
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Snacktastic Saturday: Honey Sesame Bananas

Ever want a little something that's packed with flavor, but still healthy? Then you're in luck! Well, if you have bananas, honey(or agave nectar) & some sesame seeds you are. OK, so the sesame seeds aren't a necessity. But to me they are, because they remind me of the Sesame Fried Bananas I used to eat at the Chinese restaurant I worked at when I was a teenager.

I know it doesn't look very appealing, but oh my goodness is it delicious! Of course I didn't take the time to carefully flip each banana, one at a time, to get a good caramelized coating. I waited till it was time to flip, then I just starting flipping whatever I could fit on my spatula. As soon as the smell of caramelized banana goodness hit me, I had zero patience. 

How To:

•honey or agave nectar
•sesame seeds (optional)

-Slice bananas & place in heated skillet.
-Cook until they start to caramelize & then flip to caramelize the other side.
-Just before removing from pan, add in desired amount of honey & sesame seeds. Stir lightly.
-Resist the temptation to dig in right away & let your bananas cool a bit before devouring. 

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