
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ageless Derma Pressed Mineral Blush in Primrose

Years ago I used to wear blush. Then one day I forgot to put it on. I forgot day after day till eventually, I just didn't wear it anymore. Until recently of course. But not just any blush, Pressed Mineral Blush by Ageless Derma. (Where has this been my whole life?!)

First I noticed the packaging, I've never seen a blush come in a box before. That made me even more eager to find out what was inside! 

So while I was opening the box, I noticed the back of it. NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS. Most of the time, this is in the fine print somewhere on packages. Not the part that draws your attention!

 The black that you see here, has a matte-like finish to it. I'm not sure why, but I love that! 

 Another thing that I love, is that you don't have to hold the compact open. It was so much easier to just open it & set it aside with the lid erect. It always irritates me when I set something down on my pedestal sink near the faucet & the lid rests on the edge, eventually making the whole thing fall into the sink. And yes, sometimes there's water in there when it happens. 

Being that I just recently started wearing blush again, I know that I need to invest in a good blush brush. But for now, this mini will have to do. Which actually works quite well, but I'm thinking that has more to do with the mineral makeup itself. And I was pretty impressed with how easily the blush adhered to the brush.

But this is why I love this mineral blush! Primrose is the perfect color for me since it's so light. You can barely see where I applied it on my hand. (Hint: it's off to the right side of my hand. Do you see the bit of shimmer now?) I'm back to wearing blush every day now but you can barely tell. Aside from the flawless finish of course.

Learn more about Ageless Derma & the other products they have to offer here.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I like this Melissa, very pretty :)

  2. That looks really nice! Love it. :)

  3. I might have to try this since I am very fair skinned as well!

  4. That color seems like it'd be perfect for me too - I am fair skinned and always seem like I look like a clown any time I wear blush.. lol :) Will definitely be checking them out!
