to make sure that you don't skip a meal. I don't know how many times I finally get the chance to eat lunch, only to look at the clock & see that it's almost 2:00. So most of the time I end up skipping, which makes me pig out at dinner, therefore making me uber lazy for the rest of the evening. And I don't have time to be lazy! Since Amazing Meal is a dietary supplement made with the same main green superfood blend plus added protein, fruits & veggies, it's enough to keep you satisfied. Added bonus - with flavors like Cafe Mocha, Vanilla Chai & Pomegranate Mango, it tastes more like dessert!

Green SuperFood Energy Bars are for those that still prefer to chew their superfood. Made with fruits, veggies & Green SuperFood Powder these bars satisfy your hunger & give you added energy while making you feel like you're indulging yourself. My favorite has to be the Chocolate Chip Coconut, it was like eating an Almond Joy. I almost tried to stop myself, until I looked at the bar, saw the green & reminded myself how healthy it was. Actually if given the chance, I'd choose this bar over an Almond Joy any day!

This is by far the easiest shaker I've ever used. Just a lid & a cup, no extra strainers or whatever they are. The measurements are fairly easy to read & it doesn't leak when I shake it. But the best part has to be inside the lid - Cheers!

And if you have an iPhone, you can get the app to take their Two Week Challenge. (You want to feel great & energized right?) Don't have an iPhone to take the challenge, that's OK. You can still sign up for Amazing Grass emails & receive special offers, new product info & more. Who knows, you might even turn into a GrassHead! If you join the GrassHeads (US & Canada residents) you get a 20% discount, auto shipment on products & even free shipping (US only)!

Check out this photo on Instagram!

Eager to try some Green SuperFood for yourself?
One  lucky winner will receive one (100 serving size) container of Green SuperFood in the flavor of their choice!
The giveaway will conclude on at 12:00 a.m. est on Wednesday 1/1/14. Winners will be announced via rafflecopter & in a separate blog post which will be published no later than 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday 1/1/14. Winners will also be notified via email & announced on the Smith and Blessings facebook page. Winners will have 48 hours to submit shipping information, which will then be passed on to Amazing Grass for distribution of product. If 48 hours has lapsed, a new winner will be picked & then will also have 48 hours to submit their information. *Giveaway open to U.S. & Canada residents only. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Keep up with the latest from Amazing Grass on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & YouTube.

**Disclaimer: I received these products to try from Amazing Grass & am simply sharing my personal opinion which may vary from yours. I was not compensated for this review.


  1. I would probably pick Chocolate Green if i won.

  2. Something with Chocolate. But I would put this up as a gift for my friend!

  3. Pineapple Lemongrass sounds pretty yummy.

  4. I would love the Chocolate Peppermint Green SuperFood

  5. We'd like Chocolate or Chocolate Peppermint. tough to decide!

  6. Chocolate , thanks for the chance

  7. I would choose the chocolate one!

  8. chocolate peppermint or orange dreamsicle

  9. I would choose the chocolate green superfood! mmm

  10. I would try the berry or the orange dreamsicle super green food.

  11. I would like either the Pineapple and Lemongrass or the Chocolate! Thanks for such a yummy giveaway and happy new year :)

  12. I would try the orange dreamsicle; and chocolate peppermint also looks good!

  13. I think I would try the Orange Dreamsicle first in some OJ or maybe vanilla almond milk.

  14. I would want the chocolate green variety.

  15. I would choose "original" flavor so I can add it to my smoothies!

  16. I think I would like the orange dreamsicle.

  17. I would try Sweet and Savory Almond Whole Food Energy Bars.

  18. I'd like to try the Orange Dreamsicle Green .

  19. Chocolate peppermint sounds amazing!

  20. I think I'd go for Chocolate Peppermint

  21. I would choose chocolate green superfood!

  22. I would choose Berry Green SuperFood.

  23. Berry or Orange!

  24. I would pick the chocolate green superfood

  25. I'd pick either chocolate or the orange dreamsicle.

  26. I want to try the chocolate superfood

  27. Either the chocolate or the Berry Greens

  28. I'd choose the pineapple lemon grass =]

  29. Maybe the pumpkin spice... sounds super! (Groans....)

  30. berry green looks the best to me!

  31. Chocolate of course! This actually looks very interesting to me. Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. Berry or energy flavor would be good

  33. I would love to try the chocolate or pineapple lemon grass.

  34. I would choose the chocolate green superfood! mmm

  35. The Pineapple Lemongrass for sure!

  36. I love the Chocolate flavor! I would like to try the Cafe Mocha!

  37. I went straight to the energy bars on the website, but it's hard to pick one. The chocolate chip sounds awesome!

  38. I would try the berry raw reserve!

  39. I would choose the chocolate flavor.

  40. The Berry Raw reserve love to try it

  41. I would definitely go with chocolate.

  42. Berry Raw Reserve looks like just what I need to help recover from my recent surgery!
