
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Stuffed Peppers

Now that July is in full swing, there's plenty of fruits & veggies at NE Ohio Farmers Markets. So of course I have to load up on what I can. Especially peppers! I use them in eggs, salads, fajitas & just sliced up with some hummus. But I always have to make some Stuffed Peppers, no matter how hot it is.

How To:

•5-6 decent sized peppers, tops & insides removed
•nonstick cooking spray
•1 lb. hamburger
•1 small onion, chopped
•1/2 C. instant white rice, cooked
•6 oz. can tomato paste
•15 oz. can tomato sauce
•salt & pepper

•Spray baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.
•Pierce bottoms of peppers 3-4 times with a fork.
•In a large bowl, thoroughly combine hamburger, onion, rice, salt, pepper, tomato paste & about half a can of tomato sauce.
 •Stuff peppers with filling mixture.
•Spoon remaining sauce on tops.
•Bake in a 350 degree oven for 45-60 minutes. The tops will look "done" & the peppers will be fairly soft. 

*Note: I decided to take half of a leftover stuffed pepper & put it inside a grilled cheese sandwich. Can we say "tasty"?!


  1. yummy these look amazing thanks for sharing them with us....quick and easy and looks great thanks.

  2. Thanks for the recipe:) I love stuffed peppers!
    anne d
