
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Think It Thursday: So Much To Do

This was me last night. What should have been a day with just 2nd grade orientation in the evening, turned into a nonstop day. A scheduling conflict between a dentist appointment & the first day of Pre-K threw everything off. 

I had all three kids & myself out the door before 7 a.m. to be able to drop off the baby (even though I think she's technically a toddler now) & make it to our new dentist appointments on time. Yes, there were two. There were also two doctors appointments. Add in brunch with an old friend, picking up the hubs from work, picking up the baby & picking up a vehicle the hubs bought off of his brother to the already scheduled 2nd grade orientation & that made my day insanely busy!

So now I sit here, slowly getting tired since this is the longest I've sat down all day. The same picture still applies for tomorrow since I already had a few things that I have to get done by tomorrow. But now with everything that I usually do on Thursday's too. And I think I'm going to make a peach pie tomorrow since I picked some peaches with the kids when we went to get their sister. 

If only I could sleep until Saturday...

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