
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Work It Wednesday: Brittnae Giesau on Instagram

When I joined the Twitter bandwagon a couple years ago I had no clue what I was doing. Somehow I found a normal person, Brittnae Giesau, & followed her. She sent me a DM to thank me for the follow & I started asking her questions about how to use Twitter. She was so sweet & helped me as much as she could. So of course I had to connect with her on Facebook too. (At least I knew a little of what I was doing on there.)

Here & there I witnessed Brittnae achieve her dream of becoming a SAHM (with a little bit of WAHM). She is a Beachbody Coach, Certified Group Fitness Instructor, clean eater, awesome mother & an amazing motivator!

But recently I started following her on Instagram. And let me tell you, that's where the real motivation starts!

View this iconic photo on Instagram

I decided to just share one of her pictures & this has to be my favorite. I mean, have you ever seen someone look so good doing yoga?!

Be sure you connect with Brittnae on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & YouTube & check out her website!

1 comment:

  1. I just envy that you have 3 kids, and have time to even THINK about working out!
