
Friday, July 26, 2013

Fun Friday: Sidewalk Paint

Sidewalk chalk is fun, but if you have a bumpy surface, it can be difficult for your little ones to perfect their masterpiece. And let's not forget the aftermath that may possibly ensue after the piece dubbed as "the favorite" breaks. (Please tell me I'm not the only mom to ever witness that.)

Don't worry, sidewalk fun will never be the same again. Imagine bright, neat pictures, no broken pieces & sounds of laughter!

How To:

•1 part cornstarch
•1 part water
•few drops of food coloring (I used neon, can you tell?)
 • sponge tipped brushes

•Stir cornstarch & water together thoroughly. Add food coloring & stir again.
•Don't be stingy with the paint! Go ahead & pile it on for a more vibrant look.
•FYI: The color brightens as it dries.
 •Have fun!


  1. That is a great idea! I love how bright the colors look! My kids are teens but heck who doesn't love writing on the sidewalk :) They still do it!

  2. this is great. no breaking as you say, no fighting and an endless supply of paint!(much cheaper too)

  3. My grandson would have a big time with this.

  4. Oh my gosh... my daughter's name is written all over this!! Thank you for the idea.
