
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Work It Wednesday: An Upwave Workout

Guess what! I found another amazing website that I have to share with you.

Upwave focuses on 5 pillars:

Eat (food related obviously)
Move (exercise related)
Relax (enough said)
Thrive (feel good being you)
Connect (relationships with people)

So of course I had to check out "Move" to see what it had to offer. Well, how would you like legs like Rhianna's? (Didn't she have an insurance policy on those gams?!)

Yea, I know that sounds a bit far fetched. But it's not. I swear. 

OK, so who is Ary Nuñez? 

None other than the feisty personal trainer of Rhianna and owner of Gotham Global Fitness! Now do you see why Upwave is definitely making splashes?

So head on over, register (it's free) & see what else they have to offer. 

(If you need me, I'll be working on my kicks.) 

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