
Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Bluapple: Review & Giveaway

I know I'm not the only one to notice the increasing prices of produce! And that's not even getting organic. But with fresh fruits & veggies such an important part of our daily diets, there's really not much we can do about it. (Unless you live in the perfect locale for a year round garden.) But there is something we can do to make sure we're not throwing our money away.

Produce releases ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening & spoilage process. We all remember something about that from Chemistry class, right? But did you know that different fruits & vegetables omit different amounts of ethylene gas? This can make other fruits & veggies that are well into the ripening stage, spoil in what seems like no time at all.

(Excuse the reflection.) View this photo on Instagram

The Bluapple contains a packet of active ingredient granules that absorb the ethylene gas omitted by your produce. Once absorbed, it is completely harmless & will have no effect on your fruits & veggies. The Bluapple works best in contained spaces (like the crisper drawers in your refrigerator) & will begin working for a full 3 months after you open the package. On their website, The Bluapple allows you to enter the date of first use, then they will send you a reminder when it's time to change the granule packet inside. And here's a tip, it's recommended that you open your old granule packet & use it as a fertilizer for your houseplants!

I've been using The Bluapple in my crisper drawers for a little while now. Most noticeably I've seen a huge difference with berries, tomatoes, lettuce & other leafy greens (I believe in a salad a day). I don't know how many times I've bought strawberries before with the intention of using them in 2-3 days, only they don't quite make it that long, so I have to buy more. But now they seemed to be as good as the day I bought them after 2-3 days!

Want to start saving money by extending the life of your produce?

The Bluapple will send three lucky winners a Bluapple pack of their own! The giveaway will conclude on at 12:00 a.m. est on Thursday 9/26/13. Winners will be announced via rafflecopter & in a separate blog post which will be published no later than 9:00 a.m. on Thursday 9/26/13. Winners will also be notified via email & announced on the Smith and Blessings facebook page. Winners will have 24 hours to submit shipping information, which will then be passed on to The Bluapple for distribution of product. If 24 hours has lapsed, a new winner will be picked & then will also have 24 hours to submit their information. *Giveaway open to U.S. & Canada residents. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep up with the latest from The Bluapple on facebook and twitter!

*Available nationally at retail locations such as Whole Foods and Bed Bath & Beyond, as well as online.

 **Disclaimer: I received these products to try from The Bluapple & am simply sharing my personal opinion which may vary from yours. I was not compensated for this review.


  1. Very interesting! Sure would be handy since I started buying more fruits and veggies for my family!

  2. The fact that those "apples" are blue are good, no mixing up with the real fruits/veggies!

  3. Always the lettuce first, then the cucumbers!

  4. Lettuce. And cauliflower, because "someone" never checks the head to make sure it doesn't come home with icky spots.

  5. I seem to be throwing out lettuce and cauliflower.

  6. Peaches and strawberries---I love them , but I feel like they spoil as soon as I buy them :(

  7. Blueberries spoil in my fridge.

  8. Strawberries never make it a day or 2 for me.

  9. I need to get one of these. My produce is ALWAYS going bad. Im horrible lol

  10. Lettuce and onions get tossed more often than I'd like :/

  11. I feel like I am always throwing away lettuce and strawberries.

  12. I can't seem to keep avocadoes fresh.

  13. I think we waste more strawberries and black berries than anything. I ended up throwing them in the freezer now before they go bad.

  14. I always end up throwing out peaches and plums!

  15. strawberries or lettuce seem to be the first to spoil.

  16. mostly green peppers and tomatoes

  17. definitely salad, but also i have had raspberries and strawberries spoil quite fast (alisa)

  18. strawberries and lettuce
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

  19. Lately I have thrown away a lot of zucchini.

  20. With me it's always the lettuce and I make a salad every day and it just doesn't seem to last.

  21. I throw away a lot of strawberries and lettuce :(

  22. strawberries and then pears. Sometimes the cherry tomatoes give me issues.

  23. The leafy greens (chard, kale, etc.) that we get so much of in the farm box! It seems that if we don't cook and eat it within a day it's bad!

  24. strawberries and tomatoes always seem to go bad quickly

  25. My strawberries and grapes...If they get the least but squishy, they're gross to me.

  26. Tomatoes but only because we grow them in the summer and we freeze lots so there is always some spoilage but then we just feed it and other leftovers to our chickens.

  27. I have to throw out lettuce way too often!

  28. Spinach, I rarely use it all before it goes bad

  29. ugh, grapes are the bane of my refrigerator i swear!

  30. Strawberries and Cucumbers.. it seems like I throw them out every week :( Such a waste!

  31. Lettuce mixes! We get the big container from Costco and its always a race to use up those baby greens before they spoil.

  32. Cucumbers!!! Always the cucumbers then the lettuce

  33. My lettuce always goes bad the fastest.

  34. I throw out a lot of strawberries, bananas, and cucumbers due to spoilage.

  35. Lettuce is always going bad quickly in my fridge.

  36. Strawberries! I love them but can never eat them fast enough.

  37. Leafy lettuces such as Red Leaf and Romaine.

  38. Lettuce and strawberries are the worst. But I finally learned a trick that helped with the lettuce. (put it in a container with a couple of paper towels / napkins on the bottom and top) That has helped dramatically. Now I just need these to help with the fruit :)

    1. That is a great trick! And it helps keep your lettuce from turning color if you cut it with a knife.

  39. I end up throwing out zucchini, no one else likes it but me.

    1. I have a yummy recipe for Zucchini Bread. Even those that say they dislike zucchini love it!

  40. i always throw out lettuce and peaches! i woudl love to have them last longer!!

  41. The strawberries and blueberries always go bad

  42. For me it is tomatoes and bananas! <3

    Thank you so much for the chance!

  43. Lots of fruit and vegetables especially grapes and apples and bell peppers. Oops! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  44. I throw away mostly fruits and veggies.I love fruit, but most of the time I buy more than I can eat in a week so they go bad. Yesterday I threw away peaches. cucumbers and some cauliflower!

  45. bagged lettuce and persian cucumbers from Trader Joes

  46. Plums and lettuce go bad pretty easily around here. We do love them but I'm not sure what it us.

  47. Berries and any leafy greens seem to die off before we can eat them all!

  48. Strawberries and Zucchini. Thank you :)
    sue-hull64 at comcast dot net
