
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Daddy Diaper Pack Review & Giveaway!

I have to admit, I gave up on diaper bags about halfway through my 2nd baby. I found that my big purse (affectionately dubbed "Mom's suitcase" by the hubs) worked just as good for me. But what happens when Dad has the kids & needs to go somewhere? I know my hubs wouldn't be caught dead lugging around one of my purses. Even though I'm pretty sure he'd make our oldest attempt to carry it (she's only 7.)

That's where the Daddy Diaper Pack by Daddy Scrubs comes in.

"The Daddy Diaper Pack is the ultimate pack for Dads with full straps and clips to lock it down, and to take it off quickly and easily.  The custom design allows less fumbling through deep pockets and eliminates struggling to take off the pack while holding baby."

 I was amazed at just how much this Daddy Diaper Pack could hold. The hubs was pretty amazed too because he told me how comfortable it was to carry around, never straining.

 This is just some of the basics I take with me; an outfit for the youngest, toys for the younger two, pull-ups, dipes & wipes. As you can see, they barely fill half of one of the main sections.

The back section has plenty of room to hold dirty duds, more toys, or even a tablet (hubs fave accessory to bring.)

On the front side are 3 separate sections. A fleece lined pocket perfect for sunglasses or cell phones (top). An organizer pocket to hold your debit card, cash, keys, or anything else that's small & can't get lost (middle). And an insulated pocket perfect for juice boxes & baby carrots (bottom).

And of course you can't forget the mesh side pockets for bottles or sippy cups. (As I tell my hubs, you can't buy a filled sippy cup at the gas station. Don't forget to take one with you.)

With wide straps & hook closures on both front & back, it's easy to wear while carrying a baby. Or a toddler. Or both!

So if you're looking for an expectant father gift, new dad gift or even an experienced dad gift, I highly recommend the Daddy Diaper Pack (retail price: $69.95) And I can say that the hubs favors this over any other diaper bag or carrier we've had over the last 7 years!

Looking for a daddy to be gift now? Head on over to & use coupon code: BLOG13 for a 10% discount.

How could Daddy Scrubs get better?

Daddy Scrubs will drop ship one lucky winner a Daddy Diaper Pack!

Giveaway will conclude on Saturday 3/30/13 at 12:00 a.m. est. Winner will be announced via blog post & on Smith and Blessings facebook page (don't forget to "like" us!) by 12:00 p.m. est on 3/30/13
*Open to U.S. residents only*

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Interested in how Daddy Scrubs got started?

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I love the idea of a daddy backpack and would really like to win one for my son-in-law.

  2. i think i did it right, and looks great!!

  3. I like the original Daddy Scrubs in Edgy Navy.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  4. I would love this for my hubby!! I love the navy one!

  5. I love their scrubs too, but the Daddy Diaper Bag IS my favorite product of theirs! :) My brother is about to be a first time daddy, and this would be SO perfect for him!

  6. I like the Vintage Hoodie Slate Gray

  7. The Vintage Brown Tee Edgy is cute!

  8. The diaper bag is my favorite but the scrubs are pretty cute too

  9. I like the

  10. These are pretty cool! I like the long tees and all the scrubs!

  11. Oh i love this, I lvoe daddy scrubs, thanks for sharing!!

  12. I'm the daddy hoodie is soo adorbs

  13. I love the I'm the Daddy hoodie!

  14. I love the daddy diaper pack. We have all girls so of course have a pink diaper bag. I love how big it is we have 2 year old twins who require a lot of items when we go out his would be great for my husband.

  15. I like a lot of their products, but a diaper bag that a man wouldn't resent carrying is perfect!

  16. My favorite product besides the Daddy Diaper Pack is the Slate Gray Vintage Hoodie. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  17. I LOVE them all. I love this concept and thanks to them my step son n law felt really special last week friday when my grandson was born!

  18. I will always love the daddy scrubs!

  19. Love the scrubs, would be amazing to break the news to my husband

  20. I like the All American Onsie Blue :)

  21. I like the Walking With Daddy Plaque

  22. I like the hoodies on Daddy Scrubs.

  23. I think the daddy diaper changing tool box is pretty funny and great for a new dad! Love that idea.

  24. My favorite is the Vintage Hoodie Slate Gray.
